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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by holly-in-ok

  1. Hi, is there anyone in or around Lawton that has or is going to use Dr. Warnock out of Wichita Falls, Texas?
  2. holly-in-ok

    anyone in or around Lawton Ok ?

    Hi! No my appt. isnt until May, I am nervous and excited! How did everything go? Do you live in Lawton?
  3. Hello! I am in Oklahoma and waiting on my referral to go thru, I have tricare prime ret. Anyways I am looking for someone else around here who has already been banded or waiting to go thru this process....a buddy of sorts!!! I will be (hopefully) using Dr. Warnock in Wichita Falls Texas, anyone else in Lawton,Ok?:wub:
  4. holly-in-ok

    Surgery Cancelled!

    you know what tho..as diapointing as this is it isnt a set back just a small bump...secondly you dont want to have surgery sick, and then your recovery time is doubled and more painful, also the liquid diet has now prepared you for the real deal after you get home, if you can handle that then I think half the battle in that part of the recovery is already won. Keep you head up, your day is coming. (hopefully mine too....make sure you remind me of this when i hit theses small bumps head on...lol..)
  5. holly-in-ok

    All you people do is complain...

    Whats this about farting rainbows???? Somebody isnt telling me everything............lol
  6. holly-in-ok


    ohhh dear god...I would die...I mean die...without my morning coffee...take away my cheeseburgers...f.f....steak...just dont take my coffee!!!!!!!!
  7. holly-in-ok

    All you people do is complain...

    I have to admit I was alot more confident about having the lap band befroe I came to this sight! The good thing about that is it knocked me off my high horse..just a little..and really made me think this thru..Really think this thru...write down more questions for my dr. and also ask questions here without sounding entirly stupid...I am glad to hear someone swallowed bubblegum by the way...not glad for her but now I know who I will contact when it happens to me...lol...cause stuff like that happens to me and I want to know that I can come on here and post with out being made to feel like a moron..you may think huh...she's a moron...but you dont anwser me that way...ya know when your fat people already treat you that way..last thing you need is other fat girls on their way to being skinney treating you that way...gosh ...dont forget to be humble...if this sight freaked you out... there are other sites out there and also maybe you need to think it thru a little more...I know you say you wont be back but I kow you will at least be back to read the responses and if not you.. others will, bitchin..complaing...whining...I am in for the long haul..I have to be, I have to know there is a glimmer of hope out there that some day I will sit down and have less than three rolls and I will be able to cross my legs like a lady and wear a sexy dress...so you see I will put up with the bitchin and whining because I know I will be doing it too and I also know that the people who respond wont treat me like that dumb fat girl!!!
  8. Ok,I know this sound like a goofy question how long is the lap band good for once its in? I mean 10yrs? 20yrs? :ohmy:
  9. thanks! I have a ton of questions to ask the dr. if...if...my referral ever goes thru!!! I am just getting a little impatient!
  10. I am waiting on my approval, I cant imagine having everything set up and not not have the insurance approval. I will say a prayer for you..it will work out I just know it! Gook lUck !!!!
  11. Hello all I am new to this site and not so new to the lap band, I have two friends who both have it and have considered it for almost 2 years. But first while considering it I thought I would torture myself first and see if I couldnt once again try and lose the weight..you know the all too typical ways, pills, slimfast, starvation, weight watchers...and the list is endless! Finally Last week I talked with my dr. about it, and he said " I think you would be a great canidate for it, I will put you in for a referal!' Holy cow~!~ So now I am just weighting! I am 5'1 and I weight 203. I also am pre diabetic and have some other health issues ...so we will see!! I am 31 with 3 wonderful kiddo's and a great husband~! I have an older sister who say ya know if you would just watch what you eat and excersize...blah..blah..blah...love those types! I ahve been overweight since childhood! And I am ready!:wink: My doctor will be Dr. Warnock in Wichita Falls,x

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