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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DANDY75

  1. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi all, I haven't been online all summer and need your help. I just got back from a trip back east for my sister wedding and I haven't lost a lb. in several weeks. The only good news is I didn't gain either. I have had 3 fills and think I'm at my sweet spot. Some things are easier to eat then others, meats I find hard to go down, it actually hurts sometimes and takes awhile to go down. Maybe I'm eating to fast and not chewing enough, I also catch myself having a sip of tea when I eat(bad), I started doing that when I was back in NJ. Also, is it normal to be able to eat more than 4oz at a time, depending on what I eat sometimes I can eat a lot more then just 4oz. Now that I'm back home I have been trying to get back on track, it's not easy especially since we got back my husband has been laid off and under foot all the time, I love having him around, but he is messing up my routine. I guess what I need is a few words of encouragement. Thank you all for letting me vent.
  2. DANDY75

    September Get-Together

    Hi all, Just touching base, I am still not sure if I will be in town to make this months get together. I really would like to meet all of you and get your support. I could use some input on how to get past this stand still I'm at on the scale. I'm not gaining, but I'm not loosing anything either. I should know in the next few days if I'll be able to make it on the 27th.
  3. Hi everyone, Sorry I didn't make it to the August get together at PF Changs, I got back from New Jersery the night of the 15th, had a great time, but when we got back to Henderson I found out my husband had been laid off. Needless to say I wasn't thinking about meeting up with everyone and never tought to cancel. Hope to be able to join you in September. I'll keep in touch. Carol
  4. Way to go Yvonne:huggie:, after my second fill I'm starting to loose again. I know my clothes are fitting better and I have a lot more energy. Can't wait to meet you guys next month, I'm really looking forward to it. Looks like everyone had a great time.
  5. Hi Yvonne, I will be there, the timing is perfect I get back from NJ on the night of the 15th. :tt1: I really felt bad:frown: I had to miss this weeks meeting on such short notice, I was looking forward to it, so count me in for Aug. 16th. :tongue_smilie:
  6. DANDY75

    Vegas Bandsters - Support Group

    Hi beckbat, I was banded 4/21 by Dr Atkinson, all my pre-op stuff was done thru my primary care doctor and was covered by insurance. The surgery and post op with Dr. Atkinson was $16,000 total. My insurance would only cover $5000, so I had to pay $11,000, this covered the doctor and the hospital stay for one nite. Hope this helps.:thumbup:
  7. Hi, Just back from a long visit w/my family in NJ. I tried to add my stats to the spread sheet with no luck, not sure what I did wrong if someone can help. My 2month out is 188/21. My first fill was June 9th and I really didn't feel any restrication, I just had my second fill on 7/7, so far so good. I have a little more restriction and lost 2 more lbs. I'll check back later since I have alot of catching up to do with reading everything that has been going on for the last month or so.
  8. DANDY75

    Vegas Bandsters - Support Group

    Hi, Just back from New Jersey, can't wait to meet you all, got the message from mominlv yesterday. Really need this support group after my 2 week visit to NJ. Between my mothers 80th and a graduation party, I did ok, stayed the same. No gain and No loss, had my first fill the week before I left and had absolutely no restriction. Go for my second fill tomorrow and I hope this time I feel a little restriction if not a lot.
  9. DANDY75

    Henderson Support Group

    Hi Acactusflower, Thanks for the friendship request, I was posting on another thread, glad I found this one. Meeting at the :coffee:Coffee bean at the District sounds great, but as you already know I will be back east the 18th thru the 2nd of July for my Moms 80th B'day I'll try to keep in touch with you ladies while I'm away, if not I will let you all know when I get back. And usually any day of the week is good for me, just let me know.
  10. DANDY75

    April bandsters- roll call!

    Hi Bobbil, I was also banded on 4/21 and down 16lbs the first 6 weeks, at first I thought it should be more but then again I didn't gain it over night. My doctor was also happy with my loss. Since my first fill I have dropped a few more and my energy level is awesome. And that does count for something.
  11. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Dawgfan, How proud you must be of your nephew, Give him a big THANK YOU from me and my family for keeping us safe. I will keep him along with the rest of our troops in my prayers.
  12. DANDY75

    Anyone out there?

    Hi Mary, My name is Carol from Hendrson, I was banded 4/21, by Dr. Atkinson in LV, hope your surgery went well. I just stumbled on this thread today and thought I would say hi. Carol
  13. DANDY75

    Anyone out there?

    Sharon, By the way, good luck on the 27th, I'll be in New Jersey. Just wanted you to know you'll be in my thought and prayers. Carol
  14. DANDY75

    Anyone out there?

