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Everything posted by kimaly

  1. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Jenhay, We are all here for you. We try to help each other through our struggles no matter what they are. Just stick with it and it will all be worth it in the end. Sorry you've had a hard time but today is a new day and any day can be a new begining. So here's to you and your new start.
  2. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    OMG! I hate when I get weak like that. I always keep a protein bar in my bag just for those times. Glad your band is giveng you more restriction, It really hrlps alot when you have proper restriction. keep up the good work girl.
  3. I always have to wear a shapper due to loose skin, and am always looking for one that is comfy and you can't tell you have it on. I was thinking of ordering the Kymaro body shapper and was wondering if anyone has tried it and what you think of it. maybe you know of something better, thankful for any advise. I'm just tired of wasting money on uncomfortable garments and summer is comming up and don't need anything extra making me sweat.
  4. kimaly

    Hiden loose skin!

    Thank you so much. Do you find them to be true to size?
  5. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    That's how I am. I start and stop and start and stop. I have 9 more pounds to my goal. But my goal weight is 150 lbs, It was 160 but as I got close to that I noticed it needed to be a little lower so I dropped it to the 150 just 9lbs away, I might could stand to go a little lower but I think I'll be good with that not skinny just normal. But hell, normals good for me. I can't remember when I was at a normal weight. And your right the last few pounds are a (Bleep) to get off.
  6. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    That's alright Blaze, I ate a snicker bar yesterday. I'm trying hard to stay away from those malted robin eggs, They kicked my butt last year. Good going Charlene, I like the pro joe. I have it on auto delivery. But I do the mocha. I haven't tried the vanilla yet, What do you think of it? I think I like the atkins better but the pro joe has fewer calories and more protein so I kinda switch off between the two. And 20min. on a bike is good, I was trying to start the couch to 5k yesterday and after 12minutes I was shot, I didn't even do the whole 20min. So I'm thinking it's gonna just take me longer then the 9wks they say it will take.
  7. kimaly

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    WTG Balze!! Congrats on passing the 100lb loss mark. Can't wait til I can Say I lost 100lbs. :Banane20:
  8. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Shrinknme, Thank you so much. And how fantastic to have you back.:thumbup: Don't worry about who has lost more or who has gotten to goal or so on and so on. We all started this journey togather and I would like to follow through togather no matter what. As I'm sure you know we all have our ups and downs some of the butterflies are already to goal and others still have a way to go and some have had bolder after boulder thrown in there path and are still trying to figure out how to get around or over them. So bottom line we would love to have you stick around. How's that beautiful baby? Thanks for the info Charlene, Boy 800 calories sure is low. I find it quite hard to get my water in. I guess because I can't put down the coffee(it's decafe) but just can't seem to put it down.
  9. Congrats! Feels great doesn't it. I'm really glad your happy with your band. Once again CONGRATS!!!!!!
  10. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I hope this gets your fill right, sliders are a terrible thing. I get caught up in them from time to time. Trying hard to stay on track. My loss has been pretty steady since last fill and hope it keeps going. As I'm almost where I want to be(I think)
  11. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Tuesday weigh in: 1 more pound gone, I will take it. I'm happy with 1lb at a time!
  12. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thank all of you so much. And Charlene, wishing you luck on the start of your new diet today, I'll be thinking of you.
  13. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    yes now that you remind me I do remember.I'm glad I have you girls because ya'll understand where I'm comming from. But as mad as I get and as much as I know it needs to be done there is still a since of loss.:sad:I guess it's just another part of my journey. Not just bettering my health but bettering my life.
  14. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    jUST PUTTIN THIS OUT IN CYBER SPACE! getting kinda lonely on this thread. Well, I cut my best friend off today. I guess you could say we broke up. I just came to the conclusion that she is the last negitive thing in my life. always negitive about anything good that happens to me and last straw she's cheating on her husband(My good friend) that she pushed onto marrying her because as she put it she just wanted a wedding, Did I mention he's 30 yrs her senior. anyway I put up with the abortion behind his back back. baby belong to a black guy so no way she could pass it off as his. I know I sound like a horrible best friend telling her secrets but i can no longer indulge her behavior. She says I just think I'm the shit shit since i've lost weight but I just think I've grown as a whole. I think I've takin control over my life now and I just don't have room for anyones negitivity anymore as I am trying to live in a positive world. Did I mention she laughed when I lost my wedding rings! She said serves me right for being too proud of them. Anyone else having problems with old friends since you've changed your life?
  15. I like fitday, Don't know about the Iphone thing, I don't have one and wouldn't know how to use it if I did.
  16. WOO HOO! Congrats! Can't wait until I can have that oh so wonderful feeling. Once again CONGRATS!!!!:cursing:
  17. kimaly

    Bored with my food

    I'm hooked on zucchini right now. Zucchini (mok) crab cakes. Luv um.
  18. I was really bad about it, I couldn't stop myself from getting on that thing every time I walked in the bathroom. many times a day. Then one of the girls on another thread sugested I put it in the truck of my car, So now it just lives there and I bring it in on Tuesday mornings and weigh once a week. That is also when I adjust my ticker if need be. The weighing everyday is a really bad habit to get into. Try to avoid it.
  19. Sorry, no words of wisdom. Just wanted to tell you that I hope you feel better soon. I had a bladder infection in the past and know how painful they can be.
  20. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Crzy, Thank you for your concern. I have been calling, I think they are starting to get annoyed. Or maybe they just think I'm some kinda nut (lol) If that child is so bad , Why don't they put him in alturnitive school? I know around here they're quick to put them there if they disrupt class to often. OK, Tuesday weigh in and 1 more lb down. I finely met a goal I set for myself. New goal is to get to finale goal weight by 2nd bandaversary. I've got to get into an exercise routine, I've got to learn to motavate my brain. I manage to get to the tanning salon every other day but sad to say not the gym. I guess it's time to get my priorities in order.
  21. I use butternut squash to make my fries now instead of potatos or even zucinni chips, So I don't feel deprived
  22. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thank you ladies, I don't think a metal detector will work. I'm almost sure I lost them at the day spa when I was getting my eyes touched up. maybe a shake down would work better but I just don't think I'd get away with it. I told my BF and she laughed(I am so ready to cut her off for good) What kinda friend is that? I hope you ladies do well, I would think weening yourself off the food would be a tad bit easier then just going in it full force. A year in a 1/2 later I still have trouble getting my water in.And lets not forget the exercise I keep starting and stopping. But I think my weightloss has been pretty steady, about a pound a week on average since the last fill. I just hope it keeps on like that. I'm sure it's up to me. Check in tomarrow with weekly weigh in.
  23. Simply put: NOPE, Not tried rice or potatos but I found out the hard way bread of any kind is a no-no for me. Crackers are cool, go figure.
  24. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    So depressed, I lost my wedding rings.:thumbup: I guess they just slipped off my finger while I was out and about yesterday due to the weightloss. It's my own fault I knew they were really loose, The DH said not to worry because we would get new ones but he just doesn't understand no ring in the world can replace them not even the hope diamond.:thumbup: They were more then just rings to me. It really hurts my heart. Doesn't really have anything to do with the band but you girls are great about letting me vent.
  25. kimaly

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes, I'm not to big on meds myself. getting me to take something new is like pulling teeth. I only take what I have too, Like my colest. med and vits. If you get a little grouchy while your on liquids feel free to vent. I know I was when I did the pre op diet and after the band in the healing stage. Sometimes venting helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
