Hi everyone! A bit about me. I had a lapband in 2008 and lost 40kg. I went on to have two babies in 2012 and 2015. My heaviest weight was 152kg in 2008. With the band I got down to 112kg. In 2016 I ballooned to 138kg after my sons birth and gestational diabetes. I'd had terrible reflux and pain after my sons birth which only got worse. I was starting to have bowel issues late 2016 and went for a colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. So in November 2016 I went to have RNY surgery and band removal. My starting weight was 135.2kg. Today I am 108.7kg so I have had a 26kg loss. It's been a slow road and often painful because of my Crohn's - still learning what I can tolerate etc. I'm a bit disappointed as I felt my weight loss would be faster. It's about 1kg a week. I stall often for three weeks and then suddenly lose 4kg in a week which I find is a bit weird. Anyway that's me! I'm 35 and trying to take back my life before 40! I feel like I may not lose anymore. I hope I do! My dr thinks I will only get down to 95kg