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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelinsnorkel

  1. travelinsnorkel

    I need someone to help me through this

    Hi there...good luck in your process. My band date is October 13, so I don't have too much advice to give, but it seems like someone on here always has an answer to my questions!
  2. travelinsnorkel


    So, I've been on the board for a while, but I'm confused about initial weight loss. It sounds like many people don't lose very much right after surgery, but aren't consuming many calories. Can anyone explain this. I would think that being on the liquid and mushies diet would make you lose a lot initially and then you would taper off...
  3. travelinsnorkel

    Completely Frustrated

    Wow, I don't know who to be more worried about, the patient or the doctor! I guess that some people don't want to know what is going to happen so they can live in denial, but I also think that that will lead her to not being successful. I agree that the doctors should make sure that their patients know all of the details. Mine didn't tell me that much about the process, but I knew a lot and I'm sure that that was obvious to him because I had a ton of questions! Well, all I can say is just keep doing what you are doing and once you have your surgery this will just be a blip on the radar!
  4. Just a few questions about what and how I will be able to eat after surgery.. -I hear you have to eat your proteins first, can you do sandwiches? Pizza? Sushi since they are combinations? -What happens if something is really dry, can you take a sip of water? -Is it ok to snack? Or do you have to just do the 3 meals a day? -Do drinks make you full at non meal times? -How does alcohol affect you? Thanks!
  5. travelinsnorkel

    Post-Op Eating....

    No bread works for me! That is my biggest weakness and I am glad that it will be limited!
  6. travelinsnorkel

    Shake Suggestions?

    Thanks for all of the good advice! I am feeling a little better about this liquid thing and that there are more options out there!
  7. I have been through everything you have and have come full circle. About a month ago I decided that I could do this on my own. Not sure what I was thinking since I have been overweight since I was a kid. I have finally decided that the lap band is for me and that I need to do this for my health. I got a date for October! Wish you much luck in your journey!
  8. Things I won't miss... avoiding mirrors old lady fat clothes and bathing suits having the guys check out my friends and not me barely being able to cross my legs diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol heel pain, knee pain, back pain having to go to the fat section that is every so conveniently located next to the maternity section (I'm fat, not pregnant!) Leaning into the aisle on airplanes to be comfortable being tired all of the time worrying what people think when i'm checking out at the grocery store lack of self confidence I can't wait for my new life!
  9. So, I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I was dead set that I was doing the lap band and was starting to mentally prepare myself, but my therapist has brought up a lot of doubts and questions. She feels like I need to make the psychological change first and maybe try Phentermine to help with this. Well, I can't try this until I get my blood pressure down. So, I'm kind of stuck. I keep trying to diet on my own to exhaust all of my options because I'm scared to make the life change. I'm scared to break my lifetime relationship with food. Will I be able to not drink water during meals? What happens if I do? Will I chew things up enough so I don't get sick? Right now I gulp food down. I just got back from a month in Africa. What will I do when I travel? Will I be able to find things that I can eat? Maybe I am just thinking of these things to talk myself out of doing it and making the commitment, but I am truly scared and I'm not sure if this is the right thing for me. Help!! Thanks!
  10. travelinsnorkel

    Worries, freak outs, and questions!

    Thank you for all of the good advice. I think that I'm just going through all of the ups and downs of the process. My therapist is trying to make sure that I am ready. She knows how many diets I've started and stopped and wants to make sure that this isn't just something I'm doing and am not committed to. So, I guess that my thoughts are that I feel committed now, but will I once it is done and I am stuck with it for life and it doesn't work. I know it is just a tool and I have to do my part, so I am hoping that it will be a good choice for me. The fact that I have developed diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heel problems all in the last year should be an immediate yes! My goal would be to loose 110 pounds. That is also daunting, which has hurt me in th past. I know I need to focus on a little at a time! Thanks again!
  11. travelinsnorkel

    Second Thoughts

    So, I was positive that the lap band was right for me and was definitely going to do it in the fall. Well, I have been reading a lot about it and I'm worried that I'm not committed enough and that I won't be able to do it. I have felt very out of control with eating lately, even more so than usual. What if I don't lose weight and I've gone through all of that? But at this point I also feel like I need SOMETHING to help me curb my eating and help all of my health problems!
  12. travelinsnorkel

    Any anger from dating?

