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    jhud2115 reacted to thisisthenewme in Plastics today!!   
    My plastic surgery was today!
    I had it done by Dr. Kara in Scarborough, Ontario. He did a lower body lift with fleur de lis Tummy Tuck, muscle repair and lipo!! He is absolutely wonderful. So caring and was literally excited to transform me!!
    Surgery lasted 7 hours and he removed 10lbs of skin and fat!!!
    I'm doing well, haven't moved yet, so we'll see how that goes in an hour or two. Otherwise pain is good. I actually feel better then after my RNY!
    Anxious to get to see something, but certainly not in a rush.
    Very sleepy, I'll update more later
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    jhud2115 reacted to BrodieGL25 in 13 week progress   
    Picture on the left was a couple of hours before surgery. Pic on the right is the day of my 13 week check up. 75 pounds down. Come on everyone !!! We can do this. We have a community supporting and cheering us on [emoji4].

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    jhud2115 reacted to Introversion in Cut Calories and Excercise and no weight loss   
    I notice you eat an excessive amount of carbohydrates for someone with PCOS who is attempting to lose weight. Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice, pastas, etc.
    The hallmark of PCOS is insulin resistance. Those with insulin resistance remain in perpetual fat-storage mode when they don't curtail their carb intake. The manner in which you're eating stimulates a continual stream of insulin production, thereby keeping your fat stores from being burned off. Therefore, you won't lose weight.
    Think of it this way...carbs are the easy, preferential way for your body to burn for fuel and energy, so why would it waste precious effort metabolizing your stored body fat when it obtains all the energy it needs from the constant stream of starches you feed it?
    My advice is to curtail your carb intake ASAP. Good luck to you.
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    jhud2115 reacted to Introversion in Cut Calories and Excercise and no weight loss   
    How many calories per day are you obtaining? How many grams of Protein? How many ounces of Water do you drink daily? Do you track?
    I'm asking because some WLS patients keep their food intake too low for too long, thinking this will promote continued weight loss when it won't. The combo of over-exercise and underfeeding is notorious for causing prolonged stalls and plateaus.
    A weight loss of 36 pounds in 12 months is concerning...
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    jhud2115 reacted to NuNu2005 in Gained almost all my weight back   
    I haven't had my surgery yet but I have lost substantial amounts of weight and gained it back. I would suggest you go in for counselling/therapy so you can learn how to deal with your feelings instead of overeating. Its a problem that a lot of overweight people have. The Biggest Loser contestant and winner-I believe Ali Vincent. Very successfully lost weight, won the show, had a television show and endorsements. She said in an interview she went for a massage and was fondled and sexually assaulted and she gained almost all of her weight back. When people are traumatized like you with your personal losses we tend to soothe ourselves. I know if I experienced that my first instinct would be to go for a bear claw with melted butter and vanilla ice cream-but dont get me started. You have to learn to take care of your emotions and figure out what triggers you and what you can do differently when adversity comes up.
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    jhud2115 reacted to Introversion in Gained almost all my weight back   
    I am so very sorry for your loss and recent family illnesses.
    In essence, there's no magical secret to losing weight with a sleeve: Start doing the things that caused you to lose weight when you were first sleeved. Stop doing the things that have caused you to regain a massive amount of weight.
    However, and I say this as sensitively as possible...weight loss should not be your primary focus right now. It's time to adopt coping skills that don't revolve around food as comfort. If you lose weight right now, will you regain when the next crisis arises due to turning to food?
    90+ percent of success with weight loss post-sleeve is psychological. Your head must be fully in the game. Good luck to you, and I'll keep your family in my thoughts.
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    jhud2115 reacted to emmybaby666 in 100 pounds lost!   
    Feeling so good!!!!
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    jhud2115 reacted to GrrlAnn in Long post but I needed to say this to people who would understand   
    I think it's interesting that your surgeon wants you to get to a size 10-12. I just had a conversation with my surgery team at my 6 month follow up where they told me that getting to my goal (shopping in regular stores size 12/14) may be unrealistic... Keep in mind I started at a size 20W, kill myself at the gym 5 days a week and stick to the eating plan religiously. I share this just to show you how far you've come and how different doctors have VERY different expectations of their patients.

    I say you are doing an amazing, stupendous, completely wonderful job!!! If I were you I'd keep going until my body felt like it's where it wants to be. Then I'd convince my surgeon to finish the plastics.

    Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    jhud2115 reacted to Banded2003NYC in Long post but I needed to say this to people who would understand   
    You got this! Do not let those demons sabotage you. You're human so no worries on the junk food. We're entitled to slip once in a while. Continue shining and continue radiating beauty. Good luck!

    HW320 Pds
    SW 311.5 pds
    CW 300 pds
    GW 182.5 pds
    Sleeved on July 26, 2017
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    jhud2115 reacted to Dashofpixiedust8 in Long post but I needed to say this to people who would understand   
    I kind of just need to vent and air out my laundry. So feel free to read on and offer advice as you see fit. I know it is long so you don’t have to read it either. Maybe you can relate, maybe you can’t but I wanted to share this with people who might understand. I do have some before and after pictures at the bottoms also if you just want to look at those!
    I am having a hard time lately. I had my sleeve surgery on 5/29/16. I started this process at the end of October 2015 weighing in at 540 pounds. I used to have to wear portable oxygen 24/7 because I was so overweight my fat was pressing against my lungs and restricting my breathing. I have managed to get down to 248 pounds since my surgery 14 months ago. Now I can walk 6 miles up and down hills without even getting out of breath.
    I just had the first of many plastic surgeries on June 5th. It was just an interim surgery since I am not at goal yet, but losing over 290 pounds will affect your skin drastically and I needed my stomach hang removed for quality of life reasons.
    I want many more plastic surgeries. My thighs are my biggest concern. My plastic surgeon told me he wants me to get to goal and wait at least 9 months at a stable weight before we do any more though.
    My doctor’s just want me to get to a size 12 or 10 as my goal. I started at a size 38/40 and now I am a size 14/16. That is insane to me honestly. I don’t think I have been a size 14/16 since I was 10 years old.
    Now, to be clear, I am a huge self-sabotager. I have been challenged by this since I was a kid. I have been in therapy since I was 6 with various issues and still see a great therapist every week.
    For over the past month I have not been cooking. Mostly because I had no energy and I was in pain still from my surgery. I don’t heal that great after surgery and it lasts with me a long time. Instead of meal planning and cooking I have been eating take out, sweets, and junk and I know it’s not helpful. Thankfully I have only gained about .8 of a pound with my self-sabotaging ways.
    Honestly guys, I think it’s because I’m scared. I’m scared of what it will be like without my fat around me. I have been overweight since I was 3 years old. It’s all I’ve known. I used to have day dreams when I was in school of just getting on the bus and unzipping myself from this fat suit I was stuck in and everyone being amazing at this beautiful girl I actually was.
    Here I am at 30, basically doing that and it terrifies me.
    I’m not saying I’m unhappy with the weightloss, not at all. I am ECSTATIC! I can actually live my life and join in on the world instead of being trapped in my body and only living as a shell of a human being.
    I can go to amusement parks and fit on the rides. Which is what I did this weekend as a kind of declaration of freedom and just a time to enjoy myself with friends.
    I can be active, I don’t need to worry about if I will fit in a small space (but still my mind tells me I won’t and I’m scared every time that I won’t fit. I was terrified to get on every roller coaster at the park. Not because of the ride, but I was afraid I wouldn’t fit and the embarrassment would kill me).
    This has been a draining experience, both physically and mentally. But for me, the mental part has been the hardest.
    I was able to recognize that I was self-sabotaging out of fear though. I was able to get up, shake myself off, and start again. Because that is what you have to do. I have meal planned, weighed and measured my food, tracked everything, and started more activity.
    I will not let my manipulative brain win this time.
    I have come too far to stop now. I will not give up and I will NEVER go back to the girl who couldn’t live the life she wanted.

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    jhud2115 reacted to Brit in Oz in STRUGGLING!   
    STRUGGLING! I'm so close to my goal but really struggling with the last 3.5kgs. I've lost 26.5kgs (59lbs) in 20 weeks. Although I'm nearly there I'm terrified that I'm going to start self-sabotaging. I've been literally walking my butt off and being so, so careful with what I eat but now the thought of maintaining this huge loss is seeming like a massive mountain to climb for the rest of my life. I've been here so many times before, not with weight loss surgery though, but we all know that the surgery is just a weight loss tool and can be circumnavigated easily. Anyone have tips on how to get that last bit off and keep it off?

