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About Nickycole86

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  1. Nickycole86

    Hair Loss [emoji45]

    I am 6-ish months out and losing hair like crazy. I have spikes/baby hairs growing back in.
  2. Nickycole86

    Surgery day 3rd April

    Yay! So happy for you! Praying for a smooth and speedy recovery! :)
  3. I was supposed to go home the next day but that didn’t happen. I was dry heaving and couldn’t drink so I got to stay until I was holding fluid down which was 3 nights. I’m 8 days out now :) feeling pretty great. Ready to get these staples out lol
  4. Nickycole86

    March Bypass Buddies

    And I apologize again lol I somehow keep ending up on the bypass forum. I will get the hang of this eventually lol :)
  5. Nickycole86

    March Bypass Buddies

    Hi! From a fellow Floridian. :) I was sleeved on the 20th. Congrats! Wishing you the speediest of recoveries and let us know how your doing!
  6. Nickycole86

    March 2019 sleepers

    Well, I would love to say fantastic but I would be lying. I’m hurting today pretty good. I don’t have any gas pains anymore but I am well aware of my staples/incisions now. I was sent home on Tylenol and I haven’t been the best about taking it on schedule (because when it’s time I feel fine) and the next thing you know I am in immense pain. So I am making a conscious effort to keep some Tylenol in my system for a couple days just to stay more comfortable. Otherwise I am fine, I know I am not meeting the goals but I am trying to sip sip sip. :)
  7. Nickycole86

    Sleeping after VSG?

    Hi! My surgery was on the 20th and I can’t lay flat either. I have tried the bed but I just recently relocated to the chair in the living room, it reclines and its much better than my bed. What I’ve done is switch positions as often as possible so you don’t get stiff in that spot. I would give anything to lay on my side! :)
  8. Nickycole86

    Surgeon's office doesn't communicate much.

    My office was pretty terrible as well. They actually caused me to fall outside of my 30 day window that my labs and ekg were good for because they didn’t call me in a timely manner. (Took them 3 weeks to call after I paid). I think the only reason they called me at all was because someone noticed I made an online appt with him and they didn’t want me to make a fuss.
  9. Nickycole86

    March 2019 sleepers

    Just to let everyone that I have scared know I am much much better this morning and they are letting me go home. Thank gosh! I couldn’t have survived another night in this bed. I’m keeping all my liquids down including jello and broth and the gas pain is pretty much gone. I’m “aware” of my incisions but they are not really painful at all. I’m so excited to be going home! :)
  10. Nickycole86

    March 2019 sleepers

    I am staying an extra night in the hospital. I haven’t been able to get many liquids down and I have a large hematoma on my right side, still in a considerable amount of pain. They put a binder on me to try to help some of the swelling. I’m starting to walk more which is helping the gas pains greatly and like they told me, it’s great to burp but farting feels better lol it’s true! I’ve had a few sips of broth, I prefer the warm over the cold but none of it tastes good. I’m not hungry at all. It does bother me when they bring food in and my stomach growls. It’s apparently hungry but I am not ready yet. The worst part about the whole process was the day nurse. I have felt very alone and I had to beg for pain medicine (which was only Tylenol with codeine) even though I was over due it still took him an hour to come with it and by then I was a crying mess. I would prefer to stay ahead of the pain so I can focus on drinking and walking and not on the pain. I know they are busy, I can hear all the racket out there but the pain has been pretty bad. :(
  11. Nickycole86

    March 2019 sleepers

    Day one post op... feel like death. Gas pain is real. I threw up this morning but managed to not throw up after my xray. They are keeping me an extra night since I’m not meeting their post op goals.
  12. Nickycole86

    March 2019 sleepers

    Oh nooo. I was hoping we would stay together. :( I haven’t packed anything yet.
  13. Nickycole86

    I'm day 1 Post Op

    Congrats on your sleeve! I am scheduled for 10am tomorrow! Nervous! :) keep us posted on how you do. Hopefully the nausea will pass for you.
  14. Nickycole86

    March Bypass Buddies

    Not sure how to delete my post :) I just realized I was in the wrong section. :) 
  15. Yes, I had a drain and I was dreading it. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. I get grossed out really easy so if I say it is not that bad it's not haha. The hospital gave me this cool little crossbody bag that held the drain so I didn't have to worry about it dangling or one of my pets pulling on it. It also held the drain when I was in the shower., so definitely ask if they have one, it was so convenient to have. Also, I thought it would hurt so bad when it came out, never felt a thing. My DR was funny he was asking me "are you sure you want this out today?" I was like yes, he had already taken it out How long were you in the hospital? That’s good to hear! It’s the little things that freak me out lol something so small. :)

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