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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Mich, I agree. It is a 3yr journey but I think all of us are wanting to rush it into one, It's hard not to and it sets us up for disapointment. But i'm glad you reminded us of that becuase when you look at it that way it really shows the progress we've made this first year. I'm really bad at the exercise I just can't seem to find anything I can really get into and enjoy. So I'm gonna buy a bike and try that. Hope it works out better then my treadmill that has turned into a $400 clothes rack and dog bed. And I really hope no one I know sees me as I'm sure it won't be one of my more graceful moments. I'm gonna go for the crusier becuase I'm built more for comfort then speed and really try to put more effort into it then I've done in the past.
  2. kimaly

    Which protein shakes taste good?

    I like EAS (any flavor) and Atkins, They(Atkins) have a lot of flavors to choose from. Both are very low in carbs and you can get them at walmart.
  3. kimaly

    Today is my 1st bandiversary

    Today is my Bandiversary also. No advice because I'm in the same boat. Hit the 70 mark and seem to have come to a wee crawl But looking forward to it picking up again. Any how just wanted to say congrats!!
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats QuiltingBee, Fab weight loss!! Keep us informed about the back surgery. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
  5. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Happy! :bored: Fill wasn't no where as bad as I thought it might be. I got .6 and am happy with that. Best news is my fill Doc. gave me a script for a barium test. So I'll be able to see what's going on. She said at a year everyone should have one. I'll have to pay for it because my stupid insurance co. won't but it will be worth it to set my mind at ease. She said she wasn't to happy with my weightloss this past 6mo. and thinks I need to exercise more, I know she's right so I'm gonna have to step up. Bandaversary is in one more day and I'm ok with my loss so far. 6 more months and I'll be bragging about being at goal. And congrats LoneDaisey good loss!!
  6. kimaly

    how often do you get fills?

    Wow, That's a lot of fill. What size band do you have?
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    OK, I have the fill that I've been putting off this morning. I've been such a big sissy about it. And I'm so nervous about it. Oh well guess I better just suck it up because it's already paid for. A friend I met in Mexico when I got banded emailed me yesterday to tell me her band has slipped. And the panic set back in.
  8. kimaly

    199.6 Finally!!!!

    WOOHOO!! Congrats!!
  9. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    on FB it's Banded togather
  10. I sure hope someone comes back with a great answer to this question. I've never really had a problem with my arms but with the weightloss I am now struting mudd flaps, 18 wheelers have nothing on me. good luck with this.
  11. kimaly

    self pay should I do it???

    I was self pay, so far so good. But I think if I had to do it again I would have gone sleeve. I had my surgery in Mexico and it's terrible finding a after care Doctor that will treat Mexico patients at least where I live. I use Fill center USA for fills but mine doesn't have fluro. If something went wrong I guess I'd have to come up with the money to go all the way back to Mexico. But I will tell you that I love my band!
  12. I hate head hunger Grrrrr! The not knowing if my fill is at the right level is the hardest part for me also. I tossed and tossed over band or sleeve I got the band and hope everyday that I made the right choice. So far so good no issues, Except a slight over fill once. And it was a horrible thing. Hope I never go through that again.
  13. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    And still 50lbs is nothing to sneeze at, Keep up the good work and stay in touch. It seems a lot of us are plateauing(is that a word?)right now but I think it'll break soon. keeping the faith!!:smile:
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I know what you mean, orea, Donna and a couple of others are on my FB but we don't talk about the band or weightloss that's what we use this forum for. Also coach cher has the banded togather page on face book. I'm a fan of that and that way I just go there to get ideas and stuff and my other friends don't need to be apart of it.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    It sounds good to me, We don't have a page but a few of us are on each others friend list already
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Happy bandaversary!!! maybe not 100lbs but still a whole new you. Congrats! So very happy all is well with DH, How exciting for the both of you to be building a new life togather. I'll bet you will do a lot better with both of you doing this togather. It all most seems like we're the last of the butterflies to fly the coop. Really glad you stay in touch, it would be really lonely posting by myself. I blame it on Facebook It's so darn addictive(HEE HEE)
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Charlene, Just dropping by to see how your DH's surgery went. Hope all is well.
  18. It depends on what type of surgery you are having and on your surgeon. I had a breast aug. in Jan. and a revision breast lift in june. I didn't have an unfil with eather.
  19. kimaly

