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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About aprilannie

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  1. aprilannie

    On my own on surgery day.

    Hi Pretty.ruby How did it go?
  2. aprilannie

    Excess skin removal!

    Please let me know how it goes
  3. aprilannie

    Excess skin removal!

    How has your recovery been? I think I'm more afraid of this surgery than the gastric sleeve.
  4. aprilannie

    Soft foods 3wks post opt

    cdkidci there's peanut butter powder and chocolate peanut butter powder. Some one in my old Weight Watcher's class told me about it. It's fat free and has lots of protein. I like the PB2 brand which can be found in most grocery stores. You mix the powder with water so you can make it as thick or thin as you like.
  5. aprilannie

    Best blender/food processor for pureed food?

    I just bought a Nutra Ninja bullet for $79 on Amazon. It comes with 3 different size containers. It is fast and powerful I pureed cottage cheese and avacado-it came out like mousse. It comes with a recipe book too.
  6. aprilannie

    Any May Sleevers?

    I had mine on 5/2 and came home 5/4. I had a great roommate who was also sleeved. We were on the same sleep schedule so at 3 am we'd ask each other questions like "are you burping a lot".? We also walked the halls together which really helps, both of us did not get gas pains. Only one dose of acetaminophen today and I'm sitting here drinking some prune juice proactively...I DO NOT want to get constipation. Oh one tip, take your liquid antacid one time, my tummy was getting very rumbly late this afternoon and the antacid immediately calmed it down.
  7. aprilannie

    On my own on surgery day.

    Hi Pretty.ruby I just wanted to let you know I was sleeved on 5/2. Both my roommate and I were on our own for surgery and it was fine. In fact I preferred it that way. We both stayed 2 nights and had 1 visitor each. I was dozing off when my visitor came. I liked being able to text or call people when I was awake and sleep or walk when I wanted too. The staff come in and check your vitals every hour at night so you have to get your sleep when you can. BTW surgery was not as bad as I thought it would be!
  8. aprilannie

    2 Days post op

    I just tried some chicken bone broth (BJs sells it) 9 grams of protein in one cup. I mixed it with pureed carrot ginger soup (Whole Foods). It was delicious!
  9. aprilannie

    2 Days post op

    Are you guys still on IVs or home from the hospital? Once I was off my IV I felt like drinking more water (I was sleeved 5/2).
  10. aprilannie

    Sleeves 5/1

    I was sleeved on 5/2 and went home on 5/4 . I am also amazed at how little pain there was! It was like other posters have said-it feels like you did too many sit ups. I had a roommate who was sleeved too and we both agreed that the worst part was progressing from water to crystal light. The crystal light kinda woke our stomaches up and made us burpy but then the protein shakes went down fine.
  11. Looking forward to not being the heaviest person at my company!
  12. aprilannie

    Took a chance

    I found out that they want all of us at the company to wear the tee-shirt at a coworker's retirement party on May 24th How much weight do you lose in the first 3 weeks?
  13. Our company admin came around this morning asking our sizes for the company tee-shirt she's ordering. I said I wanted an XL. She asked me if I was sure because the are kinda form fitted. I stuck with an XL, I'm having gastric sleeve surgery 5/2. I hope the next time they see me I'm an XL!
  14. aprilannie

    On my own on surgery day.

    I know what you're going thru. I'm having surgery 5/2 and I'm on my own too. My husband just had the joints in his big toe fused. No driving for 6 weeks and not very mobile right now. I'm taking a cab to the hospital and a friend will drive me home.I'm nervous but I figure I will sleep most of the first day. I hope we don't kill each other while we are both recovering!
  15. Thank you for the kind words Diva58

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
