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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by IveGotThePower

  1. IveGotThePower


    I take the Bariatric Advantage chewable also, and I like them. They taste almost like a sweet tart to me.
  2. IveGotThePower

    Did you tell people?

    My co-workers who know don't pay any attention to what I eat now. They asked what I ate a couple of times, more out of curiosity I think. But after a few months, it's a non-issue.
  3. IveGotThePower

    Almost 1 Year Surgiversary

    Congratulations on you success! Great job! Don't know if this will help, but this past week I discovered something that helped me. I ran out of yogurt and have just been eating the other foods I normally eat which don't contain sugar and are very low carb. Even though I was loosing a pound or two every week or two, I lost 3 lbs between Monday and Friday! My hunger was definitely less. I believe that just a small amount of sugar makes a difference for me and I'm guessing others are as sensitive also. Also, given your current exercise routine, you might make sure you are getting enough calories spread out throughout the day. I also know dense Protein fills me up for longer a longer period. So I keep snack size baggies in the freezer of cooked ground chicken/turkey with a little veggies and Beans mixed in. I make it every 2 or 3 weeks, then take for lunch and add a little cheese. Best of luck to you
  4. IveGotThePower

    Sizes clearly mean nothing

    Yes, I agree about the larger size clothing having more wiggle room. And I didn't realize how uncomfortable and tight my original cloths were either. Also, try clothes that are a size smaller anyway. You might be surprised. I was SHOCKED when I fit into a size 16 Regular Intro pants (they have some stretch) that were not in the plus size department. I bought them on sale for a month or two later, and just decided to give them a try just 2 weeks later because they were so cute. I started at 22, sometimes 24. But it is so crazy how the sizes are also brand specific. Tops seem to be closer to true size for me. And of course, it depends where your weight comes off first. Every weekend I'm donating a few items, and buying an item or two, or maybe 4..........But only when they are on sale You will get there. Just focus on your nutrition and good things will come to you.
  5. IveGotThePower

    Black and White Thinking.

    Baby steps. Take it one meal or one hour at a time if you need to. I agree with Dub. It is important and well worth it. It is only 2 weeks of your life. You can do this!
  6. I had surgery on a Wednesday. Took that week (3 days) and the following week (5) days off and was fine at a desk job. But I did need that time off.
  7. IveGotThePower

    Did you tell people?

    You are right. They make fun of us or think things that aren't true no matter what we do. You can't control other people. I agree with Loopylulu. Disregard what people think. It's one less thing to worry about. You should not be sorry for waking up every day and doing the best you can do to be the best you can be
  8. IveGotThePower

    Did you tell people?

    I didn't tell anyone until right before surgery. And now that I'm 5 months out, I tell everyone. I still get those off the wall ignorant comments, but they don't bother me. There is no shortage of ignorance in the world. I did a lot of research and am comfortable with my decision. I guess the reason I share now is because it feels like there is this incredible tool available to people who have struggled like me for so long. And maybe my experience will help someone else.
  9. Just last week I told a co-worker and she said, "I just heard on the news that a woman died having a tummy tuck". Huh...??? How is that related? I have also had my hairdresser tell me that her co-worker died from stomach cancer after she had wls. And that the wls caused it. Uh...wls doesn't cause stomach cancer, but couldn't tell her that. So, my now, go to response to those people, is that now they know a person who knows lots of other people who did GREAT and have NO regrets, and they can share that the next time they hear of someone having wls.
  10. IveGotThePower

    Vitamin Deficiencies?

    My NUT has indicated that we will do specific blood testing at either 6 months or a year. Not there yet, so I'm not sure which. But I know it's coming. How long after surgery did you have a blood work up? And did you have any deficiencies? If so, were you taking bariatric Vitamins and Calcium? I know this is more of an issue with gastric bypass, but wondering about my fellow sleevers.
  11. IveGotThePower

    60-65% of Excess Weight?

    I am post surgery. 5 months out. Interesting to see different replies from different surgeons. I know there are many factors involved. Average at 2 years, or even 3 would still be awesome!
  12. IveGotThePower

    Does VSG typically increase heartburn

    I am 5 months out and had terrible heartburn before surgery, a NONE after. I was tested for the H Pyloria bacteria before surgery. It's a simple blow in a bag deal. If you have it then they should be able to treat it with antibiotics. I did not have it. My surgeon said there also might be a hernia and that he would repair it if he found one. No hernia either. I did have "trigger" foods prior to surgery, such as chocolate, baked goods (especially chocolate chip cookies), and tomato sauce. I was told to take Prilosec for the first year after surgery, but I forget and take it maybe once a week if that. But I have no issues, so, I don't feel the need. Another thing to take into consideration is that my "trigger" foods are mostly eliminated since I do a high Protein, low carb diet. Haven't had the urge to have even one bit of chocolate or a cookie in 5 months. Completely blows my mind. So, maybe if your GERD can be controlled by diet, it will be easier to control it after surgery. Best of luck to you. I know that is certainly something to take into consideration.
  13. I am 4.5 out from surgery. Weight loss is so unpredictable. 3 lbs one week and 1 lb another week. Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for every ounce that I loose. But wondering if/when the weight loss slowed down for you.
  14. IveGotThePower

    How many calories do you get in a day?

