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Posts posted by Feelinghopefulnow

  1. On 5/23/2019 at 3:43 AM, TracyS said:

    I had my surgery April 3 and have lost 30. Office said 30 to 40 lbs is normal in first 3 months.

    I was April third as well

    I’ve lost 12 pound since surgery

    happy with that though

    it’s very slow but I’m happy

    HW 220

    SW 198

    today 186

    Keep up your hard work

    we’ll get there

  2. 22 hours ago, shellyk018 said:

    I have a good understanding of what I need.. I’ve got plenty of crystal light and popsicles and little plates and such.. but I feel like I’m missing some stuff. I want to be beyond prepared before I go to the hospital. I’ve seen people say they needed gas-x or Miralax.. any advice on this stuff? Some things that might not seem so obvious but you wished you had or were so thankful that you had?

    Lip balm is a must

    good luck

  3. My op was on Wednesday April 3rd I went back on Monday 8th April

    desk job

    and I was fine , but see how you are

    we all recover differently

    i was lucky I had very little pain and a good pain threshold.

    Stick to the pre op diet so that your livers shrinks down as much as possible to make the surgery easier for your surgeon

    don’t rush back if you dont need to

    look after yourself,, good luck

  4. 2 hours ago, Tallymom said:

    We are surgery twins and I am stalled too. Very frustrating. I am on 800 calories and doing everything right too. I’m just trying to focus on the long-term because I know my tool will work in the long run. Hang in there and PM me anytime.

    I’m Aril 3rd too

    I’m not losing much

    I’ve stopped weighing as I’d only lost 9 pound in six weeks since surgery but I lost a lot pre op

    just trusting what I’m doing is correct and hoping it will come off eventually

    saw my surgeon yesterday and he’s very happy with me

    I lost 8kg in the month prior to starting pre op

    First day of Pre op weight 99kg

    surgery date weight 90 kg

    yesterday weight 84.6 kg

    slow but sure

  5. Don’t panic I’m six weeks out and only lost 9lbs saw my surgeon today he’s over the moon with me

    I lost quite a lot on the pre op diet

    Ive hidden my scales and just going to follow what I know is right

    I’m confident it will happen albeit slowly but that’s fine with me

    I’m moving to solid food today so we’ll see what happens

    ditch the scales and let yourself heal and be kind to yourself

    It will happen when your body is ready

    good luck

  6. Here’s another one for when you move to next phase

    .....overnight oats,lots of Protein in this....

    3 large tbsp of oatmeal

    half pint skimmed milk

    genorous amount of fat free Greek yoghurt

    one scoop chocolate Protein Powder

    mix well in sealed container and put in fridge overnight

    the oats with soak up the milk and yoghurt

    add more milk if too thick when it’s all soaked in

    you can can make it thick or runny depending on what stage your at

    eat for Breakfast or whenever

    its so good

    you you can use whatever flavour protein you want

  7. 15 hours ago, Veronica Garza said:

    Hello everyone I’m six weeks out and I’ve had a few bad headaches not sure why I drink a lot of Water so I’m not dehydrated can anyone relate .. someone said that maybe I’m going into ketosis .. I’ve never suffered from headaches and I don’t drink alcohol .. help


    I’ve had terrible headaches last five days

    I’m four weeks post op today

    went to doctor today he said My blood pressure is way too low , so I’ve been taken off my blood pressure medication

    hoping headaches will go soon for us both ,,

  8. 1 hour ago, MinnieMoo said:
    1 hour ago, Feelinghopefulnow said:

    I’m in Wales I’ve has great care and recovering well I was back in work on the fifth day after op (3rdApril)

    weight loss is really slow fir me I’m four weeks out tomorrow and only lost 6pounds

    not hungry at all

    Ive had no appointment with dietitian so not sure if I’m doing right or wrong really

    I don’t kniw how much Protein I should be having or how to work it out

    feeling a bit alone in this journey

    check up is ‘May 16th so a while to wait yet

    any advise you can give with how much Protein the uk doctors advised you and how to work it out would be helpful for me

    thank you x

    Hello, I'm not far from you (Manchester)

    I've literally just had my first review with the bariatric nurse and the dietitian. We didn't talk about Protein at all, but I can tell you the advice they did give me, which may be of help to other people with brand new surgery:

    * If you can't get enough Water in, try squash - apparently it's easier. I've seen lots of US people on here drinking Gatorade Zero, I'm going to buy Powerade (for the electrolytes)

    * It's completely normal to be feeling very sore/weak/unwell 3 days post op. The people who feel good straight away are very lucky and really an exception

    * Start taking chewable multivitamins straightaway.

