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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    Is Mexico?

    I'm also going to Mexico on 7/22/08 and by myself. There's alot of good DR.'s there. just do your research when picking your surgeon. There's alot of people on this site that have had surgery there. Also don't worry about what your skinny friends think, They just don't understand. If you need support just look on this site and i'm sure you'll find all you need. theres alot of great people here. good luck.
  2. kimaly

    Which type are you?

    Jachut, Love your attitude. I think that's a large part of the reason why you've done so well, You and Wasa and others like ya'll are a great insperation to me. you seem to be a hard worker, That's my goal after i'm banded. Thx :thumbs_up:
  3. kimaly

    I am so sick of being single!

    your only 28, don't worry you'll meet the right one when it's time. I didn't meet the right guy until I was 40 and I have been blessed. I hope it doesn't take you until your 40. I'm sure not trying to bring you down I'm just saying it will happen. lots of luck and happy hunting!!!
  4. kimaly

    tube broke through my skin!!

    I'm sorry to hear of your trouble, before you take out the band have you thought about getting a second opinion. It concerns me your doctor didn't seem concerned when you first told him before it broke through I hope you don't have to lose your band. I'll be praying or you.
  5. I'm getting ready to start my pre-op, my DR. told me to just try slim fast low carb, it has 17 g of protien and only 4 carbs, i couldn't find it in the store so I ordered it off line it only took 2 days to get here and was about $6.00 a 4 pack.
  6. I chose Inamed because i'm having surgery in Mexico and more DR.'s where I'm from will do fills on them.
  7. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    I can't beleive how long the list has gotten since I last checked in. That's great. Good luck to all :sad_smile:
  8. kimaly

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I was not saying that at all. What i'm saying is if your having problems and people are trying to help don't shoot everything they suggest down with I can't because if you do you will never know if you could. If others keep babying someone that's in that mode they'll just keep it going. since when did honesty become the problem. most of the time it only hurts when it's true. If you read my first post it wasn't cruel just to the point. you can read in to it what you want.
  9. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Theres a thread on it (Lap Band convention) by coachcher. It's in oct. if you go to her blog you can register hope this helps
  10. kimaly

    July 22nd Banding

    Happy for you :ohmy: that's my date too!
  11. kimaly

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Kat817 pretty well explains it. she's just a little more elegant then i am. maybe you will understand it better if you read her post. not everything is a personal attack, I'm speaking from life experance. theres always that one person everyone knows them: the I can't people and they are the ones that never do because they're to busy comming up with the negitives in things instead of trying or working hard enough to get what they really want. I will try to pull someone out of it but I WILL NOT buy into it. sorry if my opinions bother some people in that case just skip my post
  12. kimaly

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I'm happy with the type of person I am you know the important part(what's on the inside) Little info 4 u not all people are fat because we're unhappy some of us have just enjoyed our lives a little to much And I said happy with who I am not with who I was It took me a long time to get to where i'm at and now my body just needs to catch up. hope.
  13. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Orea 15, I'm from VA. also windsor, ever heard of it?
  14. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Flowers, that will be here before you know it, keep us up dated. i think it will be worth it, I'm at that failure is not an option point.
  15. kimaly

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I hope no one takes this as being mean but I've been reading your post, Maybe you could go back and read over your own post and you'll see what others are seeing.I think you have issues that run way deeper then the band. I've never seen such a self pitty party. You don't leave any room for anyone to feel your pain as you are so into poor me. in an earleir post you mentioned going to see a shrink(no offence intended) about why you can't lose weight maybe it would be better to talk to them about why you can't love yourself or why it's poor me so much. I'm a large women, wouldn't be here if I wasn't. But I really like the person I am if I wasn't me I would want to be my friend LoL point being work on that self esteem and maybe you'll gain a better insight. wishing you all the best my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  16. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    coach cher has a blog about it, sounds like alot of fun and alot of info. I think I'm going I'll know for sure next week.
  17. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    YEA!!! more and more Butterflies everyday, How many July Butterflies are going to Lap band conferance in Houston in Oct?
  18. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    speaking as a tatooed woman(10 times over)if your not into them deffently go with the ring. PS I love mine, they all tell the story of my life. sometimes good sometimes bad lol. I'm really proud & Happy & excited ect. ect. ect. But don't think i'm adding it to my tats. Lots of luck !!!
  19. I'm flying into EL Paso and being driven to Juarez. I'm seeing Dr. Jose Rodrigues. I've had no problem talking to who ever I need to. I've gone through Beliteweight. Jessica is walking me through it. she gives me answers to whatever my concerns are. I'm not promoting my DR. or anything I'm just saying there is other DR. in Mexico near EL Paso. Maybe you could check some of them out and find someone your more comfortable with. I also had no problem getting info on him off the net and the people on this forum are a wealth of information. good luck! :redface:
  20. 50 lbs how great, I'm just pre pre-op. but can't wait
  21. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Joiful, no, I'm not sure I've heard of your place. my DR. is Dr. Rod in Juarez I do think you should find out who your DR. is. I did a lot of research on mine. pros & cons his stats, ed. and so forth.cost was 7000.00 all inclusive except air I live in va. round trip was 539.00. I was wondering how you chose your DR.
  22. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    try the pre op forum maybe you'll find it there i remember seeing it just not sure where
  23. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    I'm going by myself too. Oh! I checked out your web, You look great, You don't even look like you need lap band. But good luck anyway, I think we're all scared alittle but excited at the same time. It's like when you were a kid waiting for santa.
  24. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Joiful, Where in mexico? I'm the 22, in Juarez. I know what you are saying about comming up with the money, I'm paying all at one time out of pocket.(hubby lovin it lol) I'm sure it will be worth it.
  25. kimaly

    Lap-band Convention

    oops, just saw the blog.

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