Hey, I am from Russia and I am a DS patient! aww, that was the best thing in my life!
It happened on 10 May 2017, I was 147 kg, BMI 51, and now, I am 94 kg and BMI 32 Just imagine how I am happy!
Well, Now my progress is very slow, because I eat a lot again My fault, yes. However, I don't gain weight at all. My surgery keep my weight the same even with this awful eating disorder (I know I have to do something with this )
However, when I keep eating on 1200 kkal, I lose weight extremely fast. and! - when I stop it and eat a lot again, my lost kg don't come back!
I think it is the only surgery which fits the patients who eats a lot, really
This is my progress from may (147 KG) till November (105 kg). Soon I am going to visit my surgeon and we make a pic again
(click it for full size view!)