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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    It's the pink part of the lower lid behind the lash. Alot of people just apply liner to the lash line I always do the inside of the lower lid also. I wear heavy liner as I am lash impaired. LOL
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    No pain at all, they use a numbing agent that really worked, I have 10 other tatoos and this was nothing compared to them. A little sore today and looks a little scarey with the swelling but she said it would go down in a day or two. I paid $325.00 for upper and lowers I also had her do the soft tissue behind the lower lash because I'm use to wearing a heavy liner anyway. Price will very depending on where you live. When I started looking into it everyone told me $450.00 That was a little to much for me so I just kept checking until the place I wanted to use ran a special I could afford. I've heard of others in other states paying as low as $225.00 for uppers and lowers. my cost also covers the touch up.
  3. kimaly

    My Fills Nightmare

    Don't pay those types of people any mind, Sometimes they have just been so unhappy their whole lives and only know how to spread the unhappiness around and then we have those that think they know it all and they are the pros. They don't take the time to think about the fact that everyone is not the same. Don't let it stop you from posting, just skip their jibber and move to the next post that may be helpful. Hope things get better for you. Good luck. Kimaly
  4. kimaly

    My Fills Nightmare

    I'm not allowed to eat anything 12hrs before a fill and can't have any liquids for 4hrs before. After I do warm liquids for 24hrs and soft foods the next day and just work my way back to eating normal. Hope this helps you.:thumbup:
  5. kimaly

    Pre-op shake question

    I think the EAS and the Atkins shacks taste the best, and have much more protein then carnation. You can find them at almost any store. I get mine at Walmart or Sam's. And still use them today for added protein.
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    A little off subject but just wanted to share, I had my eye liner tatooed on yesterday. And I'm quite pleased with it. Now I don't have to strain my old eyes to get that liner in place and no more looking like an idiot with racoon eyes and no one telling you about it, ya don't notice it yourself til ya look in the rearveiw. Anyway just wanted to share. Hope everyone is doing well, CrzyTchr, I hope you can get your energy back soon. I think the iron will help but you might want to add a little fiber to your diet also to avoid any constipation problems
  7. kimaly

    Permanent Make up

    I had it done yesterday, It didn't hurt at all. Just a lil creepy having a tatoo gun so close to your eyeball. It's creepy looking this morning with the swelling also. I can't wait until it heals. I wear heavy eyeliner so I had her do the soft tissue behind the bottom lash also. It looked great yesterday, Just like I would have applied it myself. So far very pleased. When the swelling goes down I'll post some pics.
  8. kimaly

    Permanent Make up

    I have an appointment at 4:00 today, Very excited. I'm getting upper and lower lids and if all goes well I'll go back for the lips.:sad:
  9. kimaly

    Abdominoplasty @ 300lbs

    I can tell you and almost certain you will need it done again. I had it done at 267lbs, before I ever had the band. Doctor sugested it due to large over hang(you know the belly that hangs waydown past your woo woo) It was causing alot of back trouble. He took 11lbs of skin flap off. 2yrs later I had the band and although my lower tummy has held up pretty well I still need another to get rid of extra skin on upper belly. It would be an inverted T. So unless the extra skin is causing you trouble I would wait, or you can almost count on multiple surgeries.
  10. kimaly