    * If your pain isn't controlled by the codeine given out by the hospital, you can also have liquid paracetamol (from any pharmacy)

    I feel better after the review and getting some reassurance that my recovery is going OK.

    VSG 27th April 2019

    Starting weight 120kg

    Hi thank you for the reply

    and the advise , all very helpful

    I’m just concerned I’m not losing

    hopefully it’ll start soon

  9. 20 minutes ago, Jessica88 said:

    Yeah I am based in Kent, mine was on the 23rd with Streamline - How are you feeling? I feel normal for the most part unless I bend down and stopped the pain killers. Yeah I was a little worried at first too but being on here has helped alot, from all the research I've done there are varied opinions on recovery and how its done so that made me feel better and just reading what your body seems to require. I had one day where I was really hungry but now not feeling the hunger. I am aiming for about 1.5 litres of Water a day but only reaching 1 litre so far, Water bottle by my side and always sipping and going for little walks throughout day. My advice said not to have Protein Drinks but the US says differently - but I don't feel i get enough Protein throughout the day so was considering having one every other day.


    I’m in Wales I’ve has great care and recovering well I was back in work on the fifth day after op (3rdApril)

    weight loss is really slow fir me I’m four weeks out tomorrow and only lost 6pounds

    not hungry at all

    Ive had no appointment with dietitian so not sure if I’m doing right or wrong really

    I don’t kniw how much Protein I should be having or how to work it out

    feeling a bit alone in this journey

    check up is ‘May 16th so a while to wait yet

    any advise you can give with how much protein the uk doctors advised you and how to work it out would be helpful for me

    thank you x

  10. 8 hours ago, CajunSam said:

    Has anyone hit the dreaded 3 week stall yet? I have. It’s a HUGE bummer and discouraging but I am trying to remember it’s totally normal. I’ve been stalled for 7 days now and I am 3.5 weeks out.

    I’m a month out tomorrow and only lost 6 pounds since 3rd April

    trying to remain motivated here

  11. 3 hours ago, Karen D said:

    I had RNY on Wednesday. Pain has been manageable. The main issue for my continues to be pain around left ribs which is pretty common I’m told. And getting out of bed is still excruciating. But once I’m up I feel good - hardly any pain walking the halls. Hoping to go home tomorrow. But I have work on getting up without assistance. I’m not going to be able rely on my 85 year old mom to haul my carcass out of bed 😊. All in all things have been really good. So grateful for that!

    I was lucky I had hardly any pain at all the bit I did have was managed well

    slightly sore at incisions but that was it

    I slept on my tummy the day after surgery

    I walked lots too

    take it a day at a time and you’ll find it gets easier

    give yourself time to heal and look after yourself

  12. 41 minutes ago, Anacat said:

    I was April 3rd as well. Had pain, nausea, but they managed it immediately with meds, very successfully. Was up and about since day 2. 1 week of liquids, 2 weeks of cream Soups, now my first day on puréed. Lost 17 pounds in first 10 days, been stalling since. I take all Vitamins and Protein, Water and walking are harder to manage. Energy is soooo low I hope it will improve with the purees. I have been very emotional and frustrated, I cried and argued with my father, my sis is busy with her kids, so I’m practically alone. Some support from friends would have been nice, like, hey, let’s go for a walk, but they are all busy with their lives...I know I am a crybaby now, but it will pass soon I hope

    I was April 3rd too

    all going ok for me other than slow wright loss but I can live with that i realise we’re all different it’s a different process for everyone

    take it a day at a time and no more

    be kind to yourself x

  13. 1 minute ago, DanaC84 said:
    20 hours ago, Feelinghopefulnow said:


    I hope everyone here is doing well

    just wondering if anyone can shed any light or have any helpful comments

    I’m three weeks post op today

    I didn’t lose anything the first week I understand Fluid retention plays a part then

    But two weeks later and I’ve only lost 6 pounds - I thought the biggest weight loss was during the first month so I’m a little disappointed but not too much

    Ive never been a Water lover so I’m struggling with drinking that .. if we don’t have the full amount will it hinder weight loss ?

