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cori in wa

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cori in wa

  1. Oh. I was talking to Brian (dh) this morning about PS. He says I don't need it (yeah, right. That c-section shelf has been there for 15 years.... it is not going anywhere without surgical assistance! And the ladies? They are looking like empty tubes of tooth paste... not a look I care to contiue with.) Anyway, I just thought I'd share with all of you that my husband thinks you are all corrupting me... (he's right!) so thank you! I love your corruptive influence :confused_smile:
  2. Becky.... holy crap woman!!!! You look beyond INCREDIBLE!!!! No way you are 50ish. You whine all you want.... with results like that you totally deserve it! Your doc is a star and I've no doubt he'll do equally well with your breasts and arms. Dang, I can't wait until I'm there!!! The bike? It rocks. Really and truly. I've gone on long rides for the last two days and my sitter-downer area does not hurt AT ALL!!!!!! Best $300 I've spent in a really long time. I got the bike with 7 gears. The Pac NW has PLENTY of hills and those gears are all I need. I bought a basket for the front today and it is just too darn cute. Becky, I say gor for it. LOVE IT!!!! Hey Frangi. Your doctor obviously has impreccable taste... I agree, you are smart to let him do what he knows will work :confused_smile: Hope you are all having a fabulous day!!!!!!
  3. Forgot to add.... today is my half birthday (hey, it worked with my husband) so I bought a new treat. My 17 year old daughter left my bike out not too long ago and it was stolen so I replaced it with this. Trek Women's Calypso - Open Air Bicycles - Santa Barbara bike shop located at 209 State St, Santa Barbara, CA. 93101 in a dark, cobalt blue. Both Amy and Jones (17 and 15) have assured me that beach cruisers are totally hot right now (I didn't much care about that.... I had one during college and the seats are soooo comfortable!) so I won't look too much like the wicked witch from the west riding around. I already took a quick ride before work and I can't wait to get out for a long ride tomorrow.
  4. Thanks for all the insight ladies... I really, truly appreciate it! I'm with you Becky, my closet is almost bare! I've been buying just a few basics as I need them to get me through until I'm done losing weight. I'm hoping to end up a loose size 10 (I'm 5'8" and have a square-ish, solid build) when all is said and done. Though I don't care for shopping I WANT to look nice and am looking forward to having clothes that will (hopefully) flatter the new me. Anyway, I look forward to checking out your choices.... sounds like we all pretty much agree on styles :biggrin: Karri, I hope the draining slows down soon.... and that you do indeed get to have the drain taken out on Monday.
  5. Hello ladies! It's good to hear you are both doing so well. Becky, I hope the thigh pain ends soon. Though I must say, your thighs look fabulous for a woman half your age so at least from my persepctive they were TOTALLY worth it!. Frangi... you go girl!!! Way to make that pharmacist stand up and take notice. And yes, I'd say you should keep that top.... it might be good for a little bribery with your husband :cool: I have kind of a silly question for you ladies. When I wore a size 18/20 I always shopped at Avenue or occasionally CJ Banks. I HATE to shop so knowing exactly where I needed to go, and that I'd be able to get what I wanted, has been a good thing. But now nothing from those stores fits (I wear a loose 14 or a 12 if I don't mind it a bit snug) and I'm having to shop elsewhere. I got the few things I have at the Eddie Bauer outlet (I've always bought their t-shirts to wear under scrubs) and Macys and those have been OK. I have absolutely NO desire to go to a mall and check out all the stores (actually, I'd rather have my fingernails pulled out one by one than "do" the mall) so I'm curious where YOU all shop. I mean, other than Stein Mart I like Eddie Bauer a lot, but there is only so much available there. I also shop at the Jockey store, but that is definitely for under garments only. I am NOT trendy or 20 something so the stores my kids shop at (A & F, Hollister, AE, etc) hold zero appeal to me. I'd love to hear some advice from you shopping pros :thumbup:
  6. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Oh Karri, i'm sorry. Unfortunately, there are plenty of dumba$$ doctors out there (Lord knows I work with some of them!!!). Did you get the results on your lab work? Do listen to your PS as she sounds like she's got a great head on her shoulders.... it's too bad common sense can't be bottled and sold to those in need. Please, please get plenty of rest and keep cool and get lots of fluids. I agree to be careful about sugar intake.... those highs and lows can be awful. Bless you my dear!!!
  7. I'm sorry you are not feeling better. Here's hoping this run is short lived and that you heal quickly and feel great soon!!!
  8. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    If the doc doesn't call you back you REALLY need to consider going to an ER or urgent care. Really. Syncope can be a sign of many things, none of them should be ignored. There is a good possibility that your labs are off and you could be hypo/hyper on many levels. Be careful!!!!!!
  9. cori in wa

