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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    Scared... possible complication

    so sorry to hear of your troubles, Keep positive thoughts. I'll put you on my prayer list.
  2. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Thanks, My weight loss has been a crawl this last month. But I just eat 3/4 of a cup of food 3 times a day and I'm doing high protein low carb. I only count net carbs not total carbs, and go to curves 3 times a week and walk one of my dogs on the days I don't go to curves.(weather permiting) I really think I need another fill. I'll go in the first week in Dec. I guess. I don't think i need much, I hope it goes better then the last one.
  3. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Thanks, I just noticed I spelled that wrong.
  4. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I had a tummy tuck a couple of years ago so I don't have the saggy stomach, But every time I make my face I notice the wrinkles in my neck and the hound dog jaws. I don't think I'm gonna have a face lift although I will be getting breast implants, I also had a breast lift and they took me down 2 sizes because of the weight of my breast and now with the weight loss they are almost non existing:cry_smile: But my Doc that did it said when I'm ready she'll waive her fee and do the implants for me. I'll only have to pay for the cost of the implants. I did everything backwards but I can't change that now so I'll just deal with it as it comes. and love the idea of turtle necks, that covers the winter now just have to figure something out for the summer LOL
  5. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I already posted this on another thread but felt I needed to post it here, Yep it finely happened I'm in ONEdreland!!! YEA ME!
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats on the grandbaby!! it's a true blessing. I have 2 granddaughters and a grandson and it's wonderful
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    WOO HOO! I finely did it. I'm in ONEderland. After 3wks of up and downing the same 3 lbs it happened. Ok, enough about me. Orea, so sorry to hear of your troubles. I'll put you and your family in my prayers. :smile2:
  8. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Question for the older woman,(no offense intended) since you've started losing weight does your face look older(wrinkles showing up)? or is this just me. oh! and don't forget about the neck. If so what are we to do about this? I hope the answer isn't deal with it.
  9. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    My ticker is from when I started my 2wk pre-op. I lost 13lbs that 2wks and the other 39lbs is from my surgery date. I count it because that is when I started my life style change. my highest weight was 267 summer of 07, but I lost 15lbs by jan.08, 11 of which was a tummy tuck so I don't count that 15 on my ticker, it was just to long ago and the Doctor really did it not me.
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I hope so to Orea, you sure have been threw it.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I know this ? wasn't 4 me but hope you don't mind me putting in my 2 cents, I was over filled on my 2nd fill and had to have a slight unfill. that was Oct. 2nd and now I'm ready for another fill. Hope to get it the first week in Dec. my point is I think you just can't tell when it's gonna happen. I also was afraid that I can't tell when I'm at the right restriction. But were new at this and I guess we'll learn as we go.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    You ladies are doing great! Daisey, I think I'm going to try to down size the portions a little, My Doc told me to eat 1/2 a cup but the fill center told me to eat 3/4 of a cup. I've been doing it the fill centers way and I've been kinda stuck lately so I'm gonna try the Docs way this week and see if I can get that scale moving again.
  13. kimaly

    I need some encouragement!

    That's exactly how I am. And I'm going to try to get a fill first week of Dec. I don't think thanksgiving will be a problem I'm just going to stick with the turkey. :rolleyes2:
  14. I think a g-spot is more intense, or maybe that's just me.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    just checking my siggy, it didn't show up on the last post
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    When you want to snack just try to drink alot of water or try crystal lite and if you have to have something Atkins makes protien bars with only 2 net carbs and about 100 cals and not really bad.
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    losing slow? 60 lbs is fantastic! give yourself credit girl. That's my band date too. I have a treadmill and it hates me, so I go to curves 3 times a week and walk one of my dogs for 30 min. on the nights I'm not at curves. guess I should step it up.
  18. Cher, I was just wondering, if you have it in NJ whats the closest airport to the Hotel? I can't seem to find it when I punch the city in when I was trying to price flights. Also does the Hotel offer a suttle?
  19. kimaly

    Small or large band?

    That's what I was told,I have a 10cc band with a 9cc fill level. 6 other people got banded the same day I did and all were given the 10cc but their fill level was only 4cc. When I question the Doc on why I had the same size band and had such a higher fill level he explained my stomach was larger. so you need to know not only what size band you have but what your fill level is. He gave each of us a card with this info on it to keep in our wallets at all times.
  20. Your not the odd ball, I'm the same. Never had a problem with it. And I know where it's at, learned that a long time ago.
  21. 6 inches! :cool: that sucks. I was told when a mans belly gets bigger his penis can draw in so I would assume if you lost the belly you might get that back.
  22. Just a reply to the g-spot question, I guess she some what explained where it's at. just thought you might like to know: they have a new shot called the g shot it helps those women who might have had a problem having a vaginal orgasm. it kinda swells the g-spot and makes it quite sensitive to stimulation, It last about 3 to 4 months anyway found it interesting. I'm lucky I've never had a problem with that but I saw it on The Doctors and thought I'd share
  23. If you can't eat solid food maybe your to tight. you've got to keep away from those sweets. there's a lot of great people on this forum that will be there to help and support you. maybe you could use a lap band buddie check the threads I'm sure you'll find someone. I'm fairly new at this lapband stuff but if you need to talk or just need to get some things off your chest I'd be happy to listen. hang in there and I'll put you in my prayers.
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Welcome all, Glad to have you. Hope ya'll hang around, and congrats on the weight loss
  25. Well I'll tell you, It's a lot of hard work But do-able and worth it.

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