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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DianeJarrett

  1. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    Constipation kills.... you'll lose weight. No worries.
  2. DianeJarrett

    6 months in the hospital

    @bayougirlmrsc, absolutely possible. Whatever the case, hopefully, he will recover. We all know the rules and those that don't follow them suffer the consequences. Forced portion control.
  3. DianeJarrett

    6 months in the hospital

    I was forced to have TWO swallow tests due to esophageal swelling in my throat. Everyone has to have one, you're right.
  4. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    Well, I had an absolute DOH! moment today. My scales were stuck at the same weight for a solid week, right down to the ounce. My BF weighed himself this morning and weighed exactly the same as I did. That couldn't happen, he's probably 10 pounds more than me (he's much taller). We took the batteries out, replaced them, reset the scales and voila!!! I was 2 pounds lighter!!! (He was 8 pounds heavier!) These crappy scales have had me depressed for a week! Make sure to check the batteries in your digital scales, folks! It matters! (This commercial message was brought to you by Diane, your BariatricPal dumbass!! LOL)
  5. DianeJarrett

    Pre op diets

    80g of protein seems to be the standard. It was part of my pre-op and post op plan. Might as well get used to it 6 months out, it will be the rallying cry for a long time to come! Good luck!
  6. DianeJarrett

    I got my surgery!

    NO, but it's not uncommon to experience allergies after surgery that you didn't have previously, especially if that surgery dramatically impacted your chemical balance. After the birth of my 3rd child, I became highly, dangerously allergic to raw lemon. I was a huge lemon user and suddenly, I couldn't even breathe the air if someone was making fresh lemonade. My doctor explained to me that, for women, this is a common occurrence, if we drastically change the makeup of our body. Childbirth, organ removal, etc. I was shocked. Sometimes it is temporary, but don't take any chances. If the allergic reaction is dramatic, get an Epipen (the generic one, the branded ones are ridiculously expensive). Good luck!
  7. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    Fabulous advice! Thanks, especially for the low carb advice. My doctor has me focusing on calories and fat, and that never worked for me before! I'll give that a shot, and take the batteries out of the scales! SO MUCH APPRECIATED.
  8. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    Oh nice! No one else seems to have stalled Week 4. I'm glad to hear it.
  9. DianeJarrett

    6 months in the hospital

    If Debedeb is looking for some assistance, we should be able to give it to her. But sadly, I'm not sure that is what she is trying to accomplish. I think, in her own way, she is trying to either warn us of the dangers or warn us off. But I know for a fact most of us did the research prior to the surgery, and we are/were well aware of the risks. We all know this isn't the EASY way out, that all surgeries have complications, and this is a tough road. Many of us are pre-op and this is the site we go to learn of the dangers, pitfalls, etc. For those of us post op, it is for support, advice, and camaraderie. I think most of us here are happy with the choices we made or are making, so I think her words will be a lone voice in an otherwise sea of guidance and support. And NikkiWorldJourney, hang in there! Mushy pureed food is a'coming! It will taste like heaven, surprisingly. Good luck!
  10. DianeJarrett

    6 months in the hospital

    Although I respect the problems your family member is having, I respectfully disagree. Most people have conscientious doctors who have a thoughtful pre and post op surgical plan. My doctor sent me home on my first visit with a 65-page nutrition plan for the pre-op and post-op experience. The nutritionists on staff email me twice a week to discuss my eating, and this week, when I experienced a stall due to constipation, I got daily emails and two phone calls. Not all doctors are equal, there are C- students in every class, but no one should leave the hospital without a plan. I truly don't know anyone who didn't. Every doctor is different, and every plan is different, but along the same lines. Also, most insurance companies have stringent requirements before surgery is approved. I'm on Medicaid, and I had a 6-month plan, like most people, plus an endoscopy, an EKG, plus visits with nutritionists and a psychiatrist. I read online that the process in the UK is far more stringent. Any surgery is risky. 1 patient in 10,000 FOR ANY SURGERY will have extreme complications, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. We accept the risks for a healthier life. One person's outcome or 10 persons out of a 100,000 cannot dictate the safety of one procedure. For every one person who had complications, 10,000 people are happier and healthier. Again, I appreciate and sympathize with your family's journey but the surgery is safe for most individuals.
  11. DianeJarrett

