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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    Saggy breasts

    Yes I agree, When I went ahead with the lift I didn't think I was gonna be able to get the lap band because it cost $18 to $24 grand here and I'm self pay. But I was blessed because my DH knew how much I really wanted it and he surprised me 2 mo. after the lift with the money to get it done(in Mexico) So that's why I'm backwards.
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I think that's what I'll do today, a little on line shopping. 3/4 length, good idea. Most of the time I go that way for work anyway because I have about 10 tatoo's(was a wild child back in the day) and I work in my DH's office so I try to play the part for his sanity. We come from to differant worlds but he loves me anyway. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some on clearance.
  3. kimaly

    Saggy breasts

    I will say yes all of that can happen, There are risk with all surgeries. I had a lift 4 mo. before I had lapband surgery. They took me down 2 1/2 sizes and yes my nipples pointed straight down to my toes, I sagged terrible. I went in knowing I would also need implants when all was said and done my PS decided to wait until almost a year later to do the implants which I'm still healing from. I've had no loss of sensation as a matter of fact if the wind is right and your standing to close there's a chance I'd put your eye out. As far as pain, the Under the muscle Implants hurt worse then the lift. I must say I would wait until I lost the weight before I did it if I had to do it all over again, But they have held up beautifully.
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm at work and I just reached for the phone and saw my arm fat really waving in the wind. That's the first I ever noticed it. Now I know why they call them bat wings. I thought for sure it was going to take flight. Weight is a terrible thing, even if you lose it there is so many other issues you have to deal with. To bad they didn't have the band before I gained so much weight. Anyway I wouldn't trade the weight loss for the old much fuller but less saggy me for anything. Also just wanted to add Atkins has a chocolate peanut butter cup Taste like a reeses to me, just 100 cals and low in carbs. wouldn't eat them all the time but every once in a while just to humer that sweet tooth. It's really good.
  5. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    That's what I'm trying right now. all I bought myself to eat this week was tuna,salmon,cod, and chicken a couple of vegs and steamer bags to cook it in. Got to get on track, my ticker hasn't moved in so long it has cob webs.
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Cynthias,Understand the sweet thing. I've been fighting it also, Glad to see you on this thread. The ladies here are a great help you you just need someone to talk to or to vent to. Try not to worry to much about the implant replacement as I'm sure they're aware of the problems you had last time and will be extra careful. prayers are with you and CONGRATS on your weight loss
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thx everyone, Hope alls going well for ya'll
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Fingers crossed, Hope this one hits it for you.
  9. kimaly


    I agree, It's a good first step and I was a couch potato But as time has gone on I now need something more. I think you adjust to the same old same old stuff and you need to mix it up a little.
  10. Yep, they did lipo on mine, and I'm going back in May so PS can pull skin a little tighter and round um up at the bottom a little more. overall they are so so much better.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thx Charlene, I'm trying to hang in but it gets so fustrating. Got on the scale this morning and yep, one more lb gained so now we can make it a 4lbs instead of 3. This week so far I've really tried to watch what I've eaten. Good luck on the fill, I'm not gonna get a fill for awhile. Just now not getting stuck or PB-ing from the last one. I'm not gonna get on the scale for one month and do what I should be and maybe on 5-16-09 when I weigh again I'll have a pleasent result.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I can relate, I've lost about 13lbs since Dec. But gained 3 back so now it's 10. And I have never been a sweet eater but I polished off a whole bag of robin eggs(malted milk balls) between sunday and monday. I guess I have that wanting to munch thing going on with the quitting smoking. I took ya'lls advice with the Chantix and it does make it much more bearable. It's more of a want then a need now. And I've never been good at not getting what I want, Spoiled yes but true never the less. I think I need a swift kick in the a** to get back on track, you'ld think that 3lb weight gain would have done it.
  13. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    That's amazing, Congrats.
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thanks girlfriend!!
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thank you, cravings easing up for now. Can't wait til I don't have them any more.
  16. OH, and wanted to say I didn't get them hugh. They are still smaller then when I went in for the lift(They took me down 2 1/2 sizes w/lift) Now just a D cup And thats with the implants
  17. I had a lift before I even had my band and your right if your breast sag bad(nipples pointing down) most likely you'll need implants. The top will indeed be flat and it looks kinda weird. I'm recoving from a BA now and thats why I got it, To fill out the top. I think it just depends on what you as a person wants to look like.
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    This blasted band diet along with trying to qiut smoking is going to put me in the nut house, I don't know rather I want to scream or cry. Maybe a little of both, Sure hope I still have some freinds and family still talking to me when this is all said and done. Everything makes me mad or start crying right now. I'm just not use to all the negitve emoitions. I just don't know how much more I can take. I mean crap, I don't even want to be around me right now. Plus I can't even remember the last time that ticker moved. SORRY ladies, VENTING!!
  19. kimaly

    Silicone or Saline ?

    I think with the type of gel they use now, when it leaks it pretty much stays put but it's harder to tell they're leaking. Saline you can tell just by looking because they deflate. And you don't have to have them checked every 3 years like you do the silicone. But on the other hand they say they look and feel more natural, I think my saline look and feel natural maybe it has something to do with them being under the muscle I really don't know. Well guess I'll sign off because I'm starting to ramble.
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm sorry Orea, didn't mean to speak for you. Forgive me!
  21. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I guess we're all kinda stuck right now, you notice the board gets slow around those times. Orea is recovering from surgery but I do see her on facebook from time to time. you're not alone you notice my goal ticker for july is still at zero. But ya'll are right we can and will do this. SO COME ON GIRLS LETS GO!!! Next week everyones ticker will move.
  22. kimaly

    Plateu Hell

    Your loss has been fantastic, And I agree with OregonDaisey. Try the pouch test. I know how you feel although because I have also hit a very long plateu and it get's quite fustrating at times. Just hang in there I'm sure it will break soon. I mean it has to right?
  23. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Lovesgrapes, I'll pray your endosopy goes in you favor. And don't worry about the job interview I'll bet you knock their socks off. Congrats on you clothes being to small, What a great feeling.
  24. kimaly

    feeling like a failure

    Yes this is what I was thinking. I'm sure you'll have to work your way up to the restriction you once had. Just hang in there. You've roped this bull before and you can do it again.
  25. I would guess it would depend on how heavy your flow is. (rather you are a pad or tampon gal) I didn't have the lower lift, just a TT so I'm sorry I don't have much to offer on that subject. Good luck to you and I'm sure you'll look and feel great after healing.

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