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    I've lost 56 total and at age 43 things were starting to droop anyway. I have a c-section lap that has been there for 15 years so only surgery is going to make that thing go away. Yes, I could get my thighs done and my arms and probably my hind quarters as well but have chosen what is most important to me and will stick with that. My poor chest has been sagging for years.... breast feeding 5 babies in 6 years certainly had a long lasting effect... so I can't blame that on weight loss. So, TT and mastopexy for me and I'm going to call it good. Well, after I lose about 40 more pounds.
  10. cori in wa

    Calling all April 8th Avengers!

    Happy 3 month bandiversary!!! I hope you are all doing well and making steady (slow or fast, either one works!!!) progress. I'd love to hear from you all... please chime in as time allows. Me, down 46 since surgery and 56 since the beginning. I was really hoping to be half way (60 ish) by today, but I feel great and I can still enjoy so many foods so I'm not complaining. I wanted to lose slowly and I have been, so that is a good thing. Best of all? My size 14's are loose!!!!
  11. Hi ladies and thanks for the updates. I imagine I speak for others when I say I'm thoroughly enjoying and appreciate going through your experiences. I've no doubt all this will be incredibly beneficial when the rest of us go through this. Hi Becky. Very glad to hear that all is going well and that you are feeling better each day. I think you are SOOOOO wise to wait a bit between surgeries and allow your body to completely heal before going through this again. I know I'd probably be better off doing the works but I'm thinking I'll stick with the TT and mastopexy. My vision isn't so great so as long as I don't wear glasses/contacts I don't look too horrible in the mirror :wink2: Stein Mart.... we don't have those in the PAC NW. I'll look forward to checking them out when I head to Texas for a PS consult. I almost wish I was ready now so I could head to Texas in time for the state fair. It sounds like a whole lot of fun! Take care ladies and sending you all prayers for continued quick healing.
  12. Hello ladies It's good to hear you are all (Julie, Karey, Kat Becky and Frangi) doing so well. I've no doubt the remaining drain is a pain but it will soon just be a distant memory and the lack of swelling hopefully makes up for it. It amazes me that you are already thinking of your second surgery.... that is just incredible!!!!! Candle, I'm in your boat, though I hope to have my TT and breast lift around Christmas-ish (well, just after anyway). I've been tucking aside money and researching PS in my area. I know Karri loves her surgeon, who is just a few short hours from me, but I can't help but want to fly to NYC (I live in SW Washington) and see Dr Schulman as I LOVE his technique of padding the solar pole with excess tissue from my underarms. I also love the results that Nurse Amy got from her PS so may fly out to Texas as well. It's just such a HUGE deal and it costs so much that I really want to make sure I go to the right person, KWIM? Becky, I've been working in my garden too and it feels GREAT! Really looking forward to enjoying fresh vegetables soon. We drove to NE Washington/Idaho for the long weekend and stopped at fruit stands on the way back. Fresh peaches and cherries were simply TDF and made me eager for the rest of the produce to be ready for eating. Anyway, glad to hear, depsite small frustrations, that things are going well. Frangi, I hope your drain slows soon and you can get back on track with your exercise. Be careful and take it easy!!!!
  13. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Congratulations karri!!!!!! You truly look incredible and your incision looks better than can be expected! Your doc did do an amazing job and wow, once that swelling is gone and the drains out I've no doubt you'll feel like a new woman!!! Maybe ask your doc about phenergan? Non-habit forming, helps with both nausea and sleeping. I have to be careful to take half or less because it knocks me out, but it REALLY helps with nausea AND getting some rest. Glad to hear your husband is such a big help, and that your anti gravity chair is doing the trick. Thanks for all the updates and posts and sending more prayers your way for a continued quick recovery.
  14. Hi ladies and happy post 4th Karey, potassium is a funny one. It is just as dangerous to be hyperkalemic as it is to be hypokalemic. So, be VERY, VERY careful with potassium suppliments. I'd definitely defer to a doc or a nutritionist on that one. Your weight loss is fantastic!!! Congrats to you!!! It does make me worry that you are dizzy.... that can be a sign of many things and you need to be extra careful. No matter what anyone says ("you've lost too much" or "you need to lose more") I FIRMLY believe you have to follow your gut (literally!) on that one. If you feel good where you are then that is clearly where you need to be. If you feel like you should lose more, then that's what you need to do. One of the things I love most about this is being able to eat a bit of whatever looks tempting. I get full so quickly that I don't worry about eating too much and many times, after a bite or two I realize I didn't really want whatever it was that was tempting me anyway. Except for kettle korn. I sooooo love kettle korn and I am thrilled that I can eat it! Then again, I have about 30-40 more to lose (I figure I'll know when I get there... hopefully) so I'm not at that final 20 that is so challenging. Be well and take care of yourselves ladies!
