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About billfresh

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/25/1964
  1. Happy 49th Birthday billfresh!

  2. Happy 48th Birthday billfresh!

  3. billfresh

    ? for the guys re body image and sex

    BRAVO! BRAVO! (clapping, bowing, clapping some more)
  4. billfresh

    ? for the guys re body image and sex

    what is this? dead poet's society?? i officially feel like a dumbass after reading this. :w00t:
  5. billfresh

    ? for the guys re body image and sex

    sorry to disagree with you but you can't "forget about all that hormone stuff". being tired or in mild pain from obesity is a valid point but does not explain a total, complete lack of any sex drive. even an old, worn out stallion dreams of running fast occasionally. plus you are only 30yrs old. lady never stated her hubby's age but once you get over 40 a lot of biological issues start to arise that can account for the problems she stated. i also think this is the perfect forum to ask these questions. want to know possible reasons an obese husband does not whave an interest in sex? ask a forum full of obese guys. she wants information, not hook ups and asked her question as honestly as she could. if she was getting answers from him she wouldn't be asking here. i stand by earlier advice. discuss with hubby, schedule a complete physical, talk to the doctor.
  6. billfresh

    ? for the guys re body image and sex

    ok, let me take a crack at this...i have a couple thoughts for you. i am a guy, 45yrs old, banded, 5" 10" 250lbs. a year ago i went to my annual physical that i get every 3 or 4 yrs. asked my dr if he should check my testoterone levels in my blood work. that i was concerned due to certain performance issues. his reply was great. keep in mind that he is also a friend of mine personally, not just my PCP so he is pretty open. he asked me to pretend we were talking about excavating. did i still have the desire to "dig a hole". i kinda looked at him funny and he said, "you know...when you see that fresh piece of dirt laying there in front of you, do you still have the desire to get into the backhoe and dig that hole?" i said ,"well yeah but the backhoe boom doesn't reach as far as it used to and i can't dig nearly as deep as i think i could in the past. Also, once i dig that 1st hole, no matter how shallow, i gotta let the backhoe rest. It won't handle digging 2 holes 1 right after the other. In fact if i try for to long to dig the same hole she just might overheat and shut down completely and i'm stuck with a 1/2 dug hole." we laughed about all that but he said basically that as long as a man has the desire to "dig a hole" his testosterone levels are fine. when he no longer wants to dig, then he should get his levels checked. he said some men have naturally low levels of testosterone. most men will see a decrease in these levels as they age and he felt that over weight men were more prone to this reduction than normal weight men. if your hubby's levels are low, it is an easy fix and the results are immediate. obviously there could be other factors at work here. obesity causes HBP, diabetes, ect. all of these can be adding to his low sex drive. when was his last physical? you should start there, and not just for sex drive reasons. he needs to want to address these issues so you need to somehow get him to the dr. if he does not want to go then i don't know what to tell you. all men want to please their partners so maybe approach that angle, delicately. i will be honest, it took me a year to talk to my dr. about this and we are friends. it isn't easy for a guy to admit that his willy ain't working right. oh, and my dr. said the issues i was having were all normal. that my backhoe wasn't 20yrs old anymore. it needed more rest and maintanence than before. he told me to try digging quality, well groomed holes instead of trying to dig caves all night. he was right and as i lose weight the boom is working a little better as well. good luck
  7. well in another honest opinion, if you found this thread offensive, change the channel. there are a whole lot of other threads in the mens room to read. the women debated about posting here but how do they have open dialogue if they don't at least ask the question? also, if you feels it inappropriate why would you post a response to the question? not trying to trash on you but think about it...1st let me answer your question, then let me tell you i don't like you posting your question here. ????:thumbup:
  8. billfresh

    Why do women have anal sex?

    i think the cucumber thing from my wife was just to let me know what i would have to go thru for it to even be considered. hell me and cucumbers shouldn't be used in the same sentence unless we are talking baby gerkins!:smile: ok, i should give myself a little more credit than that but you get my point. oh and if i even start poking around down there the veggies are coming out.:w00t:
  9. billfresh

    Why do women have anal sex?

    ok, let me continue the q&a...i see a lot of women saying their "well endowed" significant other need not apply but for the "smaller" guys it's ok. someone define well endowed and smaller for all us guys reading this. come on fellas, you know who you are reading this. getting kinda self conscience here i think. oh, and my wife of 20yrs says as soon as i am willing to let her shove a cucumber up my a#@ she will bend over and let me have at it. i have to go 1st though. guess that is off the table. don't need a pickled pucker down there.
  10. billfresh

