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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Sandie984

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  1. OK I am 33 I just had the sleeve done on 4/18/17. This is probably really stupid but during the summer my family gets together and we do like a weekend getaway where we BBQ camp and just have a good time. It's great I look forward to it every year the kids get to play with all their cusions and everyone has a good time. This year I'm nervous.... just having the surgery knowing there is going to be all this food. Not to mention we usually have a couple drinks around the fire... I don't know how alcohol is going to affect me and if it will be to soon to even have a drink. And I know my family... they understand why I did this but they are always saying... "here try this." "You can't starve yourself". I know I'm not but man what do I do
  2. I am 32 I have a 7 and 4 year old so my kids are a little older however I did have the sleeve done on 4/18/17 and I am feeling great. I was told it's usually only one night in the hospital I did have to stay 3 cause I was having a hard time drinking as much water as they wanted but that was only the first couple days now I have no problem with nausea and my pain is so minimal. I have been getting the kids ready for school every morning taking my dog out (who is 50lbs and likes to chase anything that moves lol) and hoping to go back to work after my 2 week checkup. Every person is different but recovery has been a lot easier then from my c sections that's for sure. I have heard from a lot of people who have had the band that they slipped and they didn't get results they wanted. There were a few people in my support groups that had the band that are now going for the sleeve. All I can say is look into both that's what I did. I ended up going sleeve but again everyone is different. Best of luck to you
  3. Sandie984

    6 days post op period 9 days early

    I started my right after my surgery also 2weeks early. Really kinda sucked to be going thru recovery and having your period at the same time. But the nurses told me that happens a lot. With the stress on your body and the meds.
  4. Sandie984

    Where i go from here

    Thanks everyone I'm sticking to the liquid diet I don't want to mess anything up. It is nice to know I'm not alone. It's difficult specially the other day when I was out with the family and we go to five guys of all places and my kids and husband are sitting there eating burgers and fries while I'm drinking a protein shake I picked up from the health food store down the hall. I'm doing this for my health though I can't give in.
  5. I just had my sleeve done 4/18/2017 so I am less then 2 weeks out. Everyone prepared me for nausea which thank god I have had none other then the first couple days. I am having no problem with drinking and I am just finding it hard to stay on the liquid diet. I really want to move forward and start with puree and soft foods but I don't want to mess stuff up. When did everyone start moving forward

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