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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to LillieDuFran in Hair growing back...different!?   
    I've lost mine twice with chemo, and once because we have hereditary alopecia. Mine came back in very very curly, and of course, the color was different. Lighter than my black (it's now naturally white in the front, salt & pepper in back). Not looking forward to Hair loss again, but this time I've got some extensions, and it is heartening to know it sounds like it grows back!
  2. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to ProfessorSlim in What do you use in place of eating for fun/stress/boredom?   
    We see lots of people in their 50's, even 60's, returning to college, all the time. I love having "mature" folks in class, it is often a better experience than teaching the younger crew!!
  3. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to Sweet as peaches in Do I Smell Different?   
    I have a lot of dogs sniffing up my dress that I wear and that did happen before the surgery too. But now the dogs are really going up there and I didn't even get dinner from the owner or a good night kiss from the dog
  4. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to Marblicious in It starts with Insulin Resistance & ends with a Train Ride with no stops!   
    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to share my gastric sleeve journey so far and I apologise for the long post I am making here. I'm 53 years old and have battled my weight all my life. In my early 40's I started taking Blood Pressure medication, I was also diagnosed with Graves Disease. My cholesterol and glucose have always been good. Well that was up until 4 months ago. I went to the doctors and for the first time ever my cholesterol shot up and my doctor informed me I was Insulin resistant.
    I was now very scared that at 168.3 kgs, (371 pounds) I wasn't going to make it to 60.
    So after years of badgering me, I finally asked my doctor to refer me to a Weight Loss Surgeon and from the very first visit the train ride has been fast and furious.
    First off, he told me I should have seen him 10 years ago, (I had mentioned I had been thinking about it for 10 years). Then he asked if I was free for surgery in 2 weeks!!! OMG! I scheduled with him for surgery 4 weeks later because I needed to get my head around it all.
    I then kicked off a major food Funeral. I don't deny it, I ate all the things I loved and that were bad for me for 2 weeks. I then started my 2 weeks on Optifast. What joy that turned out to be
    Surgery day arrived and all went well and to my horror I was presented with an A4 sized, colour picture of my stomach after removal and my stitched up insides. PUKE!
    Since then I have been through all the phases, liquid, Puree, Soft and at last normal food. I just had my 3 month checkup with the surgeon and here is where I stand:
    I am no longer Insulin resistant MAJOR YAAAAY My cholesterol is now normal ANOTHER MAJOR YAAAAY My Fatty Liver is resolved and now shows normal results - YAAAAY I can walk for 20 minutes without having to sit down - YIPPEEEEE My asthma is almost completely gone - WOOHOOOOOO I have lost nearly 30 kgs (63 pounds) I had my first proper period in over 8 months (ok not such a major yay but at least it is working properly again) So I can honestly say that the major train ride I have been on in the last 4 months has been very worthwhile and I am feeling so much better, but please can someone help me with how to get rid of the damn pimples!!!!!
    I guess the purpose in my writing this is for any people who may be considering surgery, I won't say it has been easy but it has definitely been worthwhile.
    It's getting better and better

  5. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to Joann454 in I regret this surgery   
    You had me till that last line! Lol!

    QueenTiff I hope you're feeling better.
  6. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to DropWt4Life in I regret this surgery   
    In the words of Rodney King..."Can we all just get along?". I hate going into threads and seeing people argue. We are all here to support each other. That is the reason for even developing this site. I was in a thread for Veterans the other day, and it appears a lot of Veterans left because of people forming sides and arguing with each other. There are some threads that people create just purely because they need support and encouraging words. They don't want to feel judged.
    Others are trying to help, but come off as judging or putting those people down. I get it. Tough love and all. Let's just agree that QueenTiff's feelings are real feelings, and expressing them here is what she needed to do to maybe find others that feel the same way. We are all different, and go through this experience differently....But let's try to be supportive, and offer advice or our experiences, in a way that is not sugar coated, but empathetic to the user that is asking for help/guidance.
    Jaminator, I get that you are trying to be helpful, and I understand what you were trying to say. In my experience, it is not what someone means when they say something, it is the way it is taken by people that receive that information.
    I hope we can move forward with empathy and respect toward one another. Man, I sound like this surgery has taken away some of my testosterone! How bout them Cowboys!

