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About betttybboop

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/10/1981

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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday betttybboop!

  2. Big Papa, you've only had one fill and you have 7cc's in your band already? I've had four fills and I only have 6.5cc's in mine. Perhaps that's why I feel no restriction!!!!! I'm assuming there was already Fluid on your band when you had the surgery?
  3. betttybboop

    Not successful in weight loss

    Honestly, as much as I appreciate those that come on this site and preech healthy eating, and I completely agree with the theory of healthy eating, I have one itty bitty, teeny, weeny, little issue. I paid $18,000 as a morbidly obese woman to get a surgery to assist in reducing the amount of food I eat. Just the restriction alone, even if I didn't change ONE thing I ate from before to after the surgery, should result in some sort of weight loss. If between day one and day two I could reverse my eating habits, I would not have needed the band in the first place. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that truth. So, I'm three months post op and up 30lbs. I've given up, I'm completely de-motivated and quite frankly, I feel ripped off. I feel like I was promised a dream come true and the entire process has been a nightmare.
  4. betttybboop

    Anyone in the Barrie, Ontario area?

    HELLO! I'm a Barrie girl! Banded 04/18th and I've actually gained 30lbs and rising. No restriction and I'm at the point where I've completely given up. A support group in the area would be great. I take the GoTrain everyday, so no probs meeting in Newmarket... but Barrie would be better! Let me know!
  5. betttybboop

    restriction when?

    I was banded on April 18th and I go for my third fill next week. So far, I've gained 20lbs. and I have absolutely no restriction. Right after my second fill, I went away for the weekend and experienced slimies and PB'ing for the first time... at the table.... with my fiance's work colleagues all around... first thing in the morning... in a hoittie toightie restaurant... I can keep going, but I assume you get the level of embarrassment I had at the time. Of course, my fiance and I couldn't stop laughing about it for the entire day. Anyways, not the point... So, yeah, going on my third fill, eating normal hard food, not liquids and mushies, and feeling NO restriction. Oh, and gaining weight rapidly... that's the worst part. When I go in next week, I'm absolutely going to ask if they can check my innards and make sure the thing is still connected... I just have a feeling something's wrong. Right now, I have 5cc's in a 10cc band and everyone I know that has the same amount as me, feels something. I'm quite worried about it and depressed beyond beliefe. Stupid me, I signed up for a motorcycle course this weekend (signed up before I got the surgery), thinking I'd be down at least 40 or 50 pounds by now... well, I'm up 20 and having to take the course tonight! The emotional battle has been SO sucky... I really need a positive result soon.
  6. betttybboop

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Good luck Love! Seems like it took forever to get to this point, but I guess it's only been 4 weeks since you and I last chatted. I'm on regular food again and tomorrow is my first fill. I'm not really nervous about it, I'm just REALLY ready to start losing weight. I'm scared something's wrong with me since I recovered VERY quickly and honestly feel like nothing's changed. I have had no restriction for two weeks and because I was on yogurt and liquids for three weeks, when I was allowed to eat again, it was like the last supper, relived, with a vengence. I did end up getting a very little infection at my port site. It was weird because it wasn't the incision that got an infection, it was the actual port. I had some redness and it was warm, so I didn't mess around, I immediately went into the clinic and after a bit of an ordeal (the nurse said she hadn't seen anything like it before, which was not comforting, and the doctor wasn't in, so they called him at his other clinic, and he said to give me antibiotics, without even seeing me! ) I was prescribed antibiotics for a week and it went away. It never hurt, so my advice to you is to keep an eye on your belly for the first few weeks. I'm not positive I even had an infection, I could have just irritated it by wearing tight jeans a little too soon, but I figured a round of antibiotics (which, oddly enough, the pharmacist thought was prescribed to me for a bladder infection??? Honestly, just a weird situation all around!) couldn't hurt, so I took them and have been fine ever since. The only issue I have is that I've been eating like a cow and I'm so positive I've gained a huge amount of weight, I've stopped weighing myself.... I can't wait for tomorrow's first fill. I really really really need some restriction to kick start my efforts... Good luck with the surgery and KEEP ME POSTED on all of your success!!!!
  7. betttybboop

    Can't stop eating!

