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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Slimindownstacey

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  1. Slimindownstacey

    Introducing me, Stacey!

    Can I ask why you have regrets? If it's too personal of course tell me to mind my own business 😜.
  2. So I am new to the site, and soon to be new to the loser's bench! I started my journey this time last year and had my first appointment with my surgeon on 08/12/2016! It has been a long and bumpy road to get here. First, the guy that did my psych evaluation. He was nice and actually in the 5 sessions it took to complete a thorough examination, I think I learned more about him than he learned about me. He had me read over the right about and there was a lot of information was incorrect and had to be corrected. I finally got through those in September 2016. I for my insurance approval in November and was scheduled for 02/27/17! I also did my sleep study 😡. That was torture! They diagnosed me with sleep apnea. And because I hadn't been on Dorris, my CPAP, for 2 weeks my upper endoscopy and surgery had to be pushed back. Turns out I had 0 apnea events and am just a shallow breather. Dorris and I made frenemies and began our hate- hate relationship. I was rescheduled for 03/23. With my diabetes we decided it was best to start my pre-op diet a little early. I was 4 days in when I needed to have my presurgery EKG done. Turns out that I have a genetic heart condition long qt interval syndrome, basically there is too much time between my up and down beats. They think the symptoms presented because of how much anesthesia they used in my upper endoscopy, I use cannabis products for pain management and that causes you to need more anesthesia. This didn't cause the condition, I have most likely had it since birth and just never presented symptom. My primary doctor, decided that since I presented we should also take time to find out why my white blood cells and platelets have been elevated. I was a little irritated as that has been the case since 2011 and we don't worry about it until I was about to have surgery. On day 8 of my pre-op diet (I was at 273.6) my surgery was cancelled until cardiology and hemotology could clear me. Both did but that took until mid to late April. Hemotology stated that after surgery I should see infectious disease to see if they can find the cause of the white blood cells. Because that was in the notes I got to wait for an additional clearance. In this time my diabetes got worse and harder to manage so I needed to crank up the insulin a lot! This caused an almost 20 lb gain and took me from 280.5 to 298. My surgical weight goal after pre-op liver shrink was 270.5. I got all cleared and surgery was rescheduled for 07/03. Because of the gain and the insulin I went back on my pre-op 06/04. I walked 1-3 miles a day I was going to hit that 270.5 goal if it killed me! The diet was 3 shakes if using milk, 4 in water, and one lean cuisine type meal with a max caloric intake of 850. I was doing 550-600max and sent my body too far into starvation mode which resulted in going hypoglycemic and my body holding on to everything! So no weightloss. We increased to the 850 and cut out the walking so that I would stop going so low I ended up in the ER. Last week I had my pre-op appointment and they said my surgery would still happen even if I did not hit 270.5, that was a huge relief and once I stopped stressing about that the weight has steadily been falling off. I hit 276.8 this morning, so I may hit the 270.5 goal after all! I still needed one more a1c (at 8.5 or less) and one more normal EKG. EKG was done Monday and is normal! And a1c was drawn Monday with results of 7.9 which mean I am cleared!!! Surgery is scheduled for 0845 07/03. I get to start my Independence day and celebrate my change the day before or country!

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