    Ive never had a large intake of fluids even before the sleeve but did drink tea and coffee often in work

    but I’m not keen on the taste of either at the moment.

    Not sure why my loss is so slow

    I know we’re not all the same just wondering is anyone else experiencing this such a short time post op ?

    Any advice would be appreciated ...

    Good luck to all starting this journey

    Mine didn’t pick up until week 5(ish). Hang in there, eventually your body will figure it out and let go of those fat cells it’s trying to hold onto 👍🏻

    Thanks for replying

    that’s very reassuring

  14. 19 hours ago, Jazzy1125 said:

    Give it time. You most likely gained from surgery and it takes a few weeks for your body to dispose of the gas they bloated you with and the liquids they pumped you with in the hospital. I was the same way and it catches up quick. Just keep sipping, find flavors to add to your Water to help you keep drinking liquids. I too dislike Water, but you can find a way to drink it.. whether its flavored, protein2o or something.. Good Luck and welcome to the losers bench.

    Thank you so much ch for replying

    I’m hoping you’re right , I’m sure you are

    I’ve drank more today so fingers crossed it’ll all happen soon

  15. Hi

    I hope everyone here is doing well

    just wondering if anyone can shed any light or have any helpful comments

    I’m three weeks post op today

    I didn’t lose anything the first week I understand Fluid retention plays a part then

    But two weeks later and I’ve only lost 6 pounds - I thought the biggest weight loss was during the first month so I’m a little disappointed but not too much

    Ive never been a Water lover so I’m struggling with drinking that .. if we don’t have the full amount will it hinder weight loss ?

    Ive never had a large intake of fluids even before the sleeve but did drink tea and coffee often in work

    but I’m not keen on the taste of either at the moment.

    Not sure why my loss is so slow

    I know we’re not all the same just wondering is anyone else experiencing this such a short time post op ?

    Any advice would be appreciated ...

    Good luck to all starting this journey

  16. 1 hour ago, amagee said:

    My sleeve was April 4. I dropped weight the first week but have not lost any in the past 10 days. A pound down, a pound up. Has this happened to anyone else?

    My sleeve was 3rd April

    didnr lose anything the first week

    and I’m only 6 pounds down now

    very slow for me considering I’m not eating much

  17. On 4/11/2019 at 10:19 PM, Venessa Blair said:

    I am in the 2nd week of liquids and my energy has gone from wide open to about to fall asleep at my desk, any one else have this happen and how long after the surgery will I get my energy back???

    If you’re ore op then I can be difficult

    if you're post ,,,Make sure you’re having wholesome Soups , homemade are easy enough and quick

    lots of veg blended with stick and also keep up your Protein

    I am two weeks post op today and I’m not that tired although I have had a little tiredness

    Ive tried to make sure I’ve kept my protein up

    add ricotta cheese to condensed chicken Soup with a little milk and blend

    it’s creamy and tasty too

    also blend vegetable soup to make more liquidy but def keep your protein up and Water ... I’m ot great at the water bit I don’t like but I’m trying

    hope you you feel less tired soon

  18. Two weeks post op today woohoooo

    I was walking the same day as surgery and walked every hour the day after

    no gas pain just slight incision pain that was managed well.

    Water was difficult in the first few days but got easier daily.

    Still on liquids - making lots of good wholesome homemade Soups but last few days I’m making them thicker and they are still fine , so next few days I’ll move to mushy foods.

    Not sure how I’ll be on that ... anyone moving to mushy foods in the next few days ? What are you planning to try ?

    I weighed last week just one week pre op and hadn’t lost anything , I think due to water gain so I’m not going to weigh again until my check up 16th May.

    I’m so grateful things went smoothly for me . I did stick to the ore op 100% and the surgeon said he could tell as my liver was really small. I also walked a lot very soon after the op. I believe that helped a lot too and also the attitude you have to mentally be well will also help

    good luck to everyone x

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