    Breaking Plateau

    The 5 Day Pouch Test by Kaye Bailey Does my pouch still work? Have I broken my pouch? Have I ruined my tool? These are questions many weight loss surgery post-ops find themselves asking occasionally during their journey. Perhaps it feels like we can eat more food or we know that we are eating more food. Sometimes these questions are asked when there has been a weight regain. This is the 5-day plan that I have developed and used to determine if my pouch is working and return to that tight newbie feeling. And a bonus to this plan, it helps one get back to the basics of the weight loss surgery diet and it triggers weight loss. Also, it is not difficult to follow and if you are in a stage of carb-cycling it will break this pattern. Sounds pretty good, right? Order the 5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual The 5 Day Pouch Test should never leave you feeling hungry. You can eat as much of the prescribed menu as you want during the day to satiate hungry and prevent snacking on slider foods and/or white carbs. You must drink a minimum of 64 ounces of Water each day. A reduction of caffeinated beverages is suggested, but do not stop caffeine cold turkey. Weight loss is not the intent of the 5 Day Pouch Test, however, many who have tried this plan report a significant drop in weight. More importantly they Celebrate a renewed sense of control over their pouch and eating habits and easily transition back to a healthy post-surgical weight loss way of eating. Understanding Hunger, Appetite and Satiety Below you will find a brief list of the menu for each day. Please click the "Read more" links for further detail and hints and tips that will enable your success with the 5 Day Pouch Test. Days One & Two: liquid Protein low-carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream Soups, sugar-free Gelatin and pudding. Read more. Day 3: Soft Protein canned fish (tuna or salmon) eggs, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy. Read more. Day 4: Firm Protein ground meat (turkey, beef, chicken, lamb), shellfish, scallops, lobster, fresh salmon or halibut.Read more. Day 5: Solid Protein white meat poultry, beef steak, pork, lamb, wild game Read more. Good luck! I believe you are going to like the results when you give this plan an honest try. Cheers! Kaye Bailey
  20. kimaly

    Breaking Plateau

    I can't find the link right this second but coach cher has a news letter called Banded togather, She has a great plateue buster in it this month. Also you could try the 5 day pouch test There's a thread on that also. I'll try to find the link for you when I have more time. I know you can google that because that's how I got it. good luck Kimaly
  21. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Well, that's kinda how they do mine. she pulls it all out to make sure it's all still there and then she puts it back in and starts adding and I drink water and tell her when it slows down but isn't to tight, that's what I have a problem with. sometimes I just can't tell. I would just like to see whats going on in there sometimes I really don't like using my own judgement because I'm just not sure what the sweet spot feels like. I broke down and made an apointment for the 21st That's the day before my bandaversary. Also just wanted to say congrats to your DH and thoughts, prayers and good wishes will be with your whole family.
  22. kimaly

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    I hope one of you may be able to help me, I'm looking for a fill Doctor that takes Mexico patients. I use fill center USA (which I like) but they don't use fluro and I would really like to see what's going on in there.
  23. kimaly

    Can you please look at my menu?

    I agree, But your menu dosn't sound bad to me. I would just try to get in more protein. sub that low fat cheese for another protein.
  24. kimaly

    What's wrong???

    I would have to ask what are you eating? Try to stick to the protein it will keep you full longer. Control your portions, the band helps but can't do it all. Sometimes it can really be an up hill battle. And 60lbs since Jan. How great. I'll be a year out on the 22nd and have lost a little over 70lbs (very little over) But am so so happy about that. People with less to lose most of the time lose a little slower. Celebrate the victories and don't compare yourself to others, it will just drive you mad. good luck on your journey. wish I could have been of more help.
  25. Thanks for clearing that up, I felt kinda dumb:redface: after it was pointed out to me that you might have meant food. I feel much better now. You sound a little more up beat. Hope it's getting better for you now. and just so you know , My best friend and I had a bit of trouble in the begining. She is also big and wasn't supportive. I think she was a little jealous And felt like if I lost the weight she would be left behind. But all is good now. You have a bright future ahead of you. Enjoy it, Because it gets better every day.:confused:

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