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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KayleighsMommy

  1. KayleighsMommy

    Lovenox shots???

    If a patient has ever had a blood clot, they will definetely be put on shots. I was on them 5 days pre and post op. Some doctors put all patients on them as a preventative. It depends on the surgeon.
  2. KayleighsMommy

    Spending the night after surgery?

    Some doctors want their patients with sleep apnea to stay the night. I stayed because I had a hernia repair done at the same time (and the insurance would pay for it!!!)
  3. KayleighsMommy

    Please help!!

    I had a hernia I had repaired the same time, and I got an infection just like your MIL had. I had to have a second surgery, as well as wearing the wound vac. Three months (almost) since the surgery and I still have wound drainage. If she had an infection before (was it called a seroma?) from surgery, it could very well happen again with the hernia repair (I had 2 hernia repairs, and a problem each time), If she does need the hernia repaired, then I don't see any medical reason not to do both surgeries at the same time (Thugh, of course, I am not a doctor) JMHO
  4. Best of luck...and if you have any questions, ask away!!!
  5. KayleighsMommy

    Allergic reactions??

    I'm so sorry you are miserable. I did not have stiches or staples.. I had steri strips and tape. I was sooooo allergic to the tape I thuoght I was going to itch myself to death!!! My surgeon took it off at my one week appt. It has been almost 3 months, and you can still see the red marks where the tape was.(on all 9 incisions) Try some benadryl...the oral type if you can..if not... get the cream. Hope you feel better soon!!!! julie
  6. KayleighsMommy

    Yeah yeah yeah

    An alcohol pad should work well too.
  7. KayleighsMommy

    Help! Need advice!

    Be glad (and thankfull as heck) you do not have BC/BS of IL. That would have NOT been enough for them. They really, really, really suck. :wink_smile: (Now should I tell you how I really feel?? LOL) I'm glad your insurance came through for you. julie
  8. KayleighsMommy

    I have left Threeopolis!!!

    Today I was 299.4 pounds!!!!! I am so happy...it was quite a milestone for me. 275, here I come....
  9. KayleighsMommy

    I Can't Believe I'm Asking This...

    I am pretty sure you are. I know in my preop paperwork they said you can keep your underwear on and they will take them off in the O.R. At that point I didn't care. :omg_smile:
  10. KayleighsMommy

    Fills through BCBSIL?

    Are they paying for your lapband surgery?? If they pay for the surgery they should pay for fills. Of course there are no guarantees from a company that can call a sleep study cosmetic!!!!!
  11. KayleighsMommy

    Losing inches not lbs

    Have you been working out a lot?? Keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat. That could be the reason for your inch vs weight loss issue julie
  12. KayleighsMommy

    Hello from the UK

    Welcome to this site. It is a great place with many many kind, suportive people. Any questions, feel free to ask... That's what we're all here for :redface: julie
  13. KayleighsMommy

    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL LOL LOL Mine is starting to look that way too. I have probably 2 years before plastic surgery, and am already stressing about it. We'll all get through it together :thumbup:
  14. KayleighsMommy

    My Protein Shake Tried to Kill Me!

    WOW!!!! How crazy :confused: I am so glad it was just the drink, and nothing more serious :thumbup: julie
  15. KayleighsMommy

    Want to see my port in an x-ray?

    How neat!!! Thanks.
  16. KayleighsMommy

    New and don't have a clue... :)

    I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings... but I have to tell you... BC/BS of IL is probably the WORST for authorizing lapband :thumbup:. I can tell you right now, they WILL insist on a 6 month diet (then possibly try to deny you anyways) You need to be very proactive... keep on your doctor as well as BC/BS. There are a couple of threads just on them alone. Again, I am not trying to be negative... but I have been through all their hoops (then ended up going self pay), and feel you need to be aware of what you are up against. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. And Good Luck :thumbup: julie
  17. I can't add anymore that anyone else has said.... so I will just say best of luck, and good for you :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  18. KayleighsMommy

    liquid pain medication question

    I take liquid Tylenol (It's actually extra strength!)
  19. I have a sensitive gag reflex too. I also have the same problem with brushing my teeth. I will even gag at certain smells (like mustard!!) I have had my band for 10 weeks and haven't had too much of a problem yet. I am just verrryyyy careful about brushing my teeth (it's usually touching my tounge that brings on the gag) The doctor will most likely give you some sort of med for nausea (usually suppositories!!! ) that you can use if feeling like the flu is coming on.
  20. KayleighsMommy

    2nd X, Open Me Up or Not?

    My 2 cents is go for it. When I went for my preop I tried to pin my doctor down as to wether he would open me up if needed. He would not commit to it. I basically told him I fully expected to be banded when I woke up, no matter what he had to do!!! Luckily, he was able to do it laprascopically. And also, as you stated...the tummy is going to take care of some of the scar. julie
  21. KayleighsMommy

    I need to share

    Yaaaayyyyy for you :tt2: :smile2: :thumbup: That is just great. 4 more ounds and I wiol be able to post the same thing!!!! julie
  22. Bobbie, I'm so sorry you are so scared, but like everyone has said, this really could be a blessing in disguise. I am hoping and praying it is something very fixable, and you will be able to have your surgery soon. Take care of yourself. Julie
  23. KayleighsMommy


    I am so sorry about how you are feeling right now. I know exactly how you feel. Ten years ago I wanted bypass surgery and was denied by my insurance company. I did everything...jumped through all their hoops, saw a psychologist...even had a face to face at the BC/BS office. Still they said NO!!! I was so devastated..if someone even brought up the subject for the next 6 months or so, I would cry. The surgery was running 50K at the time, so there was not even a possibility of self-pay. I know someone suggested getting a cosigner for a loan, that is the suggestion I would make too. Though I did not go to Mexico, I have heard lots of good things about having surgery there (I was self pay here in CO..it was 9K) If you can beg, borrow or steal (just kidding on that one) the money it may be something to consider... the prices are significantly lower.
  24. KayleighsMommy

    Losing so slow

    I have faith the loss will come, like they say...slow and steady wins the race. As long as you are doing everything correctly, you will lose. :thumbup:
  25. KayleighsMommy

    Weird Taste in Mouth

    Have you started any other meds (Rx or OTC) lately?? I had the same problem a couple weeks after starting Glucophage (metformin) any weird smells?? julie

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