    6 months in the hospital

    I’m sorry your brother had complications and I hope he recovers soon. I know it is a scary time. For most of us, the surgery was successful without any complications. I had one right after my surgery but a visit to the ER and I was fine (esophageal swelling). I’m only 3 weeks out but like most of us, the hardest part is the lifestyle change. All surgeries have their risks and there is always one or two people that suffer more than others. But that certainly shouldn’t turn anyone off to the surgery. For many, it is a lifesaver. I wish you and your brother well.
  12. DianeJarrett

    I got my surgery!

    My doctor gave me something called hyoscyamine. It melted under my tongue and made the gas go away quick. Call and ask for some. It is AMAZING. The gas can be almost too much to bear.
  13. DianeJarrett

    Oh! The joys of constipation!

    It took me about 6 days but I went. This is the protein constipation, apparently. Good times.
  14. DianeJarrett

    HELP! Been at a stall, need advice.

    I'm sorry no one has responded to this. I'd love to know the answer too. My doctor did recommend for a stall to start over again, go back to the liquids for a couple of weeks and it should jump start your body. I hope that helps.
  15. DianeJarrett

    The Shame of WLS

    Has anyone else experienced the shaming of WLS? Before my journey began, maybe I felt it too, that WLS was the "easy" way out. I know better now, but prior to surgery, I had lost 85 lbs on my own through the "body reset diet" and exercise. I was 50 years old, working hard at it, walking 10k steps a day, and the pounds were sliding off of me! Then, I had a full hysterectomy and those days were OVER. I dieted, I worked out, and NOTHING. I even started to GAIN weight. And because I was working out way too hard, I tore my meniscus (knee). My weight exploded after that, and I gained 25 more pounds. It was a nightmare. My orthopedic surgeon and my GP both began to discuss WLS with me, because my hormones weren't coming back, and I'm the type of person that can't lose weight without some form of physical exercise. (They both thought it was a way to drop some weight, take some pressure off my knee and allow it heal through PT.) And, I was so disgusted by the thought of taking the "easy" road, and not doing it on my own. I discussed it with some friends (all younger), who all thought I could do it "naturally" and that it was crazy to do something so drastic just to lose weight. But, I went to see my surgeon, as a favor to my GP, and he was AMAZING! Dr. George Fielding, a leader in the field, who finally set me straight. He said, "It's better to take this step towards a healthy lifestyle than to do NOTHING. This will change your life for the better! If you need to take this step, who are other people to tell you it's wrong?" It did change my way of thinking, and I'm glad I took this step. I'm less than 2 weeks past my surgery, and I feel so much better, my knee already feels better and I'm on the road to a new ME! But, I still haven't told anyone. Sure, I've told a few close friends and my family, but I didn't post it on Facebook as my status and I'm not talking about it at all. Why? Maybe I don't want to hear any criticism or maybe, deep down, I still feel a little shame. I'm not sure. Is anyone else experiencing this? People are so vocal these days, so quick to criticize. They believe they can give you their opinion, whether you ask for it or not. Other folks don't know my struggle with hormones and my knee, but that won't matter when they start talking. This is a tough road for anyone to go down, and I don't want to get sidetracked with any level of depression (I'm a pretty upbeat person anyway, but I know depression is common). Anyone?
  16. DianeJarrett

    Pre op diets

    Agreed. I could never have afforded the surgery without Medicaid Advantage. The only positive thing about being laid off. And everyone believes it will help me get a job, too. Win win. I wish you much luck. And the process also helps lose weight too, and that’s a plus!
  17. DianeJarrett

    Pre op diets

    I would go BONKERS with that kind of a wait! Yay Medicaid! lol I think there should be a wait, but 2 years is long time. Wow.
  18. DianeJarrett

