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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Lotza, I would post but I'm a dummy when it comes to these things. Maybe I can get one of my kids to help me, I'll work on that.
  2. I hope that's not the case, I've been banded for 3 1/2 months and I'm down 52 lbs and i'm sure it's not over. I'm with Jodi, 10 months out I plan on being 92lbs down and at goal. Maybe you should find a more experenced Doctor, or at least a more positive one.
  3. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Well they say slow and steady wins the race. I think in the end we'll all be where we need to be. I lost weight pretty fast but have now come to a hult.
  4. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Your looking fantastic, boy you can really see the differance. and what a great idea, think i'll try it. I need a boost. same as the above post, I've been up and down with the same pound or two and it starts to drive you mad.
  5. kimaly

    What have YOU lost?

    update: an elephants heart & a human head!
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thanks, Not to shabby yourself. I can't seem to hit onderland for nothing. Up a lb then down a lb then back up a lb, it's starting to really upset me. I feel like tossing that stupid scale out the window and then stomping it to peices. poor scale, I guess it's easeir to blame the scale. I just don't know what else to do , I think I have good restriction. Maybe I'm just getting close to that TOM or something. Anyway my emotions are getting the best of me this morning so i'll sign off until I'm in a better mood
  7. kimaly

    How much weight have you lost?????

    Condrats, that's fantastic. Can't wait to see how it feels, I'm .5 lbs from it. And can't quite get there.
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats, that's great 51lbs you go girl! And shrinknme, 3 more lbs that's great also I sure would like to see that this week
  9. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I was going to make that appt. first thing monday morning but after my last post this morning I went and scrambled a egg and yep it got stuck just 3 bites in. so after getting my pb on for awhile it went away. That's just how I seem to be tight in the morning and a little looser then I'd like to be in the afternoon. Question for everyone: does your port ever feel sore in the morning after laying on it all night?
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    The fill thing is real ify (if that's a word) I'm just not sure if I'm ready or not. On my 2nd fill they brought me up to 4.8 it was terrible I was sick all night and couldn't even keep my own salava down(sorry so vivid) they took out .4 and now I'm at 4.4 and after I did the 5 day pouch test the first 2 days I was eating a 1/2 cup and now I can hold 1 cup again. But I guess I'm just gun shy or afraid of another over fill. I know I should make an appt. Just a little unsure.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    It can be quite nerve racking can't it? congrats to both of you on the newly lost lbs. I included you Orea because I noticed your ticker going back up and I'm really happy for you.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    sounds like your doing good where your at, a 1/2 cup to 3/4 of a cup is what they tell me sould fill you. If you don't have heartburn any more I wouldn't do an unfil eather.
  13. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    melanie, nice to hear from you again, seems like you are doing quite well. Hope this is your sweet spot also. I just don't know what the sweet spot is, I guess I've not got there or something because everyone seems to know when they hit theirs and I'm still unsure.
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    So So sorry to hear of your troubles. I really hope you get this fixed asap. and yes you've done fantastic without restriction. you'll be in my prayers.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Ditto that Joyful, stay with us
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Orea, I'm glad it's getting better for you. Being hungry all the time is terrible. I bet your weight loss will start picking up now.
  17. kimaly

    Ps ?

    Woo, That's scary! Thx 4 the info
  18. kimaly

    How much weight have you lost?????

    And by the way you look great.
  19. kimaly

    How much weight have you lost?????

    Yes that's what I pay But I really think it's worth it at least the lady that does mine. I have a 10cc band with a 9cc fill level and my first fill was 3.8 and second fill brought me up to 4.4, she will give me what I need no matter the amount instead of just what they think you should have.
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Oh yes, I can tell. I'm allowed by my fill center 3/4 of a cup and I would average about that and alot of times a whole cup and I have it at 1/2 of cup now with no problem. Hope to keep it there for awhile.
  21. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Joyful, I hope this finds you in better spirts. And hope I'm not insulting you when I say: That I keep hearing you say the band is not working for you and let me just say that the band does not do the work it just makes it bearable for YOU to do the work and trust me it's hard work I've learned that along the way. If you just would take a minute to read your prior post on this thread about what you've been eating then I think you'll find it's alot of carbs. The people that are losing are not eating like that, check their post and I think that's what you'll see. just do the math and then deside how much effort your willing to put into this. I really beleave we only get back what we put in. Good luck to you and if you need it we're all here for you.
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Just giving you an up date: I'm day 4 on 5 day pouch test and guess what, I weighed this morning even if I wasn't going to until the end of day 5 but couldn't resist and down 3lbs YEAH! I'm now 0.4 lbs from onderland, not even a whole 1/2 lb. I'm so excited I can just taste onderland It's my first goal for myself. :thumbup:
  23. kimaly

    Ps ?

    Thank you, How long before you can get filled back up?
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats That's fantastic, I hit my 50 mark this morning also. It does feel great. I'm working on onderland, 3lbs more and I'll be there. I've been trying so hard this past couple weeks to lose the 8lbs I had to get there and I still have 3lbs left. Anyway enough about me and once again congrats! It does feel fantastic.

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