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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yep, I know what you mean. I just had a fill on the 10th and went out for Valentines and ate fried oysters, only 3 and 2 fried shrimp. OOPS!! I know better but it was so so so good. I try to justify it by telling myself once in a blue moon it's ok to splurge but when it comes down to it I know I just could have gotten it broiled and I'm sure it would have been just as good. Still kicking myself in the butt. Girl scout cookies I'd be a gonner!!!!
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I missed it by 4lbs, I'm thinking I might have made it but I gained 5lbs after surgery on 1/13/09 so it put me higher then when I started. I was a total of 7 down from the start weight today. But I'll join you in the easter challenge!!!!!
  3. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    D girl, Sorry about the gallbladder. Hope it all goes well for you.
  4. kimaly

    This just isn't right! NOT FAIR!

    Does it really matter who gets done first? If he's getting banded and your getting the bypass, you'll probaly pass him in weight loss before a year is up. I assume your speaking of your DH and I can tell you if I were in your shoes I would just be happy for him. You know unselfish Anyway that's the type of marrage I have. And sorry to say this but at your age you should know by now life is not fair. I don't mean to sound harsh but I just hate it when adults say that. There are bigger things in this world that are not fair. but anyway I do wish you the best and try to be happy for him.
  5. I also had surgery in Mexico and flew home on day 3 with no problems, my surgeon just told me to get up and walk about the cabin every couple of hours. sitting long periods of time after surgery can cause blood clots. He also gave me compression stockings that help with that when flying.
  6. I also use the dailey plate, It's a great tool and it really does help.
  7. I can't be sure why your cold, But I can tell you I've been cold since I started losing weight. I'm sitting in the office right now with a sweater and it's 71 everyone else seems fine and I'm still cold. My Doc says anywhere between 1000 and 1200 calories a day but I can't seem to get that in. I stay more at about 700 to 800 a day, some days more and some days less. And as far as the software I can't help, I'm a dummy when it comes to those things. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck with your new lifestyle!!!
  8. kimaly

    Breasts (women only)

    I had a lift in March 08(banded 7/22/08) They took me down 2 1/2 sizes and I've lost a little over 60lbs since then, Which really hasn't effected my breast because of the reduction but Jachut is right. You most likely will need implants to fill out the top. The bottom part of my breast looked great but the top was still flat. I am now recovering from the BA (on 1/13/09) and glad I did it. PS said it was ok to go ahead and do the implants now even though I still have near 30lbs left to lose because I didn't really have much up top left to lose. To be honest with you I really didn't lose any breast do to weight loss because she had already taken them. I really sagged (but not any more) I guess that's why she took so much off. Just to much lose skin. But anyway back to the question at hand: I lost no sensation with the reduction or the implants. So now I'm just waiting for my lovely ladies to drop and fluff, but that's a whole other issue.
  9. Just wanted to take a moment to send your country all our thoughts and prayers at this time. I hope you and your family and friends are safe and well. praying the fires will be contained soon without further loss.
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Well, I did it. I finely got my 3rd fill. And alls well so far. She gave me .8cc. I could have had the whole 1.cc but I was a little chicken after last time and figured better safe then sorry. I'd rather go back later for a little more if I need it then go through what I did last time with the over fill. She was very encouraging also, she said she had know doubt I would hit my goal, and I was doing great. It gave me that little shove to push on that I needed.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    1 day, Just hang in there hun. we all go through that from time to time and it to shall pass. sending cyber hugs and sharing a little bit of endurence with you.....
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thank you Orea, and as always your a great help to all of us!!!!
  13. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Joyful, I to am glad to see you back. I beleave what your going through is head hunger, I really don't think rather you are tight or not is going to help that. Maybe you should consider a little counciling or is there a support group in your area you might be able to attend? even if it's just something like weight watchers where others are struggling with the same issues as you. When you crave sweets so bad is there some kind of other snack that might fill that need? like fruit or just a better choice. I get like that when it's my TOM, I need sweets or just can't take it any more so I'll have some special k(blueberry) or maybe some carb free ice cream(very little) but just something to get me by. where are you on your loss? I can understand you being upset about how many fills you've had and hope it get better for you.
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    About the special K, I was wondering about the whole not drinking while you eat and the milk thing. I guess it would be the same with soup. sometimes I do eat it but I try to drain as much milk off the spoon as possible. But just wondering if it defeats the purpose
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    That's great to hear, nothing worse then not being able to sleep and still having to go on with your day.
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'd take 1lb a week right about now. That's still great. I hope I can start that again after my fill on tuesday. Although I'm still a little afraid after the whole over fill thing last time.
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    YEA!!! A new baby, how wonderful. Congrats to you and your family
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Donna, really great news. At least now you know nothing is wrong with your band. I'm going for my 3rd fill Tuesday, I'm a little nervous because the last one was way to tight and I had to have a unfil the next morning(sick all night) I've been putting it off, plus I just had other things going on. But I think it's time because I get hungry about every 3hrs, And I could eat more then what I do. My last one was Oct. 2nd so we shall see how it turns out.
  19. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Shrinknme, Prayers and good wishes are being sent your way.
  20. kimaly

    Have you noticed?

    I beleave that's gonna be on a one on one basis. I called to check on having the surgery in the late spring or early summer(can't remember) and had surgery on 7/22. But I did plenty of homework before I even made that call. I've seen many people on this forum alone that have done the 6mo. pre-op and so forth only to be moaning about how their band has failed them and truth be told they failed their band. maybe by thinking it was going to be a effortless weightloss, When they find out they have to work for it and show self control they blame the band. So I really think it comes down to the person, and not who had to wait longer. That would be like saying self pay people are gonna work harder because of all that money they are out of pocket. And I don't beleave that eather.
  21. kimaly

    Have you noticed?

    I don't think it's how fast you do or do not get banded. I think it's how well informed you are and how much homework you took the time to do. And weather or not you are truely ready to make the life style change.
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    And Orea, you seem to be doing great lately. sorry about the virus. Hope you feel better now.
  23. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Shrinknme, You will also be in my prayers.
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Donna, sorry to hear your having trouble. I hope everything works out for you. Please keep us informed. I'll put you in my prayers tonight.
  25. kimaly

    I wanna flat tummy

    I think you would probaly get the best results if you wait. but I'm the wrong person to give that advice as I had my TT first and had a breast lift in March of 08 and was banded July 08 I still have 30lbs left to go and at the moment I am recovering from a breast Aug.

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