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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    I understand where your comming from, my best friend was far from supportive. I just got tired of it and sat her down and talked to her about it. She told me she was jealous because she is over weight and she didn't think we would have anything in common anymore. Sounds crazy right but that's what she thought. I told her I was ensulted by that because fat is not what our friendship was based on. long story short I'm 73lbs lighter and she is still my best friend. So if they are a true friend they will support you and if not they are not worth your friendship in the first place.
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Orea, if your out there I just wanted to send good wishes and tell you I hope all your test turn out great.
  3. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm with you, I just can't seem to love the exercise like some people do. I've tried many types so far nothing I really get into except maybe swimming but we're closing our pool down this week now I have to make myself like something else. so I converted the grandbabies play room into an exercise room (well, I'm sharing it with them) Now it's just getting my rear in there and on that dreaded treadmill.
  4. kimaly

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    No the problem is I was self pay and had surgery in Mexico so no Doctor in VA. will touch me. I get my fills at Fill Center USA in VA. BCH. I was just hoping there might be a support group somewhere that's open to the public and might welcome anyone who needs support. So far no luck.
  5. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I guess that makes me the court Jester!! I think it's the so close but yet so far thing that gets me. I also assume that's why the thread has slowed down so much. alot of us just have nothing to report. I was wondering if you think some of us just get to a certian point and that's where you're just gonna be. I read that the average lapbander loses about 60% of the excess weight and if that's the case I'm a little past that so maybe this is just what it's gonna be. I'm not complaining because I could live with it but I would really like to get rid of the rest so the journey continues.
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Welcome back, your not the only one stuck. I've been stuck for months. Hope it changes soon for the both of us. Good luck!!
  7. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    hope you have a better tomarrow!!!!
  8. Your loss has been fantastic!! Congrats WTG:thumbup:
  9. MyDoc says 18mo. i'm still 19lbs from goal at month 13.5 So I need to find a way to step it up. I've been on a plateau for awhile now. Hope it breaks soon.
  10. kimaly

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Does anyone know of a lapband support group in or around the Suffolk area? I can't seem to find one.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Just dropping by to say Hi to all, nothing to report. I think I'm heading for the longest plateau in lapband history. Well, it feels that way anyway but bright side I'm not gaining just stuck. Hope everyone is having a great holiday. It's raining here today but had a great weekend on the boat fishing with my DH. I love it, it always reminds me that life is good! Even when hard times come there is still so many wonderful things in this world!
  12. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    That's amazing! Congrats!!!
  13. kimaly

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 ALuv82.............280.5..........259.........200......59 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............272.........199.......73 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............227.........165.......62 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............216.........175.......41 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............166.........160.......6 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............195.........140.......55 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............364.........300.......64 GratefulHeart......226............187.........135.......52 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............175.........160.......15 jtejada............249............201.........170.......31 kaninag............210............202.........170.......32 kimaly.............194............179.........160.......19 Lindar172..........246............218.6.......150.......68.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............178.........169........9 lotzasunshine......270............240.........199.......41 Loveislovely.......216............170.........165.......5 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Sistergrl25........359............232.........170.......62 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............217............178.........130.......48 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22 Zoom-Zoom.............229..................201..............135............ 66
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Because of the prior tummy tuck I don't have the lower belly skin but I have the upper belly skin. I have to buy low riders when I buy jeans because my waist is bigger then my hips and lord only knows where the butt went. At this point I don't know if exercise will get rid of it. Is yours excess skin or still belly weight because I think that makes a difference.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    WOOHOO!!! alright Orea, So happy for you and yours. Happy days are here again, And welcome back!!!!
  16. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I must say this is a hell of a journey, Everyone reminds you when you get down that you didn't get fat over night and you won't lose it over night. but I must say I had a lot more fun getting fat then I am losing it. (LOL) But not being obese is much much better then being obese Just not as much fun. Well that's my mindless ramble for the day.
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes, I've been looking into it. But when you have so much that needs to be done you have to pick and choose. I need a thigh lift, they look the worst. another tummy tuck(had one years ago) bottom looks ok but the top is not so good, I can deal with the bat wings But you just can't cover that face. So I guess it will come down to the lifestyle lift and tummy tuck. But that is a long time away, I want to reach goal weight and hold it for at least a year then I'll look into all of that.
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    BIG WOOHOO!! Happy Dance!!:w00t:
  19. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I keep telling everyone with every 5lbs I lose I gain 1yr in my face. I guess everyone has a price they pay and this is mine. I can deal. But am almost sure I'll be giving myself the gift of a facelift maybe on my 50th. LOL
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Wanted to welcome you, so glad to have you. I don't go to a support group eather, Can't find one in my area. But am so very thankful for this forum. It is my support group and the people on here are more like friends to me then faceless words on my laptop. They hear you when you just want to vent, and they support you when you need a boost and sometimes fuss at you if you really need it. congrats on the loss so far and good luck on the weigh-in today. Let us know how it goes good or bad and we'll be here for you. Kimaly:smile2:
  21. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Come on people, Check in. I'm gettin lonely on this thread!
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    That's funny! Also I must say I can't beleave your 41, You look fantastic!!
  23. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm sure my goal is higher then a lot of peoples. I'm just trying to get down to 155, I'm 5'6 and I think I'll be happy with that. I was the last time I weighed that, You know about 100yrs ago.
  24. kimaly

    Non Scale Victories!

    Congrats on the rings, Mine are now to big and I have to take them off now.
  25. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I think you should go, It'll be fun And congrats on the 3lbs.

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