I didn't meant to sound as though the depression/anxiety is related to my plateau. I lost 97 lbs and have stayed a steady weight so I'm completely satisfied with my weight. I meant to convey that I wasn't having any panic attacks, of this severity anyways, or depressive thoughts/mood swings while my weight was falling off. I'm not sure it my hormones finally stabilizing at almost 2 yrs post surgery or my weight finally stabilizing for longer than 3 mths is the reason all this is hitting me head on.
I had taken Zoloft in the past after I had my Dr, and before my surgery, and it worked really well for me. I didn't gain much weight then, but 20 lbs on top of my already obese frame made my Dr take me off of it at the time and planned to revisit, restart after my body was stable enough to follow the medication effects successfully
I spoke with my Dr last night and she is restarting me on the same 25 mg of Zoloft I used to take. Here's hoping I see some relief without any of the gain, although 20 lbs from now wouldn't bother me in the least if the rest of this mess goes away with the gain!