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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    A_new_sara reacted to dreamingsmall in When do you stop losing?   
    I only giggled because you seemed so direct and obvious, your right lol but sometimes stalls happen for no reason and then suddenly start things up again with not much change lol but think we need more info from the op on her eating habits if anything has changed her weight to start and now etc.
  2. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Olypie in Worst.Stall.Ever.   
    I’m currently in a stall at 8 months out.

    There is a lady on YouTube named Clusie l. She lost 190 pounds in two years with the Sleeve and said she was in a stall for five months.

    Everyone is different and some stalls can last longer than others. Hang in there!

  3. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to blizair09 in GOAL ACHIEVED!   
    Good morning, everyone.
    I am very proud to report that as of this morning, I have achieved my weight goal of 180 pounds. My one year surgery anniversary was last Thursday (September 28), and I met my goal on Monday, October 2. I have lost 217 pounds from my initial weight of 397 pounds at my first pre-op appointment on March 3, 2016. My skin has done incredibly well for a person who has lost this kind of weight. I may pursue some kind of plastics later on, but for right now, I am pretty happy. I am wearing a 30-32 waist pants/jeans/shorts, and small shirts. It is incredibly amazing to me, and I am still shocked every time I try on something new.
    I still attribute so much of my success to losing 99 pounds during the six month pre-op diet program. Even this morning, my first thought was that if I hadn't done all of that work on the front end, I'd weigh 279 this morning, and not 180. For those of you that have to do the six months for your insurance company, I'd encourage you to really devote yourself during that time and get started!
    For those of you that are considering WLS, this can be you, too if you commit yourself to your plan, change your relationship with food, and prioritize your health and well-being over the momentary pleasure that any food provides.
    My new challenge is going to be getting the weight loss to stop. I am finding that at one year post-op, I am eating less that I was a few months ago. It is weird. The will to eat is there, but I just get incredibly full incredibly fast. I have my one-year follow-up appointment with the bariatric surgeon's staff in early November. I'll talk to them about it then.
    There isn't much difference at 180 than when I weighed 185 or 186, but I am super proud to have met my goal and to "officially" be in maintenance!
    Wishing everyone the very best,
  4. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    It doesn’t make any sense because she didn’t say that. I think that you are reading what you want to read, and not what users are actually posting....And I think you mean “his infinite mind”, and not “his finite mind”. I’ll let you look up the definitions of the two. Cray-Cray!

  5. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Not to mention the fact she thinks the only way to avoid complications is to follow surgeons directions and look at pictures? You can have plenty of complications simply from the surgeon, your body, or just the situation. It's a dangerous surgery and lots of people have complications the fact that she thinks that she's immune to them simply because she's in God's hands is ridiculous. Good luck to her... you all have done your part.. I appreciate this input. And hopefully the op does too.. Thankfully my surgeon was qualified and I did lots of research. ️

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Busman20 in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    So, if God is always taking care of you, why did he make you overweight and why is he sending you to a questionable surgeon in another country to endure a surgery than can be risky? Some kind of trial you're supposed to endure to prove your faith? Must be nice to have someone to blame for your problems. Hmm, maybe I should start blaming Burger King for inventing the Double Whopper,
  7. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in MX Plastics   
    I have so many friends who've had plastic surgery after weight loss, they have a long recovery and several check ups. How is that handled if we go to Mexico?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Not to mention the fact she thinks the only way to avoid complications is to follow surgeons directions and look at pictures? You can have plenty of complications simply from the surgeon, your body, or just the situation. It's a dangerous surgery and lots of people have complications the fact that she thinks that she's immune to them simply because she's in God's hands is ridiculous. Good luck to her... you all have done your part.. I appreciate this input. And hopefully the op does too.. Thankfully my surgeon was qualified and I did lots of research. ️

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Not to mention the fact she thinks the only way to avoid complications is to follow surgeons directions and look at pictures? You can have plenty of complications simply from the surgeon, your body, or just the situation. It's a dangerous surgery and lots of people have complications the fact that she thinks that she's immune to them simply because she's in God's hands is ridiculous. Good luck to her... you all have done your part.. I appreciate this input. And hopefully the op does too.. Thankfully my surgeon was qualified and I did lots of research. ️

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
  11. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Not to mention the fact she thinks the only way to avoid complications is to follow surgeons directions and look at pictures? You can have plenty of complications simply from the surgeon, your body, or just the situation. It's a dangerous surgery and lots of people have complications the fact that she thinks that she's immune to them simply because she's in God's hands is ridiculous. Good luck to her... you all have done your part.. I appreciate this input. And hopefully the op does too.. Thankfully my surgeon was qualified and I did lots of research. ️

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Funny how you are a personal friend, and yet your second post in the thread tells her where and when you are having surgery as if she didn’t know. Also funny is that Alex Beecher urged against using Dr. A in the beginning, and yet you gave him a thumbs up. Hmmmm. Can Dr. A be offering a refer a friend - get yours free special? LOL!

