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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by slimmy120

  1. slimmy120

    Time Off on "Fill days"?

    I have had 4 fills so far, my doctor never said anything about liquids only for the first 3 days, i went out the night of my first fill, no problems -- out as dinner with friends, but was careful what ate.
  2. slimmy120

    reaching size 10/12

    Has anyone got down to a size 10 or 12 nice lose fit? what size were you before? how long did it take you to get down to the small size??
  3. slimmy120

    Insights Needed: Constant Burning Sensation

    I had the same burning sensation, if i ever have a problem again I take zantac, but havent had the problem in ages -- seems to be spicey and acid food sets it off.
  4. slimmy120

    What's the best thing about being at goal?

    I loved reading all your reasons, an remain inspirational with me, thanx
  5. slimmy120

    Eating slow...

    I am certain if you had eaten your cup cake slow would have been ok, now i eat slowly i basically can eat anything.
  6. Has anyone used champix anti smoking tablet? what was your success like?? did you put on weight after stopping smoking? any side effects??
  7. Have a glass of water, put on your walking shoes does not have to be long, just a 10 /fifteen minute walk, check out everyones homes gardens etc. Give you ideas for your house.
  8. slimmy120

    reaching size 10/12

    I started 102kg and size 22, had lost 15 kilos over two years before myself to get down to 102. I was size 22 when started lap band, yep i too would like to get to 60 kilos am 5 ft 4.
  9. slimmy120

    Free tummy tucks etc.

    Have been reading on here, but was told otherwise by my doctor that can have lapbanding done free. is it the same free for tummy tucks, ecess skin cut of arms etc.which doctors do it in perth, my lap banding cost me an arm and a leg, but was well worth it.:thumbs_up:
  10. slimmy120

    Free tummy tucks etc.

    Thank you for all the responses and information, and i will go and check chickies blog now, thanx.
  11. Thanx it is excellent being able to get feedback from all of you.
  12. slimmy120

    Champix without putting on weight

    Thank you for giving me positive feedbacks from the champix, i am going to aim definately not to eat , i will as suggested water through straw - great idea.
  13. slimmy120

    reaching size 10/12

    By the way i am five 4inches.I am at a size 14 now.
  14. slimmy120

    Emotional Eaters

    I am going to make a big sign and put it on the fridge.Thanx for sharing.:thumbup:
  15. slimmy120

    Champix without putting on weight

    I am on day two of taking the 3 tablets of champix, cigs are starting to taste funny.I have lost 63 pounds, so going to get to this smoking bit now!!
  16. Doctor recommended another 32 pounds,and i know by checking the height weight charts thats correct. Maybe they jealous??
  17. slimmy120

    Carb Confusion

    I got lap banded on 18th sep 2007, have had 4 fills, last few weeks been getting really hungry, then followed everyones advice more protein, i still eat carbs, i just include more protein .Lost 62lbs to date.
  18. Yep will do tell them i am not hungry, have been eating sensibly and moving more.
  19. slimmy120

    Sigh...I can't stay on track!

    I find a 30 minute a walk every day helps, i must admit some days i dont, but some days i get carried away, but gets my metaolism going without much effort then, then i feel less hungry as well and weight comes off.
  20. Thank you for all the advice, and yes i am in Australia. Chickie you look great! I like all the ideas. And as a general comment if someone asks is great, eating less and moving more -- actually that is what i am in theory doing. Thanks hope all you are doing real real well too.
  21. slimmy120

    Need to shrink my liver.....fast!!!

    Myn surgeon did not make me go on any special liquid diet or any diet before my lap banding in sept, he told me was not necessary, my weight before lapbanding was 204lbs, am 5 ft 4.:biggrin:
  22. slimmy120

    Anyone been banded 18 sept 2007 or near

    Yes i agree, i tend to eat the same things over and over, but then have a craving and start eating that. I am aiming to excercise more, am making certain eat right and drinking water, will change my routine as you suggested, taste the new bits -- but yes healthy.I tried miso soup the other day, lovely as i like salty things, and of course previously loved the sweets --- but i did say previously.
  23. Hi i was wondering how you are going, any problems, what you eating,how much , how much have you lost - my starting weight was 102 and i have lost 27.7 kilos so far, what has happened how are you going??
  24. slimmy120

    Charlis Lap Band Journey, Perth

    Thank you for your response, been thinking yes i am getting older and when get to goal, so what if i dont look so crash hot without clothes on, but can wear the appropriate clothes and look good and at least feel good and healthy.
  25. slimmy120

    Pre-bander questions for those at Goal?

    I have been reading everyones responses, after reading various posts,on this question and others I noticed YOU have to combine a few things together -- your head,you have to be motivated, what you eat, and excercise. You need to do all not just one to get the results you want, and it can be done!!

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