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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by newby23

  1. I came on the site today looking for someone else going through this. I had my 3rd fill a month ago and all of a sudden I can not get any food down. It becomes very painfull and I even threw up today after only 2 bites of food. I know it is time for my cycle and I had read somewhere on this site before that can make you tighter, but this is the first time I am feeling it. I think I want to call the docs office, because I am also having a problem with BM's now I was wondering if it is related. Glad to hear it is not just me. I would hate to have to have an unfill because I was feeling good restriction, but if it keeps up, I am going to have to consider it.
  2. newby23

    Different type of goal

    I slacked off during the holidays with exercise and let my addiction to sweets get the best of me. This caused me to gain about 6 pounds. When I got on the scale and it was back up to 240 it freaked me out. :confused: Since then I have been avoiding sweets altogether. This is much easier said than done. I find protein bars are a great substitute. I have even picked up exercising again. I noticed my scaled going back down and couldn't be happier. I don't ever want it to go up again. My Birthday is around the corner and instead of setting a weight loss goal, I set myself an exercise goal. I am motivated by that and working out 2 times a day now.
  3. newby23

    Sweet Spot

    I had a little trouble getting my third fill the first time around. The NP could not find the center of the port and I had to be stuck about 4 times so she gave up. She said my port did not feel like it had flipped, but that it was at an angle. I had to go back a week later to let the doc try :smile:. Well it took him a minute and a couple of sticks as well, but he figured out it was higher up than they thought. Eureka!:thumbup:He found it and gave me a whole cc fill. This took me 6.5 CC and a very comfortable sweet spot. I am not hungry all the time and really can control my between meal snacking because of it. I have started to loose weight and that makes me feel great. I was getting depressed with the first two fills because I was still in bandster hell. I am very happy about my everchanging relationship with my band, but I can't help but be nervous about the next fill.
  4. newby23

    Sweet Spot

    I had a little trouble getting my third fill the first time around. The NP could not find the center of the port and I had to be stuck about 4 times so she gave up. She said my port did not feel like it had flipped, but that it was at an angle. I had to go back a week later to let the doc try :blushing:. Well it took him a minute and a couple of sticks as well, but he figured out it was higher up than they thought. Eureka!:thumbup:He found it and gave me a whole cc fill. This took me 6.5 CC and a very comfortable sweet spot. I am not hungry all the time and really can control my between meal snacking because of it. I have started to loose weight and that makes me feel great. I was getting depressed with the first two fills because I was still in bandster hell. I am very happy about my everchanging relationship with my band, but I can't help but be nervous about the next fill.
  5. newby23

    A new found love

    I took a water aerobics class today and loved it. I can't wait to go back. I have heard a lot of people say it is a good form of exercise and now I see why. I could feel it in my abs, arms and legs, but I did not feel run down. It was great for my mental too. There is something about being in the water that instantly relaxes you. I would recommend it to anyone of any fitness level. I know I am probably preaching to the choir and am the last person to try it, but just in case there is anyone who has been thinking about doing it, I hope this encourages you to at least try. :tounge_smile:
  6. newby23

    A new found love

    I took a water aerobics class today and loved it. I can't wait to go back. I have heard a lot of people say it is a good form of exercise and now I see why. I could feel it in my abs, arms and legs, but I did not feel run down. It was great for my mental too. There is something about being in the water that instantly relaxes you. I would recommend it to anyone of any fitness level. I know I am probably preaching to the choir and am the last person to try it, but just in case there is anyone who has been thinking about doing it, I hope this encourages you to at least try. :confused:
  7. newby23

    Different type of goal

    I slacked off during the holidays with exercise and let my addiction to sweets get the best of me. This caused me to gain about 6 pounds. When I got on the scale and it was back up to 240 it freaked me out. :confused: Since then I have been avoiding sweets altogether. This is much easier said than done. I find protein bars are a great substitute. I have even picked up exercising again. I noticed my scaled going back down and couldn't be happier. I don't ever want it to go up again. My Birthday is around the corner and instead of setting a weight loss goal, I set myself an exercise goal. I am motivated by that and working out 2 times a day now.
  8. newby23

    10/07/08 Noah and I.

    From the album: The old me.

  9. newby23

    No caption

    From the album: The old me.

  10. newby23

    10/07/08 Me and Jordie.

    From the album: The old me.

  11. newby23

    The old me.

    Pictures taken the day before surgery.
  12. newby23

    My two sons.

