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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Kristen0912

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/12/1993

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 33 year old newlywed! I am excited about this Journey! Jave my Surgery date, and now just waiting for July!
  • Gender
  • City
    Hampton Roads
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  1. I needed this too!!! I'm about 36 hours post op and pretty miserable. def struggling to get in the fluids, let alone the protein.
  2. Kristen0912


    I am excited to get started!!! But ask me in a couple days and I probably won't be so happy about it lol!!!!! Good luck!
  3. Kristen0912


    Wow that sounds much better than their suggested 5 shakes a day!!! But again, they told me it was optional and that we were allowed to do a more flexible diet. I think I just clung to the idea of feeling miserable and panicked!!! Thanks!!
  4. Kristen0912


    That would def be ideal, but I start my pre op two weeks on Monday!! I wish I would have known sooner. Guess I'll just hope for the best!! Thanks!!
  5. Kristen0912


    I had my orientation today and they were talking about a no carb pre op diet and that people go through these terrible flu like withdrawals. Y'all I am not prepared for this!!!! I was ready to feel tired and crummy. But why does it have to be cold turkey on carbs? Now. This is the diet they recommend which is all shakes which they sell to you, but it is not mandatory. I want to shrink my liver but I don't want to have the "flu" on top of it all. Anyone have a pre op plan that still has a least a little carbs in it?? What does your plans look like?
  6. June is well underway! Some of us have less than 30 days until our surgery dates! OMG!!!!!! Where is everyone at in the process? I have my Orientation next week, so that's my next step!
  7. Kristen0912

    Vitamin patches are no good

    Hmm that's interesting! I have my pre-op class next week and vitamin patches are on my list of things to ask about!
  8. Kristen0912


    Ooooh yes! If you find it please share!
  9. Sleeve Date twins!!!! I have told my closest friends and my family! Other than them I have told people that I am having surgery but not what it is. I had a bad relationship years back, afterwards I promised to learn to love myself how I am. I think that gives me a lot of confidence. Also my hubby is super supportive, aaaaand I have my therapist hahaha! I still struggle with "what are other people going to think of me" when they find out I am having/had weight loss surgery, but at the end of the day I try to remind myself this is my body and my life, and I want to be healthy more than I care about almost anything else. Recently I was reminded of that, I don't know if any of you know who Ashley Nell Tipton is, but she is a plus size designer who won project runway. It recently came out that she underwent WLS and I keep seeing articles where she says that mantra over and over "It’s My Body, It’s My Health, It’s My Choice" She wrote a great post on FB, but of course I can't find it. But here is an article http://stylishcurves.com/ashley-nell-tipton-reveals-she-had-weightloss-surgery/ Hope this message give you, and everyone else on our feed some positive vibes! We are here to support each other!
  10. Kristen0912


    So is everyone vigorously researching stuff for their pre-op diets? Or just researching in general? I feel like I have so many questions and thoughts and things I want to know. I keep starting list after list of things to look into, pre-op diet, things I need for pre op time (blenders, etc), things for post op (baby spoons, scales , etc.) , what to pack in my hospital bag, what can I eat as a mushy food list, etc. etc. So Since it's the first thing to come up, lets talk about Pre-Op diets and things we need! questions? comments? Great ideas you've already found?
  11. Really? that's a bummer about your parents! Do you have some friends who are? You will need a little support group for sure! You will have us now!! I think we can all agree scared and excited are the basic emotions we are all feeling, sometimes overwhelmingly!!!
  12. Welcome!!! July 7th!!! Are you excited!!??
  13. Kristen0912

    Pre Op Liquid Diet

    This is the most encouraging post I have ever read! I have a lot of the same worries about the preop and even post op diets and this is just.... everything! I will be taking a lot of your advice! I am just getting into the forums and I am glad that I did! Thanks for this!
  14. Kristen0912

    obsession getting out of hand

    I have had this same problem, and sometimes I still do. I actually ended up moving my surgery date up because I didn't want to keep obsessing for 6 more months. However, I have learned a little about how to control it. I have seen a therapist regularly since I started thinking about the surgery and she suggested a couple things. One is a worry journal. and mine is not so much a journal as much as a book of lists. I take ten minutes or so in the morning and write a list of all the things I am worrying/obsessing about. then I write next to them the current step I am in. For instance Protein powders - I could spend hours researching this daily - but I have ordered a few samples and until those come in and I try them, there is really nothing else I can do. So I would write - ordered samples or whatever next to that item. Then if during the something comes up I am able to remember that I am doing everything I can at the moment for that particular item and push it out of my mind and get back to my task. I hope that makes sense. It has really been helping me. Best of luck!
  15. Kristen0912

    Sleeve buddies :)

    HI! I just followed you on Insta! My surgery date is 7/10! I am looking for some buddies too!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