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    jhud2115 reacted to erik78 in 1 year Journey post op with Pics   
    About year ago, I had my gastric sleeve surgery. Its been a crazy time learning exactly how my body interacts with different foods. The truth is, everyone is different, and you just have to learn for yourself what will work for you. Im not perfect. I eat pizza from time to time. Ive blown it out a weekend or 2, or 3. But then I review everything my doctor told me, and I bounce back. From the start I told my doctor that I never wanted to be fat again, I did not want to lose hair and I didn't want loose skin. Well, I did lose some hair, quite a bit at first. It hasn't come back, but is has stopped falling out... I think. I was advised that no matter what, if I lose weight fast, I will have loose skin. So Ive been determined to lose weight as slow as possible. I take in more calories and food than is probably recommended, but I also work out. I started out close to 300 pounds. Today I'm about 206. I lost a bulk in the first month, then about 50 plus pounds over the next 10 months. A part of me wanted to lose much more per month, but I also did not have any loose skin, which was a (superficial) goal. My goal is to get down to around 170-180. Ive been trying to amp it up a bit in the Gym to accomplish that. The most satisfying part of my weight loss journey has been all the energy I have to spend on my 2 young sons and my beautiful wife. I just turned 39, and I feel better than I ever have, ( with the exception of a little knee tendonitis) I sometimes forget my Vitamins, and occasionally fall back into bad eating habits, but instead of gaining 30 pounds like before, the scale my move just a few ticks up, enough to put me into panic mode and get on track. Im off all my meds, no more high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no acid reflux ( just finsteride for hair loss). I look forward to the next year and continuing toward my goal. I wish everyone well, and hope all those who are just beginning the process great success!

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    jhud2115 reacted to julbug in Bowel Movement   
    5 days! On the 4th day I took children's liquid stool softener.

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    jhud2115 reacted to Meryline in Still obese   
    This person is obese
    This highlights how absurd BMI is. This picture is from last Monday. I was 183 lbs. BMI 30.5 I think it was. Obese class 1. When I look at that picture, I don't look obese, I don't feel obese. I don't consider myself obese. I started with an BMI of 42+, obese class 2.
    I have another 31 lbs to loose to reach a normal BMI. It might not happen and I'm okay with that. I have lost 74.5 lbs since two weeks before surgery (surgery date 3.20.17)

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    jhud2115 reacted to jess9395 in Old clothes? What did you do?   
    Donated everything except this pair of pants so I could do this.... 

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    jhud2115 reacted to northern_bypass in 3 weeks post op update!:-)   
    Well im just finishing up my third week! Ill. E on soft / normal food next tuesday and i cant wait . Things ha e been way better than the first two weeks. All my pain is mostly gone, im walking more and im sleeping a lot better too.im down 45 lb since my pre- op diet and loosing inches everyday.i couldn't be any happier with my progress!!
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    jhud2115 reacted to queenbee88 in 2 months out update   
    From 295 to 241 surgery may 15 so happy have way to my first goal which is 200 long term goal 175
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    jhud2115 reacted to NuHorizons in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
    Thank you! I was sleeved in July of 2010, so I had my sleeve for 6 1/2 years before I got a revision. Many people do it sooner, but I held it off for as long as I could because I didn't want to have another surgery. Now, I wish I would have done it sooner.
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    jhud2115 reacted to Sheralyn2017 in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
    Hi can you tell me what MGB means and also a revision?
    Thank you and well done on your weight loss [emoji3]

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    jhud2115 reacted to NuHorizons in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
    I started a light walking routine 3 weeks after surgery, but I stopped around 7 weeks post op due to my bowel movement schedule(TMI). I was working out early in the morning, but that's when I would spend the most time in the bathroom. Especially, in the beginning when my body was getting adapted to the MGB. My bm are regular know, so I plan on starting going back to the gym or doing some type of at home workout plan. I have a Fitbit and I average about 8,000 steps daily mostly at work. I was on Clear Liquids for 2 weeks before I moved to Protein Shakes, cream Soups and soft foods.
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    jhud2115 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
    That is amazing weight loss for a revision. Most people with revisions lose very slowly and barely anything.
    Congrats on all the hard work!
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    jhud2115 reacted to NuHorizons in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
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    jhud2115 reacted to NuHorizons in 5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic   
    Hi All
    Here's a brief update of my Sleeve to MGB progress. The before pic was taken in the hospital after my revision. I was 247 pounds then. The pic on the right was taken today. I weigh 187 pounds. I've lost 60 pounds since my surgery(02/10/17) and 66lbs since my pre-op diet. I think my weight loss is pretty good for a revision patient and I'm on track to finally reach my weight loss goal. I'm so happy that I got my sleeve revised!

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