  13. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Sullie06 in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    I was never once nasty either. You realize this isn't your original post right? That some people on here might be commenting to the person who posted the original thread!
  14. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Sullie06 in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    First of all don't call me dear, it's condescending. Also it sounds like you need to take your own advice and think before you type.
    You quoted me. I never said a word to you. I never attacked you or responded to your one of your posts at all. I made one response to the OP advising her to do her research and you quoted me. Said you did your research (don't care) and then told me who you voted for (again don't care) and asked me what I felt about that. And then told me to leave you alone when I never once spoke to you. Sounds like you need to get a hobby and find a more productive use of your time if your just going to come on here and fight people.
  15. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Sullie06 in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    First off I was speaking to the OP in terms of her concerns with having surgery with Dr. Almanza. If you are comfortable with your reasons, good for you, however this is her post so I was answering her question. It's her choice, not mine or yours, who operates on her. She has a right to do her research and make an educated decision. I'm happy you are comfortable with your choice but there is not need to be a bully and respond to every poster who has a different opinion than you. I wasn't even speaking to you. If I were I would have quoted you!
    Also, excuse my language, but I really don't give a **** who you voted for or why. That has nothing to do with weight loss surgery or this post. It's just you trying to start problems. It's none of your business what my political stance is and completely irrelevant to this board and this conversation. For all you know I could be the biggest Trump supporter on the planet, or I could not be.... doesn't matter. Last I checked Trump doesn't perform weight loss surgery nor is he a surgeon.
  16. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    Weren’t you leaving?
    Good luck on your surgery. I hope it goes well and you are successful.
  17. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Star Dust in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    This will be the lady with complications who asks God 'why!!!!??' and he'll say 'my Messengers told you the doctor was a wack job, but you made a choice to worship a false idol and have him perform the sugery anyways'

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  18. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to DropWt4Life in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    It is no use trying to reason with her. She attacked me simply because I told the OP to do her due diligence. You can give links to articles and actual news interviews, but they mean nothing. Obviously, her mind is made up, and that is okay. I mean her no ill-will, and I hope that she has a successful outcome nonetheless.
  19. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Precious517 in Dr. Mario Almanza, Green And Health Hospital   
    WOW... SMH@dropwt4life you did the best you can do.
    @mw2543 WLS surgery is a very serious surgery. It can cause all kinds of problems, including death. Please do your homework!!!
    It's not worth risking your life for a cheap price.

    Sent from my SM-G360T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from teedsg in DUMPING IS REAL!!   
    I'm really getting frustrated reading all these comments from these "expert" sleeve patients saying dumping syndrome doesn't happen unless you have a bypass. Don't assume that because it doesn't happen to EVERYONE, that it doesn't happen at all. It's VERY real, and happens to quite a few. I am one of them. It happened to me first in my puree stage, my Dr advised mashed potatoes and gravy.. I had about three teaspoons and the wave hit me. I had no idea what happened or why I was sick, or even ever heard of dumping. It happened again once with potato Soup, and once with fat free frozen yogurt. Please stop assuming that it only happens to bypass patients. It's insulting to those of us who do experience it to be told it doesn't exist.
    Per the mayo Clinic:
    "Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after surgery to remove all or part of your stomach or after surgery to bypass your stomach to help you lose weight. Also called rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome occurs when food, especially sugar, moves from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly."

  21. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from teedsg in DUMPING IS REAL!!   
    I'm really getting frustrated reading all these comments from these "expert" sleeve patients saying dumping syndrome doesn't happen unless you have a bypass. Don't assume that because it doesn't happen to EVERYONE, that it doesn't happen at all. It's VERY real, and happens to quite a few. I am one of them. It happened to me first in my puree stage, my Dr advised mashed potatoes and gravy.. I had about three teaspoons and the wave hit me. I had no idea what happened or why I was sick, or even ever heard of dumping. It happened again once with potato Soup, and once with fat free frozen yogurt. Please stop assuming that it only happens to bypass patients. It's insulting to those of us who do experience it to be told it doesn't exist.
    Per the mayo Clinic:
    "Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after surgery to remove all or part of your stomach or after surgery to bypass your stomach to help you lose weight. Also called rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome occurs when food, especially sugar, moves from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly."

