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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly


    I agree and look whats happened to young people today not all but a lot of them have no respect and i really don't think they even know the meaning of it. when i see horrible spoiled children in public i really want to knock some since into the parent and i feel sorry for the kids because they're getting off to the wrong start in life and i can't see it gatting any better. and i beleave alot of it is lazyness on the parents part it's alot harder to say no and stand by it then it is just to give in.
  2. kimaly

    The Photo Album Forum

    I agree with you. While i must admit i do love the pets but your right it's not the place for them and i think most of us do go there for encouragment and after trying to get through all the family pics and so on you just get tired of it and click off.
  3. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    congrats i'm really happy for you, keep up the good work :tt1::thumbup:
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Also wondering what type dish do you cook it in? i'm not even on mushies anymore and i really want to try it. sounds great.
  5. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Congrats and a big WOOHOO from me to you :crying:
  6. Dr Rod in Juarez, Mexico and he's done over 5000. But they have been doing them longer in Mexico.
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Your right, It is hard but i'm hanging with you! I guess i should have said we're hanging with you because there's alot of us, don't want to leave anyone out.
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    WAIT-2 more pounds as of this morning and i'll take it YEA!!
  9. Thank you, i'm gonna take the high road on this one and end it.
  10. I wasn't trying to be mean i'm just a straight forward person I speak my mind and don't think when you start a thread the only people that should post are the ones that agree with you. i do feel for you even if you don't see it that way. all i've tried to say on both threads is i think it's deeper then the band and i don't think your gonna be happy until you figure out what it is. i just would hate to see you give up after everything you've been through and regret it later. i'm afraid you may be taking the easy way out and i think that may be what got alot of us in this place in the first place. with what ever you decide i really do hope the best for you and my prayers are with you. we only get a short time on this earth so please make the best of it and be happy. and if removing your band does that for you then so be it. please forgive me if you feel i have insulted you that was not my intension. so i will stop beating this horse and wish you the best
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hun, I do hair and don't worry it will come back. adjust your protein intake and take your vitimins. If your still having a problem after that talk to your Doctor.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Well, no adjustment to my ticker AGAIN this week, i'm with you RESTRICTION PLEASE. my fill is on 9/02 also good luck to you and i hope it goes well
  13. kimaly

    How many meals a day..

    Banded-I eat 3 meals which consists of 1/2 to 1 cup of food at a time. my doctor said eat about every 3 to 4 hours if hungry but I really don't need that and i don't snack because i don't feel it nessary although i do try to get a protein drink in sometime durring the day and i try to make sure my last meal is no later then 6pm idon't stop drinking i even keep a bottle of water by my bed so i can have it durring the night. i seem to have a harder time getting all that water in then anything else and i hate those darn small sips i would love just to guzzle a bottle down but no can do. hope this helps
  14. Didn't you already do this on another thread you started and then get mad because you didn't like what people were saying and if I recall shut the thread down and change your screen name? why would you do it again? I agree you have to do what's best for you, But i still think you're giving up and you yourself said (not in so many words)that you wanted the band but were not willing to do the work. last time you blamed the band and this time your blamming the fill tech. When are you going to own up to your role in it? I wish you the best and i will tell you the samething i told you on the last thread:counciling would be a good thing in your case, sometimes it really helps.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I don't think the flight will bother you, I flew 3 days after surgery from Mexico to Virginia no problem. good luck on your trip.
  16. nope, Banded in Mexico but wanted to welcome you to the site. I think you'll enjoy it. Congrats on the banding and the weight loss
  17. kimaly

    Breakfast Ideas

    I know these are eggs but their good quick & easy Jimmy Dean omlets, cheese & ham are my fav. or maybe carnation sf instant breakfast, I make them the night before so they are really cold.
  18. kimaly

    Tummy Tuck 2 Days Ago

    Although I had my tummy tuck 2yrs ago and just had lap band 7/22, I have never regreted it. It made a world of defferance. They took off 11lbs of redundent skin. I'm really happy for you. You never really know how much that belly is in the way until it's gone. Happy healing.
  19. kimaly

    Who Here Is On Twitter?

    If your looking for wls people we're right here Why would we want to go to a differant site when we have a great forum right here? you sound to me like your advertizing. If the other wls people aren't there and they are all here why not just stay here?
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I would think you could pb before a fill because some people have restriction before a fill, maybe from swelling and so on and others just have restriction and can go a long time before they ever need a fill. so to me it seems likely those people may pb. but hey i'm no Doc.
  21. Well, my oppinion defers from the others AGAIN. my hubby is one of those and since i started this journey i still make him big ole country dinners every night. it was harder during the liquid stage, but i don't find it that difficult any longer he also has to have his sweets every evening, i made him a cheese cake 2 nights ago(my fav) but i didn't touch it. i decided when i started this that i was ready. just because it's on the menue doesn't mean you have to order it and just because it's there doesn't mean you have to put it in your mouth. i'm finding there are alot of good things that taste good that i can have and now i tell him that's mine you have your own stuff in there unless you want to eat the same things i am and then we can stop buying all that junk. so far he's still stuck on the junk. and i'm waiting for him to make his life change but it has to be when he's ready. remember just because your thin doesn't mean your healthy
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Did you have a pre op diet or is that just since surgery? because thats about where i'm at since surgery alot of us count the 2wk pre op because it was the start of our journey, my ticker is my weight at the start of 2wk pre op.
  23. kimaly

    What is is about Mexico?

    I'm glad they're there to. I couldn't find a fill Doc in my area that took Mexico patients if it wasn't for them being here i wouldn't have been able to get the band. i would have had to go with the sleeve and i just wasn't sure about that. I didn't want to lose to fast because of skin sagging at my age i already have enough drooping LoL
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    everyone seems to be losing so much weight, i'm just stuck. i know it's better then gaining but i sure do wish i would lose something soon just to get out of this mood if not anything else. I lost 13lbs on the 2wk . pre op and 14lbs the 2wks after surgery. I get a fill on 9/02 and can go back to curves the same week. i sure hope it helps. Of coarse i start thinking the stupidest things like what if i do everything i should and i'm still the one who doesn't lose, dumb i know. well, maybe i'll be in a better mood tomarrow. Thx for letting me vent, it helps

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