    Why do women have anal sex?

    question off the subject...call me stupid but was does the DH stand for in all these post? i get BF is boyfriend. oh and congrats to you on your weight loss. keep it up.
  11. billfresh

    Why do women have anal sex?

    if he had anything worth blackmailing him for that would be true.
  12. billfresh

    Why do women have anal sex?

    gotta say i stumbled onto this thread by accident. went to the ladies forum to easedrop on the conversation. must say i was surprised at this thread, but i was also curious whether women really enjoy this. regarding anal play on men, as for me, stay away from the back door. exit only. a friend told me about a hooker he had who used anal beads on him. WHAT!?! said she pulled the cord and started him like a lawnmower. TMI. some things are meant only for confession i guess. he was drunk and i think he was sorry he told me. God knows i never brought it up though. anyway, ladies, thanks for the insight.
  13. billfresh

    Band absorbing fill fluid??

    that's what i thought too. at 6cc i was slightly restricted but seemed to be working my way up to that "sweet" spot. this should have totaled 5.5cc and i was locked up. water was even a problem so i guessed the same thing. like i said, in 3 weeks i'll know for sure but i should know more myself within a few days. i was mega tight this morning but it seems to have relaxed a little this afternoon so that would match what a lot of folks say about being tight in the a.m. thanks for the reply. i'll update as it progresses. i really should be on here more to help keep me motivated.
  14. ok, new post here. i was banded in mexico last fall. did not do proper fills or followup so i basically didn't gain or lose over that time. wasn't too worried about it because i knew the band was there and i just needed to get off my butt and get going. anyway, found a dr in detroit area who would take me. i am 3hrs away in ohio. i had my first fill in march, 7mths after being banded. 2nd fill in june. semi restricted after the 2nd fill. total of 6cc in a 10cc ap band. well about a month ago while working i struck myself pretty hard right under my port. it is left side under my lowest rib. anyway, i was concerned that i had damaged something. restriction was not great before the injury and seemed less so as time went on. well i just went in yesterday. dr. wasn't too concerned. neither was his tech, who does all his fills. she does great by the way. never more than 1 stick and she does dozens every week so she is good at this. i was also concerned about maybe a flipped port. she hit it no problem on the 1st shot yesterday. should have been 6cc. she only could get 2.4cc. dr. said to add 3.1cc for a total of 5.5cc. i explained my concern and she was really cool about it. said that they see it regularly where people's body's absorb fluid thru the band and that this reduction is not necessarily a bad thing. i received the 3.1cc and left with an appointment to come back in 3 weeks. well, i tried to drink the bottle of water they give you with little success. ended up foaming up spittle. weird. i went to panera bread and had a 1/2 bowl of cream soup to see if it would pass. went back to wait in the dr's parking lot. remember, i am 3 hrs from home. was a bit uncomfortable but not stuck. never had a majot restriction before so thought maybe this is what the sweet spott feels like. i was "full". ended up going back in and having 1cc removed for safety's sake and since i will be back in 3 weeks. sorry for the long thread but i need to know if ANYONE else has heard of fluid's being lost thru absorption? new one to me. she said they have had patients come in who had recently had other surgeries with lots of i.v. fluids and their bands had more than was put in them causing tightness and discomfort. the dr. said he rarely sees damage to the ports and has seen very few actual leaks. any thoughts or imput would be appreciated. i will know more in 3 weeks. assistant said if i have a majot fluid loss then, they will assume a leak and we will look at options then. thanks for reading. oh yeah, i was self pay and the thought of more cash out to fix this really makes me sick
  15. billfresh

    Starting my Journey

    i don't know your dr and honestly don't have a comment about who you use. i also went to mexico alone. i went to dr. rodriquez in juarez. regardless of who you choose just do your homework about that dr. my reason for answering you is this. i was a selfpay and i own a business so don't be embarassed about being selfpay. be proud of what you are about to do for your health. 2nd thing...when i got down to the hospital and was put in that room all alone i had a mini freakout. no kidding. i thought what the hell am i doing here!!?? i wanted to bolt for the border. looking back it's funny but at the time it was not humorous at all. i was scared, felt totally alone, was nervous, ect..... point is it may or may not happen to you. if it does recognize you aren't the 1st to feel this way and let it happen but don't let it change your mind. see it thru and before you know it you are home and fine. good luck and God bless.

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