  7. Like
    LisasLearning got a reaction from NuNu2005 in Gained almost all my weight back   
    I am 2 weeks out of surgery today. I never thought I was an emotional eater but during the last two weeks I have realized that certain commercials, certain social situations, an emotional day, Etc have triggered a feeling that I am hungry. Then when I think about it I realize I really am not hungry I haven't felt hungry since surgery. I always thought that I ate too much because I really just liked food and ate too much of it, but now I realize I must have been an emotional eater and will have to learn how to deal with that as I continue this journey. I am sure the OP would definitely benefit from therapy not only for food issues but I'm sure it would help a lot with dealing with the incredible amount of emotional trauma she has had to deal with in the recent past.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to J.lynn in Hello!   
    I hate that my before picture looks like a mug shot. My mom made me take it the night before my surgery. I remember being cranky because frankly I was starving after my two week pre-op diet and because I normally avoided full body shots at all costs. Looking back now, I wish I would've taken more before pictures. I am 15 months post-op and I admit that the number on the scale isn't quite as low as I had originally wanted. As a 25 year old with no children, I look like I've had 10+ kids when I'm naked - so I always wear clothes. While I'm thankful beyond words that I had the opportunity to have this surgery, I feel a little disappointment. I prayed my whole life to be "skinny", I felt that this quality about myself is what kept me from being truly happy. If I were skinny, I could make a lot of friends and find a man who wasn't ashamed to be seen with me. Now I get more positive attention from men and more negative attention from women, mainly those whom themselves are currently overweight. Basically, the guys who previously wouldn't give me the time of day are suddenly more interested in what is under my clothes than what is inside my brain and the girls I would normally be drawn to befriend look at me like an outsider. I am terrified to put myself out there and date because inevitably the clothes must come off and I don't think I could bear that kind of rejection. To say it has been an adjustment is a massive understatement. I used to be the fat girl with the cute face that made people laugh... I got along with everyone because I could never say no or stand up for myself. I feel like the same person inside, but I don't want to be that girl anymore.
    Sorry this turned out to be kind of ranty.
    I just wanted to share my experience with those who are pre-op or considering. Be realistic with your expectations and goals. At first, the physical results will come fast and with little effort. The biggest obstacle is mental and there's no way to prepare yourself for that.
    Much love to everyone!
  9. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to raynay05 in NSV alert!!!   
    I am a full time student at msu and I had surgery July 25th. Last fall I struggled to fit in the desks. I had such bad anxiety that I'd have to sit in the back of class, get my seat before the other students came in, and would leave after everyone else. My stomach would press against the desk and hurt. Well I started classes again yesterday and guess what? I fit in the desks no problem, sat in the front of the class and had no anxiety. I had enough space to cross my legs under the desk even. just wanted to share this NSV. The scale hasn't moved much the last 2 weeks but this NSV just brightened my week and kept me going below are my pictures. The top ones are from April and the bottom is last week
    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to tasharss22 in 6 months post op   
    Slow and steady. I've lost 80 lbs so far. Highest weight 313 current weight 232.  
  11. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to VSjrs in Just over a year post op   
    So I am a year and two months post op. Thinking back, a year ago I was wondering if I made the right decision. I couldn't keep anything down, I was so exhausted, and it seemed like my surgery was more of a curse than a blessing. I couldn't eat without feeling overwhelmingly full. However, I weigh 135 lbs now and the saying is so true, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. although I still vomit after eating, it doesn't happen as often. I have to be on prescription heart burn medication for my gerd and they completely control it if I stay on top of it and other than those two issues my body has adjusted to my new "tummy" fairly well. Of course there is the little things like how I get absolutely and completely drunk off of one glass of wine (such a cheap date haha) and how easily I get dehydrated but that's really the only down side. So if you are reading this and trying to decide if you want I go through with WLS or you are newly post op and feeling discouraged, i have a few important things to tell you. This surgery was the best decision that I have ever made. My quality of life and happiness is so much different. I can do things I've always wanted to do and I can go shopping and get "normal" sizes. This surgery is not an easy way out and it's going to be hard and at times you'll regret doing it, but, if you stick with it I promise you quality of life will improve so much. If you have any questions please feel free to message me, I'd love to answer any questions you may have.

