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Everything posted by Gee1

  1. Gee1

    Long term vsg implications

    Hi, For the person who said my posts show up as spoilers, sorry, but I believe that you should be well informed about every aspect of your health, before surgery and after surgery in this case so you will know what you may have to encounter. Better to find out now than later. i have surgery before and the complications were horrendous. It wasn't weight loss surgery but after the surgery, I started reading about how others had complications from same surgery and didn't know about certain things that could happen. Yes, weight loss surgery is great. I am planning on mine. I am pre-op but I am a reference librarian by occupation so I dig for information to stay well informed to make educated decisions. Sorry and for those who responded about their experiences and concerns, thank you. I have used intelligence to guide your decisions concerning your health. As my PCP stated, you look at the risks vs the benefits, then decide.
  2. Gee1

    Long term vsg implications

    Hi, erica_ozzy73 I can understand your plight. That's why I started reading about the long term effects of the surgery and found that acid reflux is remarkable increased by 47 percent. I think it is because the pouch is so small that only so much food is allowed at one time. Have you tried other methods for cooling the flare-ups like not eating past a certain time at night, sleeping with the head of the bed propped up, staying away from acidic foods and juices and of course, you will have to continue your dose of medicine, preferably 1 hour in the morning before your first meal. I have dealt with reflux for years so I know how you feel. Good luck to you and hopefully the reflux will diminished.
  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had the gastric sleeve or gastric bypass after the age of 50 up to age 60? Were you concerned about your body healing properly after surgery because of the age considerations? Have anyone had any issues because of age? Slow healing? Any others? I am 54 and I am little scared about the healing process since I may be older than most people on the forum. Wish I had done this sooner when I was younger.
  4. Gee1

    Long term vsg implications

    I know GERD is definitely a concern with VSG because I take Nexium because of past acid reflux. I had to have numerous GI test in preparation for the sleeve to see if I was able to do the sleeve or would I have to do gastric bypass. From medical studies, it shows that reflux can increase 47 percent after the gastric sleeve so we do know this is an issue with the sleeve. However, if you never had GERD or reflux before, you will probably be okay with not experiencing any after the sleeve.
  5. Hi, everyone Now, I am a newbie and anxious because my surgery date is getting closer. They believe it will be in July so I have many issues that I like firsthand experience from others, not textbook only. I am on blood thinners from another surgery with major complications. My PCP already agreed with the surgery, gastric sleeve, but of course, the concern is another DVT. I was already told that I would have to do the Lovenox shots before surgery, during and after surgery and also the blood thinner after surgery. I did have surgery after that complicated hysterectomy that landed me on blood thinners. I was wondering, if anyone else have the experience with blood thinners or worries about blood clots with the weight loss surgery. My vascular surgeon didn't see a need for a IVC filter since I only had the clot during the complicated surgery 4 years ago, but I can't help but have concerns. Anybody else with experiences with this issue?
  6. Thanks, hardwork & dedication. I had surgery before on the Lovenox and then blood thinners again afterwards with no new DVT or PE. I just anxious. Glad, you made it through your surgery with no clotting issues. Yes, I have my compression stockings ready in my underwear drawer and the surgeon office already told me that I have to walk soon as I can out of recovery. Thanks for replying. Much success on your upcoming surgery.
  7. Thanks, Joann454 for your response. I am on Coumadin. The Coumadin center told me that I would have to take Lovenox. I did this before for a pelvic reconstruction after my complicated hysterectomy. Glad you came through great. I need this support since one of the most risk factors that is stated is clots.
  8. I am in Louisiana too, My surgery will take place at Ochsner Hospital in Jefferson, Louisiana
  9. Gee1

    Long term vsg implications

    I was also wondering about this issue too. I have read in professional medical journals about the long term complications from gastric bypass surgery but read that gastric sleeve is a newer procedure than the bypass, so the jury is still out concerning the long term effects, we are talking like 3 to more years out.
  10. Thanks for all of the feedback. I am so blessed to have found this forum and the people on it. I am also on blood thinners so I have that concern also. I will have to take Lovenox days before, during and days after and then bridge back to my blood thinners to keep from having another clot. Another major concern. I guess I just getting antsy because I have been going on and off trying to get to the surgery for a year and a half now. So many requirements to meet with the insurance company and now I am waiting for a surgery dates. Thanks to all who responded. I pray for your continued healing and success.
  11. Hi, Thanks for replying memabock. I was concerned because my mom told me that once you get past the age of 50, it is harder to heal. What are you doing for the gas because I always have issues with gas in my stomach, back and shoulder area after surgery. It usually takes a few months out of surgery to get relief totally from gas.

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