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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. i'm 16mo. out and I'm not over it so I try to stay busy and not let myself get to bored. sat. is the worst for me because it has always been my chill day so I've ordered the Wii fit plus today and am hoping that helps. sorry I couldn't be more encouraging just being honest. That is part of the mind set we have to work on our selves, the band helps us eat smaller portions but it's up to us what we put in our mouths.
  2. kimaly

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    I guess I'm the minority, Wasn't so sad to see Shay go. She has a rough past but where I came from growing up that's almost everyone I knows past. Not that I don't feel for her. I just don't think hers is any rougher then alot of other peoples. And just because she's the biggest shouldn't mean everyone just keeps her there, This is a game, and the others want to win and have their own reasons for needing to be there, Who is to say who's need is greater.
  3. kimaly

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    I'm with you. There's nothing wrong with wanting to win but you don't have to be a self centered BITCH to do it. I can't figure out why her family even missed her.
  4. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    CONGRATS! I'm with Orea, Can't wait for the pics!:drool:
  5. Just a quick fly by to say congrats and welcome to the bandster world. Hope everything goes smoothly and once again Congrats!
  6. kimaly

    Diet Soda's

    I'm over a year out and every now and then I will have a coke zero, only the 8oz one and I'll sip on it for a couple of days but before I do I shake it up good and let it sit then open it wait awhile and baby sip it. not saying it's a good idea just telling ya what I do.
  7. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    WOW! Ya'll are doing great, I'm feeling a little like a slacker but after reading ya'lls post I'm am going to start putting in the energy I should be putting in. Thanks for the encouragement!
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Honey, I think we all go through that from time to time. I'm always second guessing my band. I wonder often if I should have got the sleeve but I know this far the band was a good choice and so far it's working. It's alot of work sometimes and sometimes fustrating but I beleave if we stick togather we'll all make it. Lots of love comming your way :thumbup:
  9. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    LMAO! I know how it is when you have a sweet eater in the house. My DH is one. Every week I have to get him his goodies and to make it worse I watch him snack out every night. It can be really nerve racking. have you tried the Atkins indulge? They have peanut butter cups with only 3 net carbs and beleave it or not they are so yummy! I wouldn't want to eat them everyday or anything but every now and then it's a nice break. Oh! and don't divorce the hubby. They're men, they can't help it.:thumbdown:
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    ALRIGHT, BOTH OF YOU TAKE A TIME OUT!!! We've worked way to hard to start that now.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    As always thoughts and prayers are with you Orea, And here's too a better year!
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    What a great feeling, Congrats:thumbup:
  13. I'm an oatmeal girl also, I can't eat much first thing in the morning so I do the protein drink first wait about an hour then the weight control oatmeal, I like the cinnamon, also greek yogart(doesn't taste like reg yogart) Has more protein in it then reg. yogart. Mix a little sf strawberry or blackberry perserves in it. 15 grams of protein not a bad start to your morning. It's also good as a sour cream subsatute. Have you tried a protein bar?
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yep, your right it's a mental game. And darn it I'm gonna win this time. I've battled these same demons for so long. I have the tool now, I've just need to put it to proper use.
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    There's lots of days I kick my own butt for not going with the sleeve. I had a choice in the begining and now I can't just redo it as I'm self pay. Then other days I'm happy with it. Who knows if i had gotten the sleeve I could be kicking my own butt for not going with the band. I think for those who have had trouble with the band it's a good idea. But for someone like me it would just be because sometimes I just get down with the trying to figure out how much fill is to much or not enough and the snail pace of weight loss. Then I see people that haven't had they're band even as long as me and are at or below goal. I know, I know everyone loses at a different pace. But I wish I could get into they're mode when it comes to exercise and stuff. Darn, I'm way off subject and rambling. Sorry!
  16. I was told to stay on top of bad carbs, When I asked how I know which ones are bad I was told to take the total amount of carbs subtract the total fiber and it gives you amount of bad carbs. Has anyone else been told this? I can't quite get it because if I get a protein bar that says 3 net carbs I turn it over deduct fiber from total carbs and I don't come up with 3 net carbs. Just not getting it!
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Elaine, Just wanted to welcome you. I wish I had some words of wisdom but I've been on a plateu so long I've kinda become content with it(sad but true) I think journaling is the key. I've got to get on that myself. I start all the time and just don't keep it up. To much of my time is spent on facebook I think, all that blasted farming. Guess it's time to hang up my hoe and get back to what I should be spending my time on. Anyhow good luck on your journey!
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I hope you can find some releif soon, there's nothing worse then being in pain all the time.
  19. OH NO! I should have been more clear, I had my breast done. Breast lift before the band and had to add implants after some of the weight loss. My revision surgery was for the breast lift. All of my loss has been with the band. So far so good.
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Isn't advil a NSAID? I thought that wasn't band friendly, I was told it could cause band erosion. You might want to check with your band doctor. I prey you get some relief soon.
  21. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I haven't checked in in awhile. scale broke, maybe a good thing, I am one of those daily weighers. I'm not going to get one for a couple of weeks so I have to stay off of it. But I'm almost sure I'm still on the never ending plateu. I wish I knew how many calories I burn in a day, I can only assume it's not many.
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I was born in Brunswick GA. and raised in VA. BCH, VA. and also grew up with a pool and it was the first investment we made when we bought our house. I love the water. No matter your size I think the water makes you weightless, Well it seems like it anyway.
  23. I guess I'm the minority around here. I hate exercise or at least I haven't found anything I really stick too. I wish I could pull that out of myself. This would explain the never ending plateu I'm riding right now. I'm gonna make it a point to force myself too. I was doing the curves thing but my hours at work changed and messed that up, I know, no excuses. I guess I'll just have to try harder to make friends with that blasted clothes rack (treadmill) in my room.

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