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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Boomqueen

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  1. Anyone have partial blockage after surgery? Bypass on 8/1. About two weeks ago, was severely constipated but managed to evacuate most of my bowels though I felt it wasn't entirely. Since then I've had either diarrhea or string poop, so think there's still something blocking my bowels partially. Ugh this is gross! Anyhow I'm doing miralax three times a day and a suppository every couple of days. Smooth move tea too. Will this eventually work or do I just need to go to my gastroenterologist? I'd rather avoid that if possible but don't want to make myself sick.
  2. Boomqueen

    Still obese

    Ignore the charts. Get a body dunk test.
  3. Boomqueen

    Aug 1 date

    That is smart!
  4. Boomqueen

    Aug 1 date

    Dude, I can't wait to add yogurt- still on shakes and water for another 9 days ugh. Not vits till then either. But I feel funny too, not quite right- but so much better than last week. I think getting to the pureed stage, losing the incisions patches, and being able to sleep on my side- that will be the end of the worst of it for me! I also want to quit the pain and nauseau meds but I'm afraid of how bad it might be!
  5. Boomqueen

    Aug 1 date

    How'd it go croco?
  6. You do you, boo. Give yourself what you need.
  7. Try consignment of your clothes post sz 10.
  8. I feel ya. I had a very long dream about a fried fish sandwich last night.
  9. You'll be proud of yourself, wait and see
  10. Boomqueen

    Finding Happiness

    Maybe it won't be just one thing, maybe it will be a bunch of things! You're going to get pushed out of your comfort zone. It's normal to feel sad, trust the change.
  11. Boomqueen

    PTSD and Surgery

    Yep, all three. Clearance was easy.
  12. I kept it secret for a week then told everyone in the world. It's liberating. And I hate how effective wls is but no one talks about it, so maybe I can educate some people. Now, I don't know how I would make it without their support. My friends have been so amazing, it's strengthened my relationships. I'm lucky.
  13. I have fear like that too. Both times I was assaulted, I was smaller. My plan is to take self defense classes. Maybe you could take up something that makes you feel strong?
  14. Boomqueen

    Food Cravings

    I'm two days out and I've felt hunger and cravings- wtf??? How is it possible? Am I going to fail at this immediately??
  15. Boomqueen

    Aug 1 date

    I've been coating my crushed pills in kiddie Tylenol, helps some

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
