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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dropzone

  1. Dropzone

    Need breakfast help

    Ok ty
  2. I was given a and abdominal binder to help no a girdle or compression wrap like a giant ace bandage to tighten and loosen as I see fit to help with gas and to help my belly from moving all over the place.
  3. Dropzone

    Good protein powder?

    Optimum nutrition has really good flavors it's only 25g of protein in each 8oz but it also has low carbs no added sweeteners i love the mocha and birthday cake flavor
  4. Isopure makes a flavorless protein powder that mixes well with anything I would suggest using this you can get it from amazon or gnc I mix it in with my jello
  5. Dropzone


    I have been using the car master brand at my local store Krogers I get the car master protein milk for my protein shakes and then I get the carbmaster key lime pie and cinnamon roll flavor yogurts. Yogurts are 9g protein in a 1/2 cup portion.
  6. I have been using some liqua-cel in 10oz of water to sip on its 16grams of protein in one oz of liqua cel comes in watermelon grape and lemonade flavors
  7. Dropzone

    3 Days Post Op

    I am on my first full day home and all I have done since I woke up is pass gas and feel like I am going to keal over and die from the gas pain right now I am just trying to get my fluids in and get up and walk every hour to 45 mins just to get the gas going. I to felt that way I to just want to go back to normal but I am telling myself just a little while longer and you will be ok
  8. Dropzone

    Any May Sleevers?

    I was sleeved on may 16th
  9. Dropzone

    Pain meds

    I am 4 days post op my first day was all about Dilaudid after that they put me on a every 4 hours rotation of oxycodone and Tylenol so far pain hasn't been that bad so I am mostly using the Tylenol That I am crushing up I was told to use the oxycodone as a breakthrough med only.
  10. Dropzone

    What is your pre-op diet?

    pre op diet for 3.5 weeks and its 5 shakes a day with a lunch and dinner meal of something like a weight watchers frozen meal. veggies like broccoli and cuccumber I can eat for snacks thru out my day one piece of fruit like a banana small orange (cutie) or a small apple. drink 64oz of water or crystal light, unsweetened Tea. I can make my own meals with 8oz of fish or chicken with 1/2 cup of veggies or a salad which is primarily no high calorie add ons like bacon bits or eggs cheese.
  11. clothes is a given with our surgeries for me its being able to play with my nieces and nephews without feeling like I am going to pass out swimming and getting back to the life I had before I put on this amount of weight when I was in my mid to late 20s I was an active person played sports I would love to go hiking and camping again.
  12. Dropzone

    Pre-surgery diet

    I am in my pre op diet now and I was put on a 5 shakes a day with two small meals for lunch and dinner with as much broccoli and veggies I can eat (except corn, peas, potatoes) so I pretty much snack on one small cuccumber with nothing added as a snack thru out the day.
  13. Dropzone

    Pre-opt liquid diet

    I am on day 2 of my 4 week pre op liquid diet and although I am hungry I am trying to keep my mind busy with things and just trying to remember the goal at hand and stay positive. I am lucky I have a great group of family and friends to help me get thru this. I have to have 5 shakes a day with two meals lunch and dinner so honestly it does not seem that bad to me. I have the mentality that so far I am in the adjustment period of the diet and once I get past that period of the diet things will get easier and more manageable
  14. Dropzone

    May sleevers?

    I went yesturday and had my meeting with my surgeon and Dietitian and scheduled my surgery for May 16th right now got all kinds of emotions flowing thru me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