  22. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from breprih in Banded in 09 & looking at revision   
    What was the recovery like for you? My recovery was not typical.. I came home with chronic bronchitis and had one of the most violent coughs I've ever had in my life that last about two weeks. On top of all that, I had horrible scar tissue all over my band, liver and spleen from the lapband. I had an endoscopy prior to surgery that showed no indication of esophageal dilation, no erosion, or any symptoms of scar tissue. My 45 minute surgery took 5 hours because of all the adhesions and I lost a lot of blood. How long did it take from your consult to the surgery? 2 months Anyone with Cigna? Can you share your experience with insurance? No insurance What is the post op diet like? Similar to the band? Post op was much different that the band for me. It took about 3 weeks before I could get much more than liquids down, and even at that point I still struggled to even get in enough Water. You just feel so full all the time. When were you sleeved and how much have you lost so far? July 12th of 2017, down 40 lbs since surgery. Been stalled for 3 weeks so that means I lost that 40 lbs in 6 weeks. The stall isn't a bad thing. I really needed time to let my body reshuffle.. and I've lost several inches in the stall time. Do you recommend the sleeve? Would do it again in a heartbeat!!!!
  23. Like
    A_new_sara reacted to Slimpossible in Banded in 09 & looking at revision   
    Hey There,

    I was banded several years ago. I lost around 40 pounds and never moved past that point. My port flipped almost immediately, which made fills a living hell. Ultimately, my band caused a hiatal hernial and I was thrilled to get it out. I was so over getting food stuck and that awful spinning in my chest feeling [emoji37]

    Recovery: My surgery was a band to sleeve conversion with hernia fix. I had oodles of scar tissue from the band that was also removed. Immediately following surgery I was in agony from the gas trapped in my chest. But as you know, everyone is different with this. Week one was pretty sore and then got progressively better. [emoji106]

    Timeline: Depends on your surgeon. Mine is the leading surgeon on the east coast, so I waited to get him again. It probably took about 6 weeks until I got my procedure.

    Insurance: I don't have Cigna. My insurance approved within 2 days of having all required documentation- great experience!

    Post Op Diet: Same as the band, but every phase is now 2 weeks instead on one. First week was the hardest for me. You really have to baby your sleeve while it heals. Its much more involved then the band.

    Weight Loss: Its been about 3 weeks and Im down 25 pounds.

    Recommend?: Totally! Im loving it so far! Totally different experience! [emoji106]

  24. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from breprih in Banded in 09 & looking at revision   
    What was the recovery like for you? My recovery was not typical.. I came home with chronic bronchitis and had one of the most violent coughs I've ever had in my life that last about two weeks. On top of all that, I had horrible scar tissue all over my band, liver and spleen from the lapband. I had an endoscopy prior to surgery that showed no indication of esophageal dilation, no erosion, or any symptoms of scar tissue. My 45 minute surgery took 5 hours because of all the adhesions and I lost a lot of blood. How long did it take from your consult to the surgery? 2 months Anyone with Cigna? Can you share your experience with insurance? No insurance What is the post op diet like? Similar to the band? Post op was much different that the band for me. It took about 3 weeks before I could get much more than liquids down, and even at that point I still struggled to even get in enough Water. You just feel so full all the time. When were you sleeved and how much have you lost so far? July 12th of 2017, down 40 lbs since surgery. Been stalled for 3 weeks so that means I lost that 40 lbs in 6 weeks. The stall isn't a bad thing. I really needed time to let my body reshuffle.. and I've lost several inches in the stall time. Do you recommend the sleeve? Would do it again in a heartbeat!!!!
  25. Like
    A_new_sara got a reaction from Cool-mo-z in Before and After Pics   
    Wow... What a transformation over the last 15 years. The upper left hand corner (2002) is me at my heaviest (284).. this was where I was at until I decided to get a lap-band (2010).. lower left is me in June at 230 lbs. March of this year I was up to 242 lbs and started eating a Keto diet. I lost 20 lbs, and then gained 9 back before my surgery.. Right side of that collage and the individual picture is me today at 198. I'm only 4 1/2 weeks out from surgery and already the lightest I've been in several years! I'm so thankful for this journey!

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