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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KayleighsMommy

  1. KayleighsMommy

    The emotions of losing 100 pounds

    First off.... I want to say congrats on the 100 pounds, good job :biggrin::thumbup: I can fully understand the emotions you are going through (though I am only half way to 100) I realize to some it may sound silly, but one of my biggest fears about losing weight has been looking older. I look very young for my age. I will be 47 soon, and no one guesses me more than mid 30's. I have been moisturizing, but I know when I lose my facial fat I will most likely look older. I am starting to see the bat wings on my arms, as well as some saggy skin on my legs. I told my husband that if (and that is a big if) we ever come into any extra money, I want to put 30K or so away for plastic surgery :biggrin: Will I be happy to be thin ?? Of course. I just wish time wasn't going to hit me upside my head .
  2. KayleighsMommy

    Hi All From Derby, UK

    I just wanted to say Hi and welcome. Best of luck on your surgery :tongue_smilie: julie :tt1:
  3. KayleighsMommy

    Need help with SPANX...a little off topic, sorry

    I just wanted to say I am soooooo glad you asked this question. I am actually planning on going Tuesday to get a pair. I am just concerned about comfort. I am about 290, but probably carry a good (or not-so-good) 50-60 pounds of that in my belly. :tongue_smilie: Because of that I am still in a 32 jeans (could proabably do a 30). Pre surgery I would occasionally wear a girdle w/my pants.... but it was so uncomfortable. Are Spanx as uncomfortable as a girdle?? Thanks...julie
  4. KayleighsMommy

    Band to Large?

    Hmmmm. I have never heard of that (though of course, I don't know everything) :smile2: I am hoping another fill will be just what you need. I see you are in Warren. I grew up in Sterling Heights (14/Dequindre). I miss the area, though we will be visiting next week!!!! :thumbup: JULIE
  5. KayleighsMommy

    shout from the rooftops!

    Yayyyyyy.... Congrats, that is awesome news. :smile2: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:. I hope to be making that onderland announcment some day..... julie
  6. KayleighsMommy

    Colorado Anyone

    I'd love to meet you guys up there too, if you don't mind :smile:) julie
  7. Yayyyyyy... Congrats!!! :smile: :thumbup: :tt2: :mad: It's a great feeling, I know. I am working on my 60 mark now.
  8. KayleighsMommy

    Do older women lose weight slower?

    I will be 47 in a couple weeks (Yikes!!!!!) and I am at 54 pounds in less than 4 months. Granted, I had a LOT more to lose than you, but I have been happy with my loss so far.
  9. Hi, Congrats on your loss. I was done just a bit before you, and I have lost 52 so far. Could I have done it without the band? Possibly. Would I have kept it off without the band? No. You are very fortunate that you are a young, healthy guy. Take advantage of, and use this wonderful tool you have been given till you get where you want to be (as I'm sure you will) :biggrin:
  10. There are a few of us here who had to find a new doctor becasue ours moved. Luckily, he had arranged for another surgeon to take us on as patients, so that was a fairly easy transition. Hopefully with your circumstances being that you moved, you will find a surgeon that will take you on. (I heard of one here that wanted to look at our records and decide if he would take us on :eek:) So, when the time comes you might want to get your records and bring them with you. Good luck with everything!! :crying::thumbup:
  11. KayleighsMommy

    Lost my band - forever

    I am so srry. I know this had to be a blow to you. :redface:
  12. Wow...Congrats. You look great :redface: :w00t: :wub: :wub:
  13. KayleighsMommy

    Birthday Party

    I agree 100%. One piece of cake and a small portion of ice cream will not kill you. Unless it is going to be a big issue for you (set you off on a binge of some sort....or have the rest of the cake/ice cream call your name till it's gone ) That is my biggest problem. You know yorself best, and what you cna/can't do when it comes to food. I'm sure you'll make the right decision (the fact that you are concerned about it now tells me that) Enjoy the little guys day!!! Just my 2 cents! julie
  14. KayleighsMommy

    Just banded and really unsure

    I promise you will feel better. If you need the medicine, take it. That's what it is for. The first couple of days I thought I was going to die...and wondered what I had done to myself!!! But once you get over that you will be so happy you are a bandster!!! julie
  15. KayleighsMommy

    I think I'm close...

    ... to my sweet spot. :teeth_smile: I had another fill last week. I have 6.8cc in my 10 cc band. Before this last fill I could eat anything as long as I took small bites and chewed well (not that I was eating anything I wanted, mind you.)I was eating what I felt was an appropriate amount, but still being hungry. Bread has always been my downfall, and I could eat bread as much as I wanted, though I didn't. Anyway, today I had some chicken salad on a tortilla...and it got stuck. Badly. I was sure I was going to die for 5 minutes or so LOL. :wink_smile: So, in my case getting stuck was somewhat good news. I really wanted this restriction. I don't beleive I am over filled or anything, just enough right now.
  16. KayleighsMommy

    My step-mother knows everything...(long)

    I'm so sorry about the push back you got from her. Just keep in mind, this surgery is for YOU, not her or anyone else. Hang in there!!! julie
  17. KayleighsMommy

    Holy Shiat!