  12. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to shan0520 in ONEderland!   
    I had sleeve surgery March 20th and best thing I could have done for myself. Today I hit 199!!! It's not much into the ONEderland, but it's much better than where I started at 281!!
    Sent from my VS995 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to James Marusek in My story, so far   
    I found that softer foods such as chili and Soups went down much easier than harder foods such as chicken and steak. So I relied primarily on these. Sorry to hear about your blood clots. I have provided some recipes for chili and soups at the end of the following article. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf
  14. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to chris1142 in Adventures of the old lady and her sleeve   
    I thought I'd write about my journey for the older folks out there considering this surgery. Last Nov I turned 71 and after regaining 50 pounds I had lost two years ago (the story of my life) I could see that if I didn't do something drastic I would spend my remaining years in a wheel chair. So off to a bariatric seminar I went. I was encouraged by all that I saw there and decided to take the plunge.
    I survived the two week starvation diet with out murdering my husband or eating the furniture and had my surgery on Feb. 4th. I started my journey at 298.5.
    The surgery was interesting I guess. As they put in the gas to blow me up, the gas hit my vagus nerve and my body slowed way down. 40 heartbeats a minute. They backed off the gas and did chest compressions to get me stabilized. Then contacted the cardiologist who told them to go for it so they compleated the surgery and then sent me to the cath lab for a heart cath. That came back normal. Surgeon said I gave them quite a scare. I wouldn't know as I woke up in the ICU and don't remember a thing about even going to the OR.
    Let me tell you, I used Tennova at Turkey Creek as my hospital and the care was outstanding both in the ICU and the bariatric wing. I couldn't have asked for better.
    Woke up only to walk far enough to get them to take the catheter out. My surgeon checks for leaks during surgery so I would drink as soon as I woke up. Yayyyyy. I could drink easily and like the very cold the best. I had no nausea or pain when still. When I tried to get up that was another story. Seems like when they blew me up they also disturbed the scar tissue from my mastectomies of 9 years ago and that gave me fits for about a week. The actual surgery part was a breeze.
    I have had no problem meeting my carb, Protein and fluid goals daily. I can drink normally but not as much as fast. I'm on liquids for 4 weeks on then on to purees. I am so looking forward to some refried beans!!!
    So for you older folks considering this--go for it. I'm a two time cancer surviver and figured I had nothing but fat to lose and everything to gain.
    I'd do this again in a heartbeat. Oh, and I'm down 23 lbs. from the start of my pre op so that part is going well, too.
  15. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to queenbee88 in I truly love my self   
    I'm so happy and grateful to have done this amazing thing for my self so happy I got the sleeve    
    From 295 pounds to 234 I'm so happy can't wait to get to my goal 3 months out of surgery 61 pounds down
  16. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to lillian.b.white in Finally had my first puree meal today!!!   
    I'm not sleeved yet (got banded in 2009, considering a revision to sleeve), but these are some awesome sources!! Thank you so much for sharing! I've just bookmarked them for the future. I might even try some of them now! They actually sound really yummy (and pretty darn simple)!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to MaggieH2 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I am 5 weeks post op and doing well... 32 lbs down. I was what I guess is considered a lightweight, 232 being my highest. With that being said, I suffered from sleep apnea, used cpap, have osteoarthritis in both knees , GERD with Barrets Esophagus and my A1C was creeping up each time it was checked. I am 45 years old and a nurse, a nurse who has a weight requirement for her job and I couldn't make the weight anymore..... I have crash dieted, done everything from programs to HCG to cutting weight like an MMA fighter... 6 yrs ago I lost 60# and have gained back 70...I have always struggled.
    Nearly everyone who I shared my intention to have a gastric bypass had either some horror story ( I get it.. the only RNY pts I took care of had something that had gone terribly wrong) or people would tell me that I didn't need it, I didn't look "that big" you carry your weight so well! I was open with folks bc I am off work for over a month and will look a little more slender when I return....
    Since my surgery, I have heard no negative comments, and preop someone even shared with me that they were jealous... they wanted a more sure bet in the weight loss arena...
    My point is, I feel better, physically and emotionally and I no longer snore ( husband is very grateful for that.) This has not been the easiest, I have felt nauseous sometimes, sad sometimes and even a little remorse....but, I think back to how I felt everyday when I woke up and looked in the mirror, how my knees hurt, how I worried about my long term health, not to mention my job! I hated me. Now, I don't. I am hopeful, I am happier, I am more confident.
    Let the naysayers talk, smile and nod, make your decision because you know it is right for you and when it is all said an done, you'll find peace.
    -sorry if I ramble a bit!

  18. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to Sophie74656 in You know you lost weight when   
    When you enjoyed shopping for a dress for a relative's wedding....and at that wedding people you haven't seen in a while flip out over how good you look

    Also when you run into your ex-husband who you haven't seen in a year and he stammers and says you look amazing
  19. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to Brandeis in You know you lost weight when   
    having the balls to wear a two piece swim suit!

  20. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to leslaine in Where are you now?   
    I am 7 months post op, sleeve.
    HW 386,
    Day of surgery 366,
    CW 273.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to blizair09 in Where are you now?   
    I am 10.5 months post-op. I have lost 209 pounds so far. That puts me 4 pounds from a normal BMI and 8 pounds from goal. This journey is the best thing I have ever done for my health and well-being!
  22. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to laney in Where are you now?   
    August 16 will be my year surgery anniversary and I am down 80 pounds. I started at 263 now 183. I have hit a few stalls and I am in one now, but I have learned the Sleeve is a tool and you must do as your Dr has told you to keep in maintenance. I feel really good, blood work is normal, no more high sugar levels. Overall, no regrets in having the surgery:)
  23. Like
    LisasLearning got a reaction from NuNu2005 in Gained almost all my weight back   
    I am 2 weeks out of surgery today. I never thought I was an emotional eater but during the last two weeks I have realized that certain commercials, certain social situations, an emotional day, Etc have triggered a feeling that I am hungry. Then when I think about it I realize I really am not hungry I haven't felt hungry since surgery. I always thought that I ate too much because I really just liked food and ate too much of it, but now I realize I must have been an emotional eater and will have to learn how to deal with that as I continue this journey. I am sure the OP would definitely benefit from therapy not only for food issues but I'm sure it would help a lot with dealing with the incredible amount of emotional trauma she has had to deal with in the recent past.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to alcn1derlnd in NSV   
    I was able to wrap a regular sized towel around me. I'm very excited able this.
    HW-292 • SW (6/29/17) 256.6 • CW 240.8
  25. Like
    LisasLearning reacted to joeg in 96 pounds down in three months   
    I believe you im 4 months 7 days post op and down 95lb from surgery day everyone losses different.
    Hw 378
    Sw 323
    Cw 228 and this was at 3 months at 246

    Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app

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