  15. Hello ladies, just dropping in to say "hello" and to wish you all the best. Karey, so are such a delight to read and I've no doubt you are going to rock this just as you have everything else! I am curious though.... do you worry that you'll gain the weight back losing it this way? I mean, once you're no longer doing the HCG shots and you resume your normal, post-band eating habits? On the one hand, EVERY SINGLE person I know and have worked with who did/do WFL has gained back the amount they lost, and most have gained more. Then again, I did the milk diet pre-op and I haven't gained that back. I was just curious if that is something that concerns you. I mean, *I* think you look amazingly wonderful now.... and ugh, just think of the new clothes you will need to shop for when you lose this last 20 (I know, I'm a freak. I HATE to shop for clothes!) I lost another pound today (yeah!!!!) and am almost to half way. Not nearly as exciting as being near goal, but heck, I'll take half-way over all-the-way to go any day! My Protein intake was too low and I know that slowed my weight loss. I just need to remind myself constantly to watch that intake level. I'm also going to different shift soon (no more 12 hr shifts.... which make a 14 hour day. I RARELY exercise on my long days at work) and I'm hoping that will help me boost up my exercise level. It's a tough mental balance. I want to lose the weight slowly so I've a better chance of keeping it off and to allow my poor old saggy skin time to tighten up, yet the immediate results of a quicker loss are so mentally rewarding. UGH!!!! Anyway, best of luck to you all and here's hoping you had a great, productive day.
  16. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Yahooo for you! So glad you are home and well. Remember to take your meds, BREATHE and just relax. Keep on top of that pain, OK?! Bless you and congrats!!!
  17. I'm no where near where you ladies are, but wanted to jump in and offer my support. I'm struggling with the last 7 pounds to be at half-way-to-goal so I'm really looking forward to hearing how you all are doing this. Karey, be careful! I know there are some positive results with that HCG diet, but I've heard about some negative side effects/problems as well. Glad you made a decision that will work (hopefully!) for you, but please, be extra careful. Julie, sending you good wishes in finding the perfect spot and that the fill/unfill works! A co-worker was over filled, was starving all the time, and was gaining weight. A slight UN-FILL worked best for her so maybe keep that option open as well. MimIn, I hope you have a doctors visit in your immediate future! That is a whole lot of water/fluid weight and it can't be good for you. I know Fluid retention is to be expected, but holy schmoly, that is a LOT! You be extra careful too, ok?! Wishing you all oodles and oodles of success!
  18. Just wanted to pop in and say "hello". Frangi, glad you got the rest you clearly needed! Even though naps aren't your norm glad you gave in...your body was telling you something. Congrats on your first walk! Well, first post surg walk anyway. Your canine companion comment made me smile Hi Becky. WOO HOO for you too! Getting back into exercise SLOWLY is a very good thing! Glad your first time back went well. I hear you about sleeping on the right side. I'm deaf in my left ear (born that way) so I almost always sleep on my right side to block out extra noise. Not being able to do that would drive me nuts! Hopefully that continues and you are able to spend longer and longer periods of time on the right. Hope you both continue to make great strides!
  19. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Happy, happy birthday and thanks for sharing the details. Very glad to hear that your birthday was so much fun. Wishing you all the for tomorrow!
  20. Frangi.... wow. Just wow. You look FANTABULOUS!!!!!! Bet it feels really, really good to see your husband pant and drool as he eyeballs you :thumbup: happy panty shopping to you too! I agree, the SE folks should visit with you in Miami (though I don't see where ANY more improvement is needed!!!) and you can all go panty shopping together... and maybe do happy hour at one of those places where you have to remove your bras and hang them on the wall :crying: Becky... you are also truly amazing! That weight loss is outstanding... bet you are (rightly so!!!) very proud of yourself. Thanks again to both of you (and Kari and LJM and Julie and Nurse Amy and so many others) for blessing those of us who are eagerly looking forward to our own improvement dates. The insight, information and advice you share is more appreciated than you can imagine.
  21. cori in wa