    Yayyyyyyy :cool2: :tt2: Congrats to you...and great work!!!!!! julie
  18. KayleighsMommy

    Newbie to be banded

    Good luck to all of you getting banded this month. Yayyyy for all of you :embaressed_smile: julie
  19. KayleighsMommy

    blood thinner shots?

    I also had to do shots before and after my surgery (I had a blood clot to my lung 5 years ago while pregnant) The shot itself doesn't hurt, but be prepared for lots of bruising, and possibly a lump or two. (I am not telling you this to scare or worry you.. and you may not even get these things) but beleive me... both those things are so much better than a life threatening clot :embaressed_smile: Good luck on your surgery, and welcome to pre-bandland :cursing:
  20. KayleighsMommy

    Pre Operation Wieght 149.4kgs 328.68 22 08 08

    I like this picture. Really good idea!!!
  21. KayleighsMommy

    Anyone else banded around June 24, 2008?

    I was banded June 26th. I did really well at first (of course, I had a LOT to lose :thumbup: ) I have slowed down now. Just keep at it...it'll come off.
  22. KayleighsMommy

    should banding be for me?

    Another vote for doing your research. I am happy I had my band. Did I have my doubts at the beginning? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes. Do I think you should do it? That is a decision you and only you can make. Read the posts... the good as well as the bad. Keep in mind peole are more likely to complain than to compliment, so don't let any one story make your decision for you.
  23. No question is stupid, don't feel funny asking anything here..that's how we all learn. There are a few ways to get stuck. The main one being taking too big of bites and not chewing (remember chew, chew, chew) When you have restriction your stoma (the hole the food goes down through) is fairly small, and large chunks of food can get stuck and just not fit through there. Most people learn their lesson after getting stuck, because it hurts... a lot :thumbup: Good luck on your surgery. I know you will be happy you made this decision :eek:
  24. KayleighsMommy

    I've decided to change my life!

    Diane, The funny thing is that I DO think about exercise a lot now!!! I still think about food, like I said, but exercise is up there in my mind too. And, believe me... exercise was a word I wouldn't even say...let alone something I would do pre-band :cool2: What you are feeling is completely normal. I went back and forth in my feelings, I also knew I would never lose all the weight I wanted/needed to lose on my own. :thumbup: I needed help, and the lapband is a wonderful, helpful tool. Please don't feel ashamed that you are unable to do this without help. The fact is DIETS DON'T WORK!! (And we should all know, since we have been on hundreds, right?) Feel free to take a look at my blog (I love when new people look at it!!) Also... if you need someone to talk to, or have any questions...please feel free to PM me. :eek: julie kayleighsmommy, you made me laugh. Its funny how food is such a huge part of my life, everything revolves around it even trying to go to sleep we are thinking about food. Why can't it be our next excercise session that we are thinking about. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 3.5kg. The Dr wants me to lose 5kg before the surgery (01.10.2008) to reduce my liver. I feel good and I was thinking to myself why can't I just continue on like this and get to my goal weight without the band. But deep down I know that is wishful thinking and I would just regain in time. Has anyone else been in two minds even though they made the decision to have the band? Have you gone backwards and forwards? The only thing, I am disapointed in myself and feel a little ashamed is that I have not got the discipline and strength to do this on my own. Have you ever felt this way and how did you over come it? Regards Diane
  25. KayleighsMommy

    I've decided to change my life!

    Cakes- Congrats on your decision!!! :eek: It will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself! I wish I had done it at 33 (I tried to have bypass done, but insurance denied me, and it was really expensive back then) I guess I am glad it happened to me though, because I feel lapband was the right thing for me. You sound a lot like me... I L-O-V-E food :cool2: I would actually lay in bed at night and decide where I was going to go out for lunch the next day. :thumbup: To be totally honest, I still think about food, but not in the same way, not in that desperate "what good things can I possibly have to eat today?" way. Now I think... "what can I eat that is good for me, and will help my weight loss?" It is quite a change for me. I also have a young daughter who is losing out by my weight. There are so many things I can't/won't do. I would not have taken her to the beach, either. Please don't worry about what your friend told you. While it is true people can have problems with the band, they are probably 99% of the time the persons fault. You have to eat slow, take small bites and chew,chew,chew. (I am sure you have already heard this a hundred times...but it is true!) The friend of your friend who threw up all the time never (I'm guessing) learned or did this. Again, congrats on your decision. I'm sure it is the right one, and you wll do well. julie

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