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Everything posted by Mrs.fastbug

  1. Has anyone had a ventral hernia repaired during the sleeve surgery? If so, how long is the sever pain last when doing anything that causes stomach muscles to be tightened? Sent from my VS990 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I had my sleeve Wednesday, April 19th. My pain meds aren't working and make me unable to sleep. When I drink it feels as if it's stopping just before it goes down into my stomach. Then I feel it go down and I have pain and rumbling when it gets into my stomach. Is this normal? How can you get rid of the gas that occurs when I drink....other than burping. Also, at what point do you get concerned that you have not yet had a bowel movement? Thanks! Sent from my VS990 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Mrs.fastbug

    Meds ?

    Why must I crush all my meds and when can I stop? Doing this is making me not want to drink anything because of the nasty taste in my mouth and makes me almost sick just thinking about taking them. Sent from my VS990 using BariatricPal mobile app

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