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Go Karri! You have every right to be proud of yourself... you are INCREDIBLE!!!!!! Here's a high five, a happy dance wiggle and an atta girl all in one. Tipping my icy cold sangria glass to you and your outstanding accomplishment. After all you've been through the surgery will be a piece of cake!!!!
  22. So nice to see you both in such great spirits Frangi, please, oh please, post a pic of you in your adorable new outfit. We want to cheer you on (OK, and live vicariously through you!) and hoot areen. How much longer before the last port is out and you can fly away home? Becky, good for you! I ALWAYS hate panty shopping because, well, they are panty's and a girl has got to have them! VS is fun, but when I shop there the garments aren't intended for normal every day wear.... I just thank God for the Jockey outlet store. Glad you had such a great time. Keep on taking care of yourselves ladies and here's hoping the wonderful healing continues.
  23. cori in wa

    Have had RouxNY, Can I have Lap Band too?

    I just spoke with my surgeon about this (not for me, just discussing it as I saw him at work) just a few days ago. He said approximately 6 of 10 people who've had the RNY do NOT gain a significant amount of weight back after 2 to 5 years. That means that about 4 of 10 DO. He said there are essentially two ways to counter that. The first is to go in and "take another stitch", in other words, tighten up the pouch. A very simple (well, relatively anyway) procedure that has recently been done with success orally. The other "common" method is to band a bypass. And yes, that can be and has been done. Certainly speak with your surgeon and see what (s)he recommends. If it's not something that person or group will do then there are many, many other bariatic surgeons who would most likely be more than willing to work with you. In fact, my surgeon said that generally the insurance companies cover the second procedure. Best of luck!!!
  24. cori in wa

    Thinking of cancelling surgery

    *PBing, sliming, vomiting, slippage, weight gain, slow process, have to be committed, severe incision pain, gas killing me, starving, hungry, port problems, taking forever to hit the sweet spont, nauseous, etc.* Granted, I'm just under 3 months out, but I've experienced almost NONE of those things. Nausea MY OWN FAULT the two times I ate too much sugar. PAIN, once when I ate too fast. The rest? No problem. No gas pain. No port pain. No slippage (at least not yet). No other issues. But even if I had ALL of those, the weight loss and improved health would be worth it. Because, bottom line, that's what it's all about. If most of us could do it on our own we would have already done so. Whatever you decide, think it through thoroughly!~
  25. You ladies have been more helpful than you can possibly know! Understanding the nitty gritty details of getting up and down, what clothes you can wear, what clothes you NEED to wear and how moving/shifting/lifting can be limited and restricted REALLY helps when thiking about and planning for surgery. Also knowing which procedures were most beneficial and which offer the best long term results, as well as which procuders go well together also makes planning and preparing much easier. Frangi, you are just a delight and I thoroughly enjoy your exuberant personality and joie de vivre. I hope you continue to heal quickly and are able to have those drains removed tomorrow! Becky, you make me