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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DANDY75

  1. I'm eight days post op and I still have the pain in my left side near my port, I thought it would be gone by now,:w00t: but as I read all these posts I guess I have a few more weeks. :w00t: When I put my hand where it hurts I can almost feel the port, just alittle puffy, is this normal.
  2. DANDY75

    OMG! I have a brain tumor

    Diane, My prayers are with you, and vent all you want that's why we are here. Carol
  3. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Officially 1 wk post op and feeling better. Lost 5 lbs and have had no problems with thick fluids. 2 more weeks and I can start solid food and my first fill is June 9th. My port area is still sore, actually today it is worse then the first few days, How long does this last? Thank God for my recliner(easy to get in and out of and I sleep better.) I'm traveling back east on June 18th, so hopefully between the 9th and the 18th I can tell if my first fill is to much before I get 3000 miles away from my doctor. Janet: how are things in California, I hope your not to close to the fires.
  4. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Catchmi, Remember heating pad, moving around the house little sips, and I found that my recliner was my best friend. Easier to and get in and out of and splept better. Also, at the hospital they gave me a breathing thing to take home and use every hour or so and that helped alot with the tightness in chest and bring up mucus. You'll do fine and we are all her to help one another on this journey.
  5. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Whoohoo!!!! Made it thru the first week and feeling alot better, except that darn port site is still sore and alittle painful at times. Congratulations to all who have been banded and Good Luck to those who are waiting, my prayers are with you. So far so good with soups and liquidslost 5 lbs and my first fill is not until June 9th, hopfully I can at least loose 1 lb a week w/o any fills. Before I go can anyone tell me if a heating pad would help the port area feel better? Hope you guys will keep me posted. This is a great site to share and learn. And again good luck tomorrow for all who are being banded.
  6. DANDY75

    Having the worst day

    Rowshan, The Jeans don't matter, in a few months they will be way to big. Think of it that way. Also, make sure you have gas-x at home for post op it helps alot. Always look at the bright side. Carol
  7. DANDY75

    Having the worst day

    Hey, we've all been there, that's why we chose to be banded. It's a tool you will have for the rest of your life. Always remember, pick yourself up and brush yourself off, Don't beat yourself up. Plus, you got to see your daughter first parade and with this tool you will be around to see her daughters first parade. We are all here to help each other thru this, no one said it was going to be easy, that's why this is a great place to vent. Good luck on your surgery. My prayers are with you. [quote=rowshan;819190]Hi, I just need to vent. I am getting my band Wednesday, April 30th and am on day 5 of my pre-op diet. My day started out great with watching my daughter in her first parade for tee-ball. When we got home, it was so beautiful with a nice strong breeze, I threw her in the car and drove to the park to go kite flying. We were trying to get it going and I took some steps back, lost my balance and fell. My worst nightmare. I have rhumetoid arthritis and have not been able to take my enbrel injections for it since April 1, it needs to be out of my system for the surgery. It (the fall) was awful and so painful!! I fell right on my knees, my most affected joints. I could not stop myself. My daughter was crying (she is 5 and was sooo worried about mommy), I was crying. It was just plain scary. So, of course feeling sorry for myself, I just added some more to it. I just ate 3 slices of thin crust pizza with veggies and 1 cheese stick. I suck. I was doing so well, actually felt like my jeans were a tad loose today for the 1st time in a long time. Now I feel full, bloated and disgusting (and still in pain from the fall). Angry at me for blowing it so badly, and afraid the doctor will know what I have done when he opens me up. What is wrong with me?? Why do I need food to soothe me? Thanks for listening.
  8. I can't believe it, I had a date for May 16th and then found out the very same day my insurance changed and was told I would have to get a new referral. I did and now my date is April 21st, go figure. I'm not complaining except now I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Before I was worried about the date in May because I have my Mothers 80th bd in June and My (older) Sisters Wedding in August. I'm hoping now with the date earlier that I should be into a routine w/solid foods. Good luck to all you ladies. I'm 55 and if you noticed my parents are in their 80's, so I pray this new life will be long, healthy and active.
  9. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    WELCOME TO APRIL AVENGERS, I was banded April 21st and doing fine. You will get alot of information here. I'm full liquids for 3weeks then regular food. The first few days are a little uncomfortable but the pain is not to bad. Just make sure you get gas-x it helps alot with the gas which causes most of the discomfort. Every day I am feeling better and don't regret doing it for a minute. Plus I'm off all but 1 diebetic med which is great. Hang in there it is so worth it.
  10. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Four days post op and I feel great. Well, alittle uncomfortable but in a good way. Little pain, alot of gas, port side sore,but other then that I feel I've done the right thing. Had to stay over night due to my insurance, but that was good cause I had a hard time breathing, so they gave me a few breathing treatments. Doc has me on full liquids for 3 weeks(pudding,cream of wheat, soup, broth,ect.) not to bad then on to reqular food. Still not sleeping thru the nite, but each day gets better. I'll check back later.
  11. DANDY75

