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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    A_new_sara reacted to Pitmom in Diet at 6 wks post op   
    Lol no worries about the shock! I am shocked, too! Since this post, I have looked at the info the surgeon gave me and what I have been doing. Changes have been made including slowing down and chewing more! I am 48 and for years I have eaten so fast and never really enjoyed a bite of food! Working on doing that now! I am highly motivated to hit a milestone right now, too! I started this weight loss journey last November and had my sleeve surgery 7/24. I am currently 6 pounds from the 300 mark and 16 pounds from the 100 pounds lost milestone! So glad I found this support group! Really is helping!

  2. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from ThickGirl5683 in How do you stop losing?   
    I'm 6 weeks out and 35 lbs away from goal.. I'm worried I'll reach my goal too soon and keep losing weight. How do you slow it down? I can't eat high calorie foods, anything with sugar or dairy makes me sick. Anyone else worried about this?
  3. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from Kristi Jacobs in Serious about MEXICO but many questions and concerns   
    I had a revision surgery from Lapband to VSG with Dr. Gerado Garcia Alvarez, with Bariatric Mexico. The only pre op text I had here was an endoscopy, and that was just to make sure I didn't have any erosion from my lapband. Once I was in Mexico I had all my other test done. My surgery was at the center in Cabo, but they have 4 other locations as well.
  4. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from lindabalseca in 2 weeks post op and a stall   
    You're not at a stall. A stall lasts for a week or two and it's just your body reshuffling. Your sleeve works. You just have to be patient. Every single person goes through stalls. Most are at 3 weeks when they introduce solids. You are on them now so that could be why. Just relax, it'll happen
  5. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to dreamingsmall in 2 weeks post op and a stall   
    Weighing the same from week 1 to week 2 is not a stall. Not losing weight in one week does not mean the sleeve is not working.
    Paitence is important. Make sure you are drinking enough Water too. It is working you lost alot pre surgery so maybe your body is just catching up.
  6. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Tiamka in 2 weeks post op and a stall   
    My weight loss graph since surgery looks like steps, not a ramp. I asked my surgeon about it and he said not to worry and that I was doing everything correctly. Always check with your doctor, but I suspect that there is nothing wrong and you will continue to lose a bit, then pause, then drop down again, then pause, etc. I have not lost weight at a steady rate since my surgery, but it does come off and averages out to be normal, just bumpier than most others. Check with your Doc and keep up the good work, you'll do great, I promise!
  7. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from iamOpalicious in JULY SLEEVERS- How are you doing?   
    Remember to take measurements often.. stalls are just your body reshuffling.. you are still shrinking
  8. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from Noworneverthin in DUMPING IS REAL!!   
    In my case that's hot what dumping felt like.. it was more of an all over hot flash, really nauseated (even vomiting), rapid racing heart rate, and the need to lay down for a bit until it passes.. It was ROUGH!! Now I'm afraid to try anything new, scared for it to happen again.
  9. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Angie's_Ocean in Anyone else uncomfortable with weight comments?   
    OMG!!! What a *****! I would have told her where to go and how to get there!

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    A_new_sara reacted to Diana_in_Philly in Anyone else uncomfortable with weight comments?   
    What I say:
    I'm working with a medical team. I log every bite I eat in My Fitness Pal and weigh and measure everything I eat. I eat anywhere from 70-100 grams of Protein a day and drink at least 64 ounces of Water. I do not eat bread, Pasta, rice or sugar.
    I exercise at least 5 days a week for at least an hour a day. I'm working with a personal trainer. I do classes, lift weights and other things.
    It's very hard work.
    None of that is untrue. It is a sin of omission, as Sister Mary Patrick would have said, because I am not telling the whole truth, but I have no obligation to tell the inquirer anything at all. By the time I get to - I don't eat bread, pasta, rice or sugar - their faces have fallen and the first reaction is - "I could never do that". Well, you asked how I'm doing it and this is how.
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    A_new_sara reacted to PrayingForWeightLoss in Anyone else uncomfortable with weight comments?   
    Allie589, I almost peed on myself laughing at your comment about wrinkles not being so deep. That is just waaaaaay too funny[emoji23]!!!