    Hi Sharon, my name is Carol and I also live in Henderson. I was banded the 21st of April, would love to an informal social support group. I am going out of town on the 18th of this month and won't be back until July 3rd. Going back east for my Mothers 80th birthday. I will be checking the thread from their so let me know how it progresses. Carol
  15. DANDY75

    Anyone out there?

    Wow, I just notice this thread, hope you don't mind me jumping in. I was banded 4/21/08 by Dr. Atkinson and it was the best thing I have ever done. I'm down 18lbs and have more energy. I have not been to any of the SWCC support group meatings, mainly because I hate driving over to the other side of the world. I'm in Henderson and to go over to the Meadows Mall in the evening is just not what I like to do. One of these days I will get over there because I know the support would be a plus. Going out of town till July 2nd so maybe when I get back I will make it my priority. I also think a social gathering is great, and the District is such a nice place. And as far as car pooling to SWCC goups let me know, When I get back from the east coast(visiting my family) I would be more than happy to give it a try. Carol
  16. DANDY75

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Is it normal not to feel restriction after the first fill or dose it take a few days? My next fill is not until July 7th, only because I will be out of town for the next few weeks. I'm not really hungry, but I know I could eat more if I wanted. Any suggestions? Carol
  17. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Can anyone tell me if you are supposed to feel restricted right after your first fill. I had mine on Monday and for the first two days liquids went down fine. Now back on real food, I had a very small chicken Caesar salad, went down fine, then dinner about 4 oz of beef and cheese w/apple sauce went down ok but only ate about half of it. Later had some tomato soup, not really hungry but I think I could eat a little more if I wanted. Is this normal or does it take a few day to really feel the restriction? I'm going away for a few weeks so I really don't want to go back for another fill and not be able to eat or need an unfill, I wouldn't know where to go to get one. Any suggestions? Thanks Carol
  18. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello everybody, got my first fill yesterday, my band is 10cc and I had 2cc's to start when I had surgery and they added 1.5cc yesterday. Not bad, really didn't feel much of anything and liquids are going down ok. I really don't feel any more restriction from before, but then again I am only on liquids. I hope tomorrow when I start back on real food I will feel a little more restriction. I am going away for 2 weeks and will be flying 2500 miles. The doctor said next time will be more aggressive which is ok with me, I really don't want to have any problems while I'm away. I can say I'm not really all that hungary even on liquids, so thats good and I even lost 2 lbs. It's great to see the scale move again.
  19. DANDY75

    Wife get surgery 6/9

    What a great husband, so far you are doing the right thing by caring. I spent the night at the hospital, was up a few times walking, I am now about 6weeks post-op and lost 16 lbs, and have more energy then I thought I would. I can only imagine what kind of endergy I have when I loose it all. My husband sat with me till about 9pm and was back to pick me up at 8am. We have been married for 26 years and he just knows when to help and when not to. You will both be fine. The first few days are slow going, just make sure you have some gas-ex for her. The gas is the worst part of it all. Good luck and I will say some prayer for you both.
  20. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome to the board Judy, like lynnt1215 I'm also fairly new to the board, was banded 4/21/08 with my first fill tomorrow. I may not post as much as some but I find that what I read on this board is a comfort and big help to me these ladies know what we are all going thru and are here to support each other.
  21. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Happy Birthday Lyn and welcome to the board, I'm 55 and having the LB is the best thing I have ever done. Fairly new to this myself, I find this board to be the best support you can find. Good luck, July 16th will be here before you know it..
  22. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Becky, I do the same thing, put a little pressure on it and it feels alittle better. I can't wait to get my 1st fill. I don't want to start turning 6oz. of food into 16oz. It just seem to go down to easy. Good luck Thursday, I'll let you all know how I make out on Monday.
  23. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks Janet, I will ask them on Monday, I don't think it's anyting serious, but it's better to be safe then sorry. Hope all is going well, you're a God send on this board along with alot of others. You inspire us all.
  24. DANDY75

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi, Can anyone tell me if it is normal to feel a little pain around your port site? I don't feel it all the time, just once in a while. I was banded 4/21/08 and have my first fill on Monday, thank God. I find I can eat more than I could in the first 4 weeks. Can these little pangs around my port be gas or maybe because I hade 6oz instead of 4 oz of food for a meal? Of course today I had to go buy dog food which was a 40lb bag, and yes I pick it up to put in my car. I really didn't pull anything. And I feel better when I take my bra off.
  25. DANDY75

    55 Yr old Banded Apr 23rd

    Hi Bearlady, I was banded 4/21/08 and it's the best thing I could have done for myself. I started out with my insurance covering all but $1500, then my insurance change the day I got my surgery date and the new insurance would only p/u $4000. So I bit the bullet and went thru with it and I'm now down 16 lbs and still haven't had my first fill. Best of luck to you, I hope all works out for you.

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