    From the album: The old me.

  13. newby23

    I hate taking pictures.

    From the album: The old me.

  14. newby23

    christmas 2008. In this picture I am Down 65 pounds

    Awesome Job! Your pictures are so motivating. I can't wait to get there.
  15. Hi Cindy. Thanks for the Friend request. Sometimes it seems like no one really understands you but a fellow bandster. I am having the same problem with holdiay junk food. I stalled with loosing but am back on track and giving up sweets cold turkey:thumbup:. Cross your fingers for me. I am on day 3.

  16. newby23

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Count me in....... Name_________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal________ToGo *****<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><V:SHAPETYPE id=_x0000_t75 path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">:tt1:</V:SHAPETYPE>***********:tt1:***********************:tt1:****** :smile2: * agreatknead........204............194...........180...........14 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......253............217...........195...........22 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............210...........191...........19 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71.........223.4............220.4.........189...........31.4 Claudine...........250............231...........225............6 Bunkey1965.........194............177...........170............7 CubsGirl17.........172............161...........150...........11 Cutiew/booty.......251............237...........220...........17 cQQlgirl...........195............189...........175...........14 crzytchr...........276............265...........246...........19 Donna113...........199............192.5.........160...........32.5 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............222...........190...........32 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............143...........130...........13 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 janesays ..........244............244...........225...........19 Jeni85.............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235..........206.5...........185.........21.5 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............236...........200...........36 Liquidbluegal......225..........214.6...........199.........15.6 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 Long2BThin.........253............228...........215...........13 lotzasunshine......292............283...........250...........33 Luu2008............230..........199.5...........153.........46.5 Lunabeane..........244...........197............187.........10.0 Mamanmidwife.......295............276...........260...........16 Melissa Aguirre ...266............233...........160....... 73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 newby23............242............242...........212...........30 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............240...........220...........20 rainer.............236............231...........210...........21 Redtulips3.........180............175...........160...........15 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............191...........165...........26 srknepler..........285............253.7...........255.........-1.3 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............167...........160...........07 Suzzzie............305............305...........285...........20 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............227...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 Turler.............219............213...........194...........19 youcandoit!........196............187...........165...........22
  17. Great Thread! I was banded on the 8th and go back to work on the 27th. I hadn't even thought about eating at work. You all gave some great ideas. I am lucky that I have a fridge as well so I think it will be stocked with SF Jello for the days that the company decides to buy Krispy Kreme:cursing:. I found a salmon pouch today(like the tuna) which gives a little variation to the tuna. Just added a little olive oil mayo. Great Protein and Omega-3. :thumbup:Good luck NFaith, it sounds like you have a good foundation.
  18. newby23

    Port Pain

    Hang in there!!! I was banded on 10/08 and the port pain has been the hardest part of healing. It does get better over time though. I truly agree that getting up and down from sitting or lying positions is the worst. Having help, though does take some of the pressure off your muscles. My husband has become a great pull bar.:thumbup::thumbup: Just remember the end results!!!!:smile2:
  19. I am two days post op as well. I noticed that the gas and burbing seems to be getting worse. In the hospital they said that both were good. Something about getting extra air out of your lungs and your belly. I am up and moving around today. The worst pain I have is at the port site. It is still a little swelled up and I can feel that muscle pulling when I sit or stand. I do feel a little panicked about getting down 64 oz of fluid though, because I can only sip a little before it starts to get uncomfortable. So hang in there I am sure in a couple of days the worste will be behind us.
  20. newby23

    What won't you miss?

    I read a thread like this a while back too and think it is awesome. There is so much that I won't miss. A few things on my list are: *Not being able to tie my shoes without a struggle *Not wearing cute shoes due to a lack of wide width *Hiding from cameras (I swear they add 20lbs) *Not riding roller coasters with my kids and hubby (fear of restraints not holding) Just to name a few :tt2:
  21. I am being banded on 9/25 originally 9/11 :tt1: but Doc had to go out of town). I was curious about time off as well, but my job approved me for time off with pay for 2 weeks. So I figure I will take it and use the time to get used to my new eating habits. Good look to all September Samurai's and I look forward to sharing success on the other side of my journey as an official BANDSTAR!
  22. Surgery Date 9/11/2008 I am so excited to have a date, I can't sleep!!! Good Luck September Samurai's.... H/C/SD/G 271/258/?/150 GO EAGLES!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