    Great question! You read my mind. For the past 4 months I have not really kept a strict record. But I believe I started at 400 calories right after surgery and I think I'm up to 1000-1200 on more days than not now. Crazy, but it looks like that might be too many calories for me to loose even 1 lb a week. Exercise is sporadic, not consistent, so that may be an issue as well. I feel like I'm at a point where I really have to reevaluate the calories as well as the Protein in order to continue the rate of weight loss I had before. I didn't want to have to track everything, but it looks like I will be more successful if I do now.
  15. IveGotThePower

    Two Year Surgiversary

    Thanks for sharing. I love to hear how people are doing at a few years out. You are an inspiration!
  16. Dub, Interesting to hear you say that cardio isn't supposed to affect weight loss. I have read/heard and experienced the same thing prior to wls. I've heard "Weight loss is 80-90% diet and 10-20% workout". This seemed to be at least partly true, b/c it didn't seem to matter how hard I worked out, none of the weight came off. But I think it does affect me now as well. Training for a 5K in January, so hopefully the training will help at least a little. There is such a fine line between working out and hurting yourself b/c our joints are not made to handle the extra weight. But we persevere and we will succeed! Silverthreads, Love that I'm not the only one who weights every day (and maybe night :-|). I also keep graphs and measurements. But I do it manually on a spreadsheet. May look into a fancy Withings scale. Thanks!
  17. IveGotThePower

    Veggies Anyone?

    I'm 4.5 months out. Eating pretty much all Protein all the time. But I miss veggies. Anyone including veggies after their protein and still loosing regularly? How much per day and what kind do you include?
  18. IveGotThePower

    Veggies Anyone?

    Thank you! I miss veggies. I am including very small amounts with my Protein, like chopped peppers and onions in my crustless quiche, or mixed with ground chicken or turkey. But not a lot. So, it is great to see you guys including them with a protein focus of course, and still doing well.
  19. I'm just over 4 months out. Feel great. Doing well. The only thing is that I know I'm not getting enough Protein every day. Maybe half the time I do. I'm still happy with the speed at which I'm loosing weight. Anybody have issues from not taking in enough protein other than not loosing weight fast enough?
  20. IveGotThePower

    Prepared for new life?

    I researched wls for several years before choosing my bariatric program, surgeon and the sleeve. I give you credit for going into it with your eyes wide open. VSG is a life changing surgery and should not be taken lightly. And I believe the more you are ready, the better you will do. Knowledge is power. You can use what you learn to stack the odds in your favor. Learn from other's mistakes and use the resources available to you through your program to answer your questions and provide information. Just be sure what you read comes from a reputable source. Following the rules is critical, especially in the beginning. There are risks involved. Looking at the statistics for the complications and knowing what to watch for and what the treatment for those complications was is what helped me to feel more comfortable. That being said, my experience has been nothing short of AMAZING! And I know you will see this over and over, but it was the best decision (other than marrying my Husband), that I ever made. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  21. IveGotThePower

    What happens if you don't get enough protein?

    So I spoke with my Nutritionist and I'm getting close to the required amount of Protein, so she's not concerned. I'm 4.5 months out and can eat more than before, so I am getting enough protein. She did also say that they find people who meet their protein goals loose more weight. I'm at about a pound every 4 to 5 days give or take a day or two. Just hit 54 lbs today. I'm very happy with this rate of weight loss, so I'm just going to keep on keeping on. May the protein be with you!
  22. IveGotThePower

    What happens if you don't get enough protein?

    Thanks Inner Surfer Girl! I like your analogy. That makes sense.
  23. I am 4 months out and Hubby an I eat out at least once each week. We share a meal or I get Soup or something small and that works for us. Just wondering what you tell the waiter / server when they look at you like they are asking if that is all you are going to eat. It sort of makes me uncomfortable and I feel like I should tell them something, even if it's made up. I know I don't have to say anything, but does anyone have any thoughts or ideas to share?
  24. IveGotThePower

    What do you tell the waiter/server?

    Dub, you crack me up! Thanks for all the input everyone. Good stuff here. I bought one of those small carry coolers that I try to have in the car when we go out, so we can keep our leftovers cold until we get home. We don't always go directly home after lunch or dinner. But having trouble remembering to bring the cooler every time we go out. And it really does work out better if we just share one dish.
  25. IveGotThePower

    What do you tell the waiter/server?

    Thank you Clementine Sky! Sometimes I say something, usually I don't. But I do feel like a tightwad sometimes when we are taking a table that could be used by two people ordering two full meals. I like your idea of tipping for a full meal each. And I like your suggestion about saying I don't have much of an appetite. Simple and short. Great ideas. Thank you!

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