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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    OH, and just wanted to share a non scale victory with you: I bought a pair of pj's yesterday and no more 3X I bought a large in the reg. section. not even a extra large just large i'm still amazed
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    YEA Orea!!! so happy for you. and I would love to be back to 6 or 7lbs a month but for now i'm kinda stuck at 3 to 4 but I'll take it, right now I have 32lbs to go and it seems so possible and exciting. so glad everyone is back from vacation and the Holidays It was getting lonely out here.
  3. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thanks, hope it works
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes I to will take that challenge, can't seem to get the valentine ticker, so I will just say by valentines day I intend on being a total of 70lbs down. That's 10 more lbs for me also. Also on the 13th of this month I'm having my breast finished. (had a lift march of last year and they took me down 2 1/2 sizes) now they have to go back in and make them full and round so I guess it will add a couple of lbs OH, I hope this isn't to much info for everyone. But we seem to share alot.
  5. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I think it's great, Congrats
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Quick check in: down 3lbs over christmas can't ask for much more. And find out tomarrow if I can schedule a fill or not. I hope everyone has a fantastic new years and am really pleased to see so many butterflies comming back to this thread. We are all comming into our 6mo bandaversery(sp?) I hope we're all at goal 6mo from now. wouldn't that be great!!!
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm in the same boat, I haven't lost anything since Thanksgiving and need a fill. But the good news is not losing is way better then gaining.
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I love this thread, it is like we're altogather. No one that I know can relate to my struggles so it's wonderful to have all of ya'll to talk too and help with all the trying times and of coarse the victorys Anyway just wanted to wish all a very merry Christmas and a thinner new year God bless
  9. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I only had 2 fills so far but I guess they were pretty good ones, the first was 3.8 and the second ended up bringing me up to 4.4 after slight unfil. I ned need need a fill but I just have some other things going on. Like getting my breast finished hopefuly in Jan. and don't know if my Doc is going to make me get an unfill for surgery, won't know until Dec. 31st. I would hate to pay for a fill then an unfill and then a refill. So now I'm hungry with you Orea, but dealing I guess.
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Orea, I'm so excited for you, you waited so long for your weight loss to kick back in and look at you now!!
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes I agree, I myself need to refocus. I guess there is just so much going on this month we forget about ourselves. Hopefuly Jan. will bring us new numbers. A new year and a new us.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats, I love seeing the butterflies succeed!!:shades_smile:
  13. I'm 56lbs down since July and loving it.
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    First, Thx Ladies for all the congrats. Now Quilting Bee, I laughed when I read your post. I'd gladly take some of your booty, I come from a long line of flat bottom girls:sad: and have always wanted a boofy bottom. and congrats on the weight loss.
  15. Not according to my doctor, that's what he conciders full liquids, he says clear liquids, full liquids, mushies (soft foods) then reg food. That's why I said earlier that there is a lot of debate on the subject. I guess it's best you check with your doc and see what he conciders mushies, everybody's Doctor seems to have his own idea.
  16. Although I had my tummy tuck 2 years ago (before lap band) I still think it's the best thing I've ever done. they took off 11lbs of redundent skin. I'm almost 60 lbs down from the lap band and no saggy tummy yet(thank god) I had stitches from behind one hip to behind the other. but as the others said well worth it.
  17. kimaly

    Surgery on Dec 23rd

    Don't worry. just follow the pre-op and 2 days before christmas you brave soul, but a new lease on life what a hell of a gift, congrats and good luck!!!
  18. OH, and don't forget deli meat is a good way to get in your protein. just ask them to shave it. hope this helps. jimmy dean has cheese omlets that are pretty good and pretty quick
  19. yes, mix 2 9.75 oz cans chicken with 1 packet ff cream cheese and 1 packet hidden valley lf dip mix. remember to break chix up and drain. refridge for a couple of hours. when your past the mushie stage I add scallons and form it in a ball coat with crushed almonds and serve with rf club crackers at parties, everyone loves them. there are some good recipes for talipia also, check the above link that krtork gave. I think after the liquid stage almost anything is good. also if your on the go string cheese is a quick fix, I myself prefer kraft sharp chedder cubes, you can have about 7 cubes at a time but 5 would do it for me.
  20. Tunas a mushie and so is the packets of salmon. I'm not a chix salad person eather but I do like it with the cream cheese and ranch dip.
  21. There's a lot of threads on it. and some good recipes. It's always a debate on what's a mushie, but I go with what my Doc says and that's anything you can mush with a fork. A couple of my favs when I was on that stage: caned white chicken meat, ff cream cheese and ff ranch dip mix. canned white chicken meat mixed w/spinich dip and I lived on refried beans w/taco sauce, lf cheese and topped w/lf sour cream
  22. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I hate my treadmill or better yet, my treadmill hates me. I'd rather walk my dog but it's getting to cold for that so I guess I better start making friends with it.
  23. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'll be glad when I can get a fill too, I gained 3lbs this week. The curves lady said I'm retaining water, I hope that's the case. Eather way I'm in a good mood today because I got my biopsy back and all was good, just a complex cist. After 6 weeks of worrying about it, It feels good to let my brain relax.
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yep I'm a tummy sleeper too, my port is sometimes sore in the morning. Orea, glad to hear things might be looking up for ya'll. I'll put ya'll in my players tonight.

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