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About TrishaR

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  1. TrishaR

    Below 40 BMI buddies

    I can be your buddy! I have BMI of 38 or 39. No co-morbities. they are testing me for sleep apnea in June. Honestly I hate to say this but gaining 5 lbs to qualify is looking like the other option. its going to be along summer because I cant loose any weight or I wont qualify. go figure! LOL. If all my ducks are in a row I'll be ready for surgery in late August or September but due to my job I cant have time off until October. if its meant to be it will be. remaining patient is very hard for me with this because it would be so Ideal to start now and have time off in the summer to recover. I get the whole 6 month thing, there is no changing it but darn it......I want it now!
  2. TrishaR

    Clear Liquids

    I am only in month 3 of this pre-op stuff. I have been reading lots on the liquid diet. some people say they are on it for two to three weeks and now I read you are only for 2 days. I wonder what determines the length of the liquid diet? anyone know?
  3. TrishaR

    Beginning the process

    WOW! glad you got tested. I do wake with a jolt several times a night. I wake myself up due to snoring which makes me "on guard" because I don't want to wake my husband who usually gets up at 3 a.m for overtime. I fear snoring and waking him so I am a very light sleeper. I have a headache almost every morning and other signs of sleep apnea, which is why my dr. wants me tested. I'm not convinced I guess because of being a light sleeper. I guess we will see. I hate to say it but Id rather find out it is sleep apnea because it would help my whole BMI issue. AND if a CPAP will help me feel better I'm all in. I wonder if the sleep apnea will go away once the weight loss happens. do you know?
  4. I'm in the process and I have only told my husband and one very close co-worker friend. I feel its no ones business especially during this long 6 month stage. maybe I'll feel different after surgery, who knows. I just don't need everyone's 2 cents, pity or judgement. I have thought long and hard about this surgery. I'm tired of failing. I'm tired of hating looking in the mirror. I'm tired of clothing that I cant wear. I can go on and on. this is for me.... and my family. not them.
  5. Hi everyone. I enjoy reading everyone's posts. I find them helpful and supportive. I am in my 3rd month of PCP visits. I need to do 6 months for insurance. I also now I have to be tested for sleep apnea. There is a month waiting list for sleep study here and I'm getting nervous about it. I am 5'7 and 258 so that puts me right at 40 BMI. my fear is if I even loose 2 lbs I wont qualify. I have been reading about the pre-op liquid diet and wondering how much people are usually loosing? My Dr. says I have to be at 40 BMI even on day of surgery. The thought of having to purposely gain weight to continue to qualify sickens me. Has anyone out there had this issue? they said if I have sleep apnea I can have BMI of 35 but I'm not convinced that I have it. I am also not looking forward to doing sleep study. I have a hard time sleeping as it is let alone in a strange place. My dr. said he can get me some sleeping pills to help. I look forward to reading everyone's posts and I'm grateful to have this community. Thanks!

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