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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Busman20

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/06/1964

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    Port St Lucie
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  1. Search "3-week stall" on this site...
  2. Busman20


    Wouldn't you have known if they didn't take the band out right when it happened with the port and all? I've never heard of someone having both so I would assume the band would have come out when the sleeve was (supposedly) created. I have heard Dr. Alvarez (a reputable surgeon in Mexico) mention having to wait a while to do a sleeve after removing a band because of the scarring.
  3. Busman20

    Weight loss stalls

    I think most report the first one at about 3 weeks, but it varies. Watch your size not the scale, it'll drive you nuts.
  4. I'm almost 4 months post-op, and so far no vomiting, but have been queasy several times and thought about it.
  5. Sounds more controlling and insecure than jealous, in my opinion.
  6. Busman20

    Testosterone HRT for Men?

    I didn't take mine while in the hospital 3 days but started back as soon as I got out.
  7. If you need cough syrup to feel better, I doubt whatever sugar is in it is really an issue, although if you use something like NyQuil, the alcohol may be. I have tried both alcohol (1 beer) and carbonated soda (diet) since my surgery and have been able to tolerate all except Dr. Pepper Ten, which came back out like a volcano. I don't have any intention of being a regular user of either, but a Sprite Zero or Diet 7-Up would probably hit the spot for an upset stomach. But I think each of us has our own set of tolerances we have to feel our way through as we go through the post op journey, so what one person can tolerate doesn't mean another one can. Good luck to you with your surgery.
  8. Busman20

    Red Copper Chef

    I'm skeptical about the "As Seen on TV" products but I decided to try this. It really is a simple to cook with and clean as the commercial. I made a fabulous omelet for my first try, and in about 4 mins I had a great meal. It cooks quick so watch it and don't overload it, as it will build up some pressure if you're not careful. It's almost too much at a time for a sleever, but it sure is easy to use.
  9. Busman20

    The Good The Bad & The Nasty

    Those look good, I'll have to try them. I've had some of the Weight Watchers Ice Cream Bars, they are about the size of a fun size candy bar and taste about like a snickers to me. 100 cals each, just got to keep to one at a time.
  10. Busman20

    Powerade zero

    Absolutely, same as water, and it's half price this week at Publix.
  11. Busman20


    Can't wait to get "We miss you" cards from KingSize.com, lol
  12. Busman20

    Too Much Meds

    Wow, that's some list. I guess your surgeon has a reason for each, I had the Hibiclens beforehand, its just soap, not really a drug. They gave me some stuff just prior to surgery so I may have had something on there and didn't realize it. I only got Tylenol with codeine for pain, no Oxy, but that was plenty. And the Lovenox shots for two weeks, that was fun. And there was a anti-nausea pill with a long name starting with an O that I wound up not needing.
  13. So, if God is always taking care of you, why did he make you overweight and why is he sending you to a questionable surgeon in another country to endure a surgery than can be risky? Some kind of trial you're supposed to endure to prove your faith? Must be nice to have someone to blame for your problems. Hmm, maybe I should start blaming Burger King for inventing the Double Whopper,

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