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    I love allrecipes, I spend alot of time on that site.
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes, I have a friend who had bypass around the same time I got my band and she's down to a size 3 now. I never want to get that small, I just don't think it would fit my frame. And to tell the truth everyone we know always says she looks like a crack head now. But she can't seem to get to the part where you maintain instead of losing. I run into people we both know all the time and the comment I get the most is: You look great, Have you seen Chrissy lately she looks like she's sick. What I take from that is it's not always better to be the skinny one but to be the healthy one. If I had to revise my band for any reason I wouldn't get another band I would go with the sleeve, But not bypass. I know it works for some but it's just not for me. I went thru that gain 3 lose 3 for the longest time but since my last fill in Jan. I've lost at least 6lbs that I've kept off. I think I averaged out to about 10lbs from Jan. 08 to Jan. 09 most of my total loss was from July to Dec 08. So I'm hoping things are looking up this year.
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    My Tuesday weigh in: 2lbs lost this week. I'm really happy with that and please don't get me wrong when I say I just don't understand it. Last week I did everthing I should and lost nothing, This week I ate a whole box of chocolate covered cherries and drank 3 skinny cosmos. Sometimes this band just fustrates me:cursing: I just can't seem to figure it out. But a loss is a loss and I'll take it.
  13. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Alright here it goes: 3 Skinny Cosmos and a box of chocolate covered cherries, Yep the whole box! started with one and just kept going back until there were none. weigh in Tuesday! We shall have to wait until then to see how much damage was done. How did ya'll fair?
  14. I order mine on auto delivery with bariatric advantage- pro Joe made with real coffee, 120 calories, 5g carb and 20g protein. And the bottles are really cute also. People can[t really tell what your drinking. It looks like a frapachino bottle
  15. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Mondays comming, have to get ready to confess my sins.
  16. kimaly

    Great Food Finds

    I found this at Walmart-Walden farms dressing=0 calories,0 carbs, 0 cholest. 0 protein(I like to dip my raw veggies in it. It comes in ranch, blue cheese and ceasar. Another quick recipe- Mock Crab cakes 1. 2 1/2 cups shreaded Zucinni 2. 1 cup Italian bread crumbs 3. 1 tsp mustard 4. 1 1/2 Tsp Old Bay 5. 1 egg 6. 1 tablespoon lite mayo Mix all, make into patties, Bake in prepared pan at 350 for 20 min. flip for 20 more min. or until golden brown. I freeze and thaw as needed. Just warm um up. A little salty, you may have to adjust seasonings to taste. 90 calories per cake. I'll find the carb count later if anyone is interested. But if I recall it wasn't bad.
  17. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Forgot to thank you ladies for the comments.
  18. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Crzytchr, You look Fantastic!
  19. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Alright, I'm gonna share some before and during progress pics with ya'll and sorry about the pj's in the last ones but it was early this morning. I'm still wide waisted, just can't seem to do anything about that. But no hips or rear to speak of.
  20. I was wondering if There is going to be a 2010 lapband conference this year. And if so where can I get the details? I hope so because I am so looking forward to it.

  21. kimaly

    Goal Jeans

    I have the same issue with the wide waist so I buy Lowrise and midrise, the midrise fit best and the don't button right on the waist so no muffin top. Next time your in the store just try a pair on and see what you think. I have to wear a belt for the first time in my life, it's really weird.
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Well at least your doing your exercise, I start and quit start and quit and start and quit. plucks my last nerve, And the shame of it all is it's my own fault.
  23. kimaly

    Goal Jeans

    I know what you are saying about them looking small, I was in a 24 and now I'm in a 10 and when I do laundry I pull them out of the wash and have to take a double take to make sure they are mine and I always think to myself wow they're little. Maybe to someone else they would look big but I think they just look so small.
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I am so so sorry about your trip, I know that must be so disapointing. Sometimes life just finds a way to give us a hard kick in the rear. Maybe because you and Charlene both were not able to make it ya'll could plan a trip togather or to meet somewhere at a later date. Just a thought. Well, I had my weekly weigh in and no loss, no gain. That's ok I'll hit something next week. Super bowl wasn't a problem. It was just me and the hubby so I didn't eat anything out of the norm. I've gotten use to making him big home cooked meals everynight and not being able to eat them. I guess in some sick twisted way I eat through him. Every time I see something I want I make it for him. It's hard because I love to cook. I haven't changed anything I bring into the house for him, Just myself. Although I do try to cook healthier for him, but he still gets all the good stuff. It's ok with me because he's not the one with the weight and colest. problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