  12. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Missy161 in DUMPING IS REAL!!   
    She said the doc advised eating mashed potatoes.
    Maybe added Protein Powder. ?

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 192 GW 135
  13. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to ShelterDog64 in DUMPING IS REAL!!   
    It's definitely not a "never" thing for sleeve patients, but it is much less likely to occur in someone who's had a VSG than someone who's had a bypass. I'm sorry it's happening to you!
    Also, I have reactive hypoglycemia and it feels VERY much like dumping but I've had it for years...happens when I eat simple carbs.
  14. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to southernbellair79 in Jealous of others on here   
    I second the parm crisps. I'm doing keto ( or trying too very new to the program) but it's a great protein packed no carb snack that gives you crunch and salt like a chip but much better. I think just 6- 10 crisp are like 10 grams of protein.

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    A_new_sara reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    I'm not sure who is reading what, but there is no abuse... and half my posts come tongue in cheek. Lighten up.
    Jess is friendly and I have zero issue with her even though she made a ton of assumptions earlier in this thread that were completely absurd and out of line.

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    A_new_sara reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    Honestly @jess9395, time to move on and concern yourself else where.
  17. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    I own it. Bought the copyrights to make the movie.
  18. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from southernbellair79 in Jealous of others on here   
    Oh my Lord go troll somewhere else. If you don't like this post than go away. This is childish to sit here and respond over and over throwing stones. It's your personality that's being reflected here not his. Find another post to hijack.. you made your point here, no one cares!!
  19. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from southernbellair79 in Jealous of others on here   
    Oh my Lord go troll somewhere else. If you don't like this post than go away. This is childish to sit here and respond over and over throwing stones. It's your personality that's being reflected here not his. Find another post to hijack.. you made your point here, no one cares!!
  20. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from southernbellair79 in Jealous of others on here   
    Oh my Lord go troll somewhere else. If you don't like this post than go away. This is childish to sit here and respond over and over throwing stones. It's your personality that's being reflected here not his. Find another post to hijack.. you made your point here, no one cares!!
  21. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from akaet in Before and After Pics   
    Wow... What a transformation over the last 15 years. The upper left hand corner (2002) is me at my heaviest (284).. this was where I was at until I decided to get a lap-band (2010).. lower left is me in June at 230 lbs. March of this year I was up to 242 lbs and started eating a Keto diet. I lost 20 lbs, and then gained 9 back before my surgery.. Right side of that collage and the individual picture is me today at 198. I'm only 4 1/2 weeks out from surgery and already the lightest I've been in several years! I'm so thankful for this journey!

  22. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to NewChiGirl in Revision update   
    Glad to hear you are better! My surgeon also said I had scar tissue on my liver & spleen from the band and it took him forever to get it out. Thank God that trash is out of us now!! Best of luck!
    Band to VSG revision:5/23/17
    HW: 315
    Pre-op: 294
    SW: 283
    CW: 246
    GW: 175
  23. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    Oh nice! That's exactly how I found my dr.. a few people that work with my fiance have used him, so it was nice having that personal connection.
  24. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    @Sara Bronson I was referred by a friend who had it done. Went with Dr. Haucuz at Certified Bariatric Surgeons. http://www.certifiedbariatricsurgeons.com/
    Friendly friendly people who took care of me really well.
  25. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    All good @Diana_in_Philly
    @Sara Bronson Yep. I'm tired of having to constantly clarify the smallest and dumbest things. I know how I word things... I say things in a way that make me laugh. If people can't figure it out, then they need to get off the internet. I'd love to see them get lost on tumblr or reddit...
    @Dabearo No need to block, if people get that offended off an internet comment from a complete stranger they need tougher skin and a hug.

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