    "omg" I Finally Got My Surgery Date

    Hi Terry, I'm doing good. Had surgery Monday and had to stay over night due to my insurance, glad I did cause my breathing was a little heavy so they gave me a few breathing treatments. But, 4:30am Tues I was up and walking around and they let me go at 9am. I've been a little uncomfrortable, exausted so it's hard to sleep thru the night. No pain unless I turn the wrong way, doing ok on just tylenol and motrin. And I can't forget the gas-x. The gas and the port area is the worst. I have post op appt. Monday. So 3 weeks of full liquids(pudding-cream of wheat-jello-apple sauce-broth ect.) then on to regular food. How are you doing, how was your trip? Keep me posted.
  12. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Way to go, congrats to all you april banders. I was banded 4/21 and each day get a little better. No problems with eating, not really hungary. I am on full liquids for the first 3 weeks. (anything you can get thru a straw) After that I'm on to regular food. I've been sticking with jello, apple sauce, broth, yogart and cream of wheat. Not to bad. So far the only problem is the discomfort from the gas (gas-x great stuff) and the first night I had a hard time beathing. Well I'm now on my way to a new healthy and more active life. Best of luck to all still waiting. Would I do it again? Yes (Of course if you asked me the right after surgery I would have said "omg"what did I do) The next morning I was up and walking at 4:30am and glad I did it and it was over. Because of insurance I had to stay over night and I'm glad I did. I'll check back later and keep you all posted.
  13. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Wendy, best of luck tomorrow. My prayers are with you.
  14. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Congrats to all you new banders, hope all is well. And Bob, good luck, I know how you feel, I have surgery tomorrow to and have to be at the hospital by 6am. Good luck to the rest of us. Keep me posted. Prayers to all.
  15. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Well, I have one more day and getting alittle nervous at the same time anxious and excited, it's been a long time coming. I started this in December and finally one more day and my new life will begin. I'll keep you posted.
  16. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks Little Debbie, your prayers are much appriciated. I will keep you posted. I'm getting a little nervous, it's not the surgery itself but going under. And in the same breath I can't wait to start my living again. Carol
  17. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks Janet, I'm with you, never liked the meat or the veg., but the pears, peachs and apple sauce I liked, of course that was 33 yrs ago.
  18. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    You guys are great, Actually the first 3 weeks I am on full liquids(anything you can get thru a straw) Cream of wheat, oat meal, apple sauce, as long as it's something I don't have to chew.(puree) So I'm looking for some tastey suggestions. After that I'm on regular food. 4oz 3x aday.Has anyone tryed baby food???? Well, I'm to 2 days. I'll keep you posted.
  19. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Well, three more days. Going food shopping today for the next 3 weeks. Any advise would be appriciated. I can't believe it is actually going to happen, now I am getting really nervous.
  20. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Good Luck JohnC, Keep us posted. I go in Monday and know how you feel.
  21. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Had to register at the hospital today and met the people in out patient surgery, what a great crew. I'm actually more excited now and less nervous. Well maybe only a little less. Any suggestions on food shopping for the next 3 weeks . April 21,2008
  22. DANDY75

    Surgery Tomorrow! 4/16 10:15am!!

    Good luck Jersey Girl. I have 5 more days. My prayer are with you. Carol
  23. DANDY75

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey, I just saw all your photo's "wow" you guys are hot. I can only hope to do as good as all of you. What an inspiration. Congratulation to all of you. Five more days.
  24. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    [/url] Hi April Avengers, My pre-op is tomorrow and surgery Monday April 21st. Hope you don't mind me jumping aboard.
  25. DANDY75

    "omg" I Finally Got My Surgery Date

    Penny, what a great idea the forks I'm gona have to try that. The chop sticks, unfortunately I know how to use them so it wouldn't help. One more week, I'll keep you posted.

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