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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kelda44

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 02/05/1976
  1. Happy 37th Birthday kelda44!

  2. Happy 36th Birthday kelda44!

  3. kelda44


    I am so excited about riding my horse. I didn't realize how myweight affected so many, even my pets!!! Get back on your horse, it will feel so good, and your horse will enjoy the NEW you!!!
  4. kelda44


    I am not the only one??!! My husband thinks I'm nuts, but I have lost 50lbs, when I loose another 20, I am getting another tattoo!!! (I already have 3, but very small and in places no one sees). I think I am going to be adventurous and get a horse head silloute on my shoulder. This reperesents a part of my life that I love, riding my horses. At my heaviest, my horse would list to the side when I got on him, 50 lbs lighter, and I can get up without a problem, and I'm sure he is happier as well!! We will have to compare tattoos!!
  5. I have last a total of 40 lbs since I was banded March 16, 2008, and am very happy with my results. Everyone around me has noticed that I am happier, more outgoing, and I am spending more "quality" time with my kids. I have tried to stay away from the scale, but seem to jump on it almost daily. Most of the time there is some degree of weight lost, but for the last couple of weeks I am standing still. I have cut out carbs, working out, everything, but can't seem to get to the next pound. Has anyone else experienced this, and what did you do to continue to loose the weight? Thanks for your input!!
  6. I am going in tomorrow for my second fill. I have lost a total of 25 lbs, and feel great. My greatest fear is PBing. I have always scarffed my food when I ate, blamming it on having to take care of the kids, get to work, etc. I have never been a "sit down and enjoy your meal" kind of person. That is probably what got me to this weight in the first place. I have PBed probably more than I should, and it scares me to have it happen again. I end up having to spit up the slime, and I am scared of having to run to the bathroom when meeting with a client at lunch. I am afraid that this next fill will restrict my food size more, and I will PB more. I need to slow down and "smell the food" instead of scarfing it down, but am afraid I will forget and just pop it in my mouth and swallow. The lap band is really a life altering change, and I just need to slow it down and enjoy my food.
  7. kelda44


    Okay, what exaclty is IBS ans its symptoms. I probably have it. When my gall bladder was removed 7 years ago, I lost 45 lbs in 2 months because of my diareah, I underwent a lot of of tests (blood, Wheat Intolerance, even a colonoscopy), but no one said IBS.
  8. Okay- This is not something thatI really like to talk about, but I feel like someone else may be having this problem. Everytime I eat, I have to go to the bathroon- no waiting, GOT TO GO!!! :cursing:Then I have diahrea, and I almost can't go eat with clients because this gets so bad. Once I had to pull over and run into the gas station. This is really embarassing, and I hope that I can figure it out. I am meeting with my doctor on Friday, but thought that I would ask and see if anyone else has this. Thanks
  9. I feel like I am hungery more often, but can't eat as much in one sitting as I used to. I think my first fill (April 18th) will help out with the hunger. I am going to try the protien drinks 2x a day, and I think that will help. I gained 1/2 lb over the weekend, but have lost it now. I really just want to loose weight. My doctor did say that there may be a little weight gain before the first fill. The only thing restricting our hunger is if you have swelling in your stomach from the surgery, as the swelling goes down (and before your first fill) we will have the erge to eat more.
  10. kelda44


    You are amazing- 117lbs!!! When did you get banded? What a goal to set, and reach it, then exceed it. Great job!!
  11. kelda44


    Okay- I had the lap band on May 19th, feeling great, lost 20 pounds, but now I am afraid to eat anything. I got the okay to eat more food, and less liquids. The other night I had some meat, and I felt like I had it stuck in my throat, then I couldn't breath. My husband was going to call 911, then I threw up and I was fine. I was so scared, andit has happened 2 more times since then. I chew up the food, I chew , and I chew, but it doesn't seem to matter. I am now afraid to eat. Has anyone else had this happen? Otherwise, I am feeling great! :confused2:
  12. What a difference a week makes!! I had the lap band procedure on March 19th, and on the 20th I had some doubts on why I did it. I was sore, my stomache was bloated- I felt 9 months pregnant and ready to blow- and I was so tired. I literaly woke up today, one week out, and feel better than ever. I have been loosing weight, something I have not been able to by myself. I seem to have a new outlook on life, maybe this is all because I was able to have mashed potatoes last night instead of straight liquids. I just hope that anyone on the edge of deciding to get the lap band procedure just takes the plunge and does it. I have two young kids and was guillty about the cost, what if something happened to me, etc. My chances of living a full and productive life has just gone up, and that means more time with my children. I just signed up for a Walk for Cancer, for the end of the summer, something I never would have done just a week ago. I am so glad I did this, my life is changing daily!!!
  13. I had surgery 6 days ago, and doing good. My doctor did tell me how importatn it was to get enough protein. He recomended eating 3 meals a day- when I get over this liquid phase, and drinking 2-3 proptein drinks a day with at least 15 grams of protein and between 100-175 calories each.
  14. I got the lap bandon the 19th, and feel as if I am falling behind the pack here. Did anyone have any major diareah? I bet it's from all of the liquids. My stomach feels kind of "jittery", like I am low on food, but I do not have the erge to eat or drink anything. I may try to tomato soup, good idea! I have not been nearly as bloated or full of gas, but I do have a weird feeling in my throat, like I need to burp or hic-up, but it doesn't quite come out. Anyone have any ideas?
  15. kelda44

    5 days out-Have a question

    I had the Lap-Band surgery 5 days ago, and I really feel tired, excited, and nervous about my new "life". I have one question. I have, what I thought was a gas bubble, but for the last three days I feel that I have a lump in my throat, it's not constant, and all I have had is liquids, but I am concerned. Did anyone else feel this after surgery? :confused2:

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