Why would anyone do this. I have had 17 years of pure hell and so excited to get this demon out of me tomorrow. I am heavier than I have ever been due to the fact I cannot eat ANYTHIng healthy - and stuck for years on crunchy food - anything that can dissolve. Unfortunately that means carbs carbs carbs. If I try to eat anything like salad, fruit, proteins, anything healthy i throw up - sometimes 3 times a meal. small portions - doesn't matter. 17 years of vomiting - hair fell out, teeth rotten from constant acid, acid reflux so bad I can sleep and vomit and choke myself in my sleep. Haven't been on a date in years because what is the point..... my surgeon wanted to put in the gastric sleeve when he took this horror thing out but 17 years of vomiting will not be replaced by a lifetime of diarrhea. I am getting up early, walking, and working my ass off - which I should have done 17 years ago.