    I haven't been banded yet, but I'm wondering, is there any anger or resentment while dating post banding? I'm sure once you've lost a lot of weight it is easier to meet men. Does it anger you that these guys will date you now, but wouldn't have before?
  13. So, I've decided I'm definitely having the surgery. Since I'm self pay and have done all of the necessary things, I just need to pick a date. Well, ever since I have decided to do this, I can't stop eating! I feel like I need to eat anything and everything that I can just in case I can't eat it after surgery. I know that this is only going to make things worse for the surgery, but I just can't seem to stop. I'm thinking of starting a structured plan until my date like Jenny Craig or something that will at least keep me from gaining any more! Just looking for some support...thanks!
  14. travelinsnorkel

    Can't stop eating!

    Thanks for the support! I am definitely discussing this with my therapist, but as of yet haven't been able to control myself. I need to get on the ball and start a structured program so I can put an end to the craziness!
  15. travelinsnorkel

    Fat Clothes

    Why is it that they can't make more cute clothes for plus sized women?? I was looking for bathing suits the other day and a lot of them are old lady prints. Why can't they just use the fabrics from the smaller clothes and make them in plus size styles? I don't get it. I'm not saying they need plus size bikinis or halter tops, but they can make clothes that are cuter. The stores have definitely gotten better in past years, but they have a long way to go!
  16. travelinsnorkel

    Fat Clothes

    I have the problem of normal sized arms and legs and a giant belly! Lane Bryant finally has jeans that come in different shapes as not all plus sized women have large thighs! I have found nice bathing suits at Target and Lands End, but I covet the cuter ones in the smaller sizes, hence why I'm going to get banded. Well, part of the reason...haha
  17. travelinsnorkel

    Size 10...Plus Size???

    Well put Leslie2Lose! The thing that bothers me the most is that many of the plus size clothing isn't even modeled by plus sized women. I think that plus size clothing lines should at least show their close on women who actually can wear the clothes! I think that girls need to know that it is good to strive to be a healthy weight, but the reality is that many people are overweight now and they also need to know that if they are overweight they are still beautiful girls. They shouldn't feel like they are left out. I remember when I was a chubby kid and felt like I couldn't buy any of the clothes that the skinny girls wore and I felt really bad about myself. That coupled with the fact that all of the models and actresses being thin, it puts a dent in your self esteem.
  18. travelinsnorkel

    Size 10...Plus Size???

    I read this as I was reading the show, which I had Tivo'd...you ruined the ending, but I'll forgive you! haha. I totally agree. I was just sitting here thinking, SHE is PLUS SIZE?? I think that she is a normal size and the rest of them are overly skinny. This is why girls have such body image problems.
  19. Well, you know where half of those kids learn those mean things to say? Their parents! Either that, or the parents don't reprimand them for saying such hurtful things. I was out with my Aunt and my two cousins who are aged 13 and 18 and they were talking about fat people while both my Mom and I were there. My aunt didn't say a word to them, so I did, but I'm sure there are a lot of kids out there who never get a word said to them. Sad, really. Because you know if they say it to an adult, they are torturing kids their age that are overweight.
  20. travelinsnorkel

    One week post surgery - my story

    Thanks for the post. It is nice to have a detailed account of how things go after surgery. I'd love to hear other people's stories.
  21. travelinsnorkel

    Food is Love

    So, my therapist and I met the other day...I see her for regular issues, but lately we have been discussing the LB and my weight issues so she can do my psyche eval. Anyway, she said her main concern is that I think of food is love and love as food and how will I deal with this when I am banded. My thoughts were that I will replace eating with other activities. I also told her that I think that since I will get that full feeling more easily, that will help me deal with it psychologically, is this true? How do you deal with the emotional side of things when you are so used to eating to numb things?
  22. travelinsnorkel

    Food is Love

    Thank you...that is good to hear. I will pass that on to her. I understand her concern and it is hard to predict the future and it is great to hear how it has gone for others!
  23. travelinsnorkel


    Well, I finally had my first surgical consult today. After reading all of these posts, I thought it would be an incredibly long process. Well, basically, since I had all of my ducks in a row and was self pay the doc was basically like, after you have your nutritionist appt and get your psyche eval in we can set a date. I am excited, but scared too! I have decided to not get it done until after my trip to Africa in July, so it is just a matter of working out when I can take off of work again. Part of me wants to put it off, but then part of me wants it to be done NOW! I'm trying to think of things that I can do as activities that don't revolve around eating because I think that that will be my downfall if anything. Any suggestions? Sorry for the rambles, but I think I'm kind of in a state of shock and excitement!
  24. travelinsnorkel

    Long live Sushi

    Good to know that sushi will still be able to fit into my plan after I get banded. Any ill effects?
  25. travelinsnorkel

    The Begining

    Sounds like you are on the right track now! It is amazing how the weight creeps up, isn't it? Best of luck!

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