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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Well, today is sat., my scale day. No gain NO LOSS this week I know no gain is good but no loss really bites. I thought i was ready for this but it's still depressing, i've been doing exactly what i'm supposed to. hope i have better luck next week. :cool2::thumbup::tt2::w00t::thumbup:
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    orea, great updated pic. you already look like a new person. :thumbup:
  3. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Me to! I keep telling everyone I was hungry from the pre op until I started mushies I try to make sure I don't go over that 1/2 cup to 1 cup rule. I know if I wasn't worried about my band i could chow down. And i agree with jotful, orea you are a weight losing machine
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    pennylane, my diet is the same as yours. and mushies is just slang for soft foods. you know anything that can be mushed with a fork. can't wait for reg. foods although i'm not hungry anymore. I still want something else, I guess i'm just greedy.
  5. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    joyful, sorry to hear your fill is so far away, there's not anyone else that might be able to help you? maybe you could ask your doc to call you if they have a cancilation(sp) anyway good luck to you and i hope something opens up, this is hard enough without delays.
  6. kimaly

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    truediva, I tried your fish recipe a little while ago, it was great. thanks for sharring.
  7. kimaly

    I'm really getting scared

    Take a deep breath and relax, best advise i can give. i know easier said then done. i felt the same way. i had to go to Mexico and i just kept thinking i was going to go all the way there and they would find some reason why they couldn't do the surgery and i would have spent all that money on the flight and everything else. find something to do today to take your mind off of it, and don't worry it will be fine and over with before you know it. see you on the other side of the bandster world! :cool2:
  8. kimaly

    I'm so MAD @ MYSELF

    I was also banded on the 22nd and started mushies on sunday, Yesterday i know i ate to much. even though i didn't make bad choices i just made to many choices and the guilt UGH! i plan on having a better day today along with the rest of you (bandster hell uck!) :cool2:
  9. That's great! A BIG WHOO-HOO from me to you :cool2:
  10. My Doc gave me pain pills to take 3 days after surgery. I think you'll be fine.
  11. kimaly

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    And where do you get i was talking about you? I said I felt for the people that had to have theirs removed for one reason or another. I clearly stated that it's the people that spend time effort and money to have this done and then think it's to much work without even giving it a chance.
  12. kimaly

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    WoW! I can't beleave some of you people, To give up after just one week. Has anyone ever told you that anything worth having is worth working for? It makes me really sad, there are many people that work hard and for one reason or another have to get their band removed. and here you are whining about it's to hard when you haven't even given it a good run yet. I would wonder if you give up at everything in life that takes comitment or work. maybe your right it's not a weight loss tool you need it's a good shrink. This may sound harsh and many people may jump down my throat but i have no pity for those who have a chance to help themselves and choose not to. :thumbup:
  13. I'm on mushies now and finely not hungry, I really feel better and starting to get my energy back. hang in there everyone you'll get there. sometimes it doesn't seem like it but i promise you will :smile:
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    orea, glad your doing well and welcome back
  15. Sorry to hear of trouble, hope everything gets better for you. If I ever had to lose my band i would go for the sleeve. I had a hard time deciding which one i even wanted in the first place, but i went for the band. so far so good.
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Joyful, maybe it would help if you cut your calorie intake down a bit, is 2000 what your DR sugested? it sounds pretty high to me, are you choosing high protein low carb foods? anyway 14lbs is still good. and don't let anyone else get to you. Remember you are doing this for yourself.
  17. I really don't know, I guess It was a pretty strict 2wk pre op diet (13lbs) and then i've been on liquids since surgery. (10lbs) total of 23 as of this morning. I start mushies today. guess the weight loss will slow down. I know i need to walk more and i'll be doing that as of today.
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats to all, All the butterflies have taken flight and and are embarking on a new an exciting journey. May everyones recovery go well. :biggrin:
  19. I will tell everyone I have been hungry since the pre op diet i'm 9 days post op, start mushies on sunday and can't wait. although I have enjoyed the weight loss 22lbs since pre op. yea me :biggrin:
  20. kimaly

    where is everyone???

    I beleave you'll be fine, keep your date. good luck
  21. I had to respond because i to have had a breast reduction(4 mo. ago) & A tummy tuck(2 yrs ago) and my port area was bothering me more then eather of them, other then the drain tubes which really bite. It just goes to show you everyone responds differently to each surgery. feeling much better now, but i've been hungery since the pre op. Can't wait for mushies Good luck to you.
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    welcome Jillbeme, Glad to have you with us, and only 2 days to go Yea! :thumbup:
  23. kimaly

    Self-Pay in Hampton Roads area.

    Ask lots of questions, and good luck this is just the begining :thumbup:
  24. kimaly

    Self-Pay in Hampton Roads area.

    Just dropping you a line to let you know i'm back from Mexico and everything went great. And didn't break the bank. good luck in your quest. :eek:
  25. Tess, I had all the same things. I'm on the post op now and it's a lot easier to me, I guess because it's been so long since i've had food. just keep telling yourself it's worth it. good luck.

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