    The Shame of WLS

    I’m glad you are having a positive experience! I have told a few more people since this post, and again, it has been mixed. The positive are incredibly positive, and the negative truly soul crushing. I’m keeping a positive outlook alway and letting the negative just slide off my back.
  19. DianeJarrett

    Too nervous

    29 lbs since surgery? Or including pre-op diet??
  20. DianeJarrett

    Too nervous

    It takes time. I had vomiting afterwards due to swelling. I got a shot of steroids and no problems since. It gets better.
  21. DianeJarrett

    Too nervous

    Congratulations! My surgeon is one of the best in the field and he has malpractice suits too. It’s par for the course when you are a doctor. I’m glad to see you went through it. Keep us posted on progress!
  22. DianeJarrett

    I got my surgery!

    Hope you are doing well. You sound like a trooper. It gets so much easier if you get up and move around quickly. Good luck on your journey. I’m about 1 week ahead of you, hope to see you update us on your progress!
  23. Hi all, I'm a loser! It's the first time I've ever been happy to say that! Truly, I am 13 days post surgery and really losing weight, something that has been so difficult for me since I had a hysterectomy. I'm a bundle of nerves, happiness and full of water (lol). I'm also full of questions... My doctor is never really forthcoming about how much weight he thinks I will lose. He gave me an estimate, grudgingly, but never really said he thinks I will lose ______. I'm curious to know how much weight everyone else lost 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1-year post surgery. Yes, I know, everyone's journey will be different, but I'm excited and nervous and I have no true knowledge to grab to level set my expectations. I looked for a local support group here in NYC/Brooklyn, but nothing. I know I could get this kind of feedback in that group setting, but since I don't have one, can anyone help me out here? For instance, I'm 13 days past surgery, and I've lost 11.5 lbs, a total of 28.7 since the pre-op diet. I know it isn't a contest, but I was wondering if that is on par with others. I don't have lofty goals, I want to lose 100 lbs total (from my pre-op weight), and I know that it will take some work - just the surgery won't do it, but I would love some ideas on how much others lost...The success stories are great but don't give me an understanding of the journey, the milestones. I mean, just that moment of stepping on the scales and seeing yourself under 200 lbs! When was that - post surgery? HOW was that? I'd love to hear. Also, those little measuring sticks below your signature... ADORABLE? Where did you get them? I love it! Thanks!!!
  24. DianeJarrett

    The Shame of WLS

    Bitingcat, wow! I'm not sure how I would have handled hysterectomy AFTER WLS! It was so tough before the surgery, and far more painful than the actual WLS surgery. I also had my gall bladder out in an emergency surgery, both the full hysterectomy and the gall bladder removal were "surprises" (I went in for an ovary removal and came out with the full Magilla and the gall baldder surgery 5 months after)! Honestly, I feel like the hysterectomy and the gall bladder surgeries were "warm-ups" to the WLS, it made it go much smoother, and the pain, compared to the hysterectomy, was almost nothing. I'm glad I went through those first, and I totally feel your pain for the post-surgical issues you had! My goodness! I'm doing fine, 10 lbs lost in 13 days post surgery. I'm sure it won't always be this quick, I'm enjoying it while it lasts. I appreciate everyone's kind words. I'm not sure if I will ever be forthright with the information, because of people's pre-conceived notions about the "easy" surgery, but again, I am so glad I went down this road. Although I don't think I will lose 100 lbs (my doctor thinks about 50-60), that is a huge number for me, and just getting below 200 lbs would be a huge boost to my psyche. That double century mark has ALWAYS been hard for me. To get below it and stay below it, I can't imagine how wonderful that will be!
  25. DianeJarrett

    The Shame of WLS

    I guess we are all facing the same situation, people judging without enough information, or if they have it, still judgmental based upon preconceived notions. I'm going to hold off on telling anyone and do this for me. I hope you all do the same. If they don't like it, screw 'em. It's certainly not about them. It's about our health and well-being. I guess I will focus on that and only that.

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