    Wish I could but, like the originator of this thread, I'm eating more now than ever and I can't stop myself. All the things you guys have mentioned are great points, but honestly, at the time I'm binging (and yes, I'm binging with the band, and it's only been 4 weeks), nothing can stop me. Then I have no idea why I did it and I hate myself for doing it and I get depressed... we all know where that leads. I have had no issues returning to my old eating habits with the band and have had no adverse effects and although I know I should stop, something inside will not let me... So, am I the only one that's experienced this post-banding binge depression thing? I HIGHLY doubt it. And rather than hearing from those that faced limited obstacles and achieved their goals quickly (I'm not attacking you, I'm proud of you, all the power to you, but I don't believe we've had the same experience).... How about we hear from someone who has been right where I am, unable to stop, eating more than ever before, etc. What did you do and did you determine the root of the problem? Again, I'm sure this note sounds rude and someone is going to get mad at me... I'm not trying to be rude, I'm happy for everyone that's lost weight, I appreciate all of the comments and read every single one, but I'm looking for someone to share an experience with me.
  8. betttybboop

    NSV Goal Poster Board

    Sounds like a vision board! I have one for my life... I'm a bit of a "Secret" believer! Out of the 5 main themes I had on my vision board (type of car I wanted, type of man I wanted, how much money I wanted, etc.), I've accomplished/received 4 of them within one year! Its crazy... if you haven't read The Secret, read it... it's all about visualization through tools like vision boards.
  9. betttybboop

    Belly Sleepers

    2 swedish massages in a matter of days... I'm SO jealous.
  10. betttybboop

    Belly Sleepers

    I heard the gas thing was supposed to end two days after surgery... unfortunately, that's not the case for me. This is day 5 for me and it seems to be the only symptom left... I get it a lot in my chest, I hear the strangest sounds coming from my stomach and my shoulder (left), arm (left) and back of my neck KILL! It sounds like my belly is preparing for a big release of gas (to be released either down below or up above - if it has money for the elevator, as my Grandfather says), but nothing ever comes of it. It's TRAPPED and I can't get it out!
  11. betttybboop

    Belly Sleepers

    On the day of surgery, I was so drugged up, I could've slept on my head and been okay! Well, my friends, you aren't there yet, but you'll get there and it will be SWEET LUXURY, I promise. I heal quicker than most, so don't be discouraged. It only makes me hungrier, quicker! I still seem to have pressure on my chest - gas pain. I thought it would be gone by now, but no... it's taking forever to escape me. And this morning I woke up with the weirdest pain from my left wrist to my elbow. NO IDEA what that is....
  12. betttybboop

    Banded yesterday, in pain

    My nurse gave me the BESTadvice... she said, "Don't be a martyr (sp?), take your meds." I took Demerol every four hours for the first two days, even if I wasn't in pain, just so I'd get past the worst without feeling anything. Don't wait for the pain to come, take the pills before it arrives...
  13. betttybboop

    Belly Sleepers

    So, what's been the hardest part since my April 18th banding??? HAVING TO sleep ON MY BACK! I'm happy to report, this morning, I woke up ON MY BELLY!!!! I just layed there for a couple of minutes thinking, "oh yeah, this is the money, baby...." Small Pleasures I tell you, small pleasures... Anyone else experience this GLORIOUS moment post-op?
  14. betttybboop

    Belly Sleepers

    So, what's been the hardest part since my April 18th banding??? HAVING TO sleep ON MY BACK! I'm happy to report, this morning, I woke up ON MY BELLY!!!! I just layed there for a couple of minutes thinking, "oh yeah, this is the money, baby...." Small Pleasures I tell you, small pleasures... Anyone else experience this GLORIOUS moment post-op?
  15. betttybboop

    ugh!! Quitting Smoking!!!

    I was told to quit smoking for 10 days before the surgery and when the nurse called to see how I was doing, I advised her that if I could stop smoking for 10 days straight, I wouldn't be a smoker... she laughed and told me she smokes too and that they only ask you to stop because smoking delays the healing process. Can you talk to your doctor again and ask WHY you need to quit prior to surgery? Will they not do it if you can't quit?

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