Hi! I've wanted to find a site where I can make friends and talk about Lap Band issues and hopefully this is the site.
I was banded four days ago on the 18th. I'm doing well I think, but still have considerable pain in my chest when I breathe deeply and I suppose that it's just the CO2 in my body still. I had the Lap Band procedure because I have severe reflux called Barrett's Esophogus and my surgeon thought that Lap Band would be the answer to my prayers. (And I would lose weight in the process which would be a bonus!) I have about 70 lbs. to lose. I've lost 4-5 so far and have had nothing to eat but broth, juice, popcicles, Jello. I've also added Protein shake made with skim milk and added part of a banana liguified. Seem to do okay with it. I just still have tightness in my chest issues and still just feel a strain in that entire area.
I would love to hear how others are doing and see if my experiences are similar. I don't know when I will have the fill. That's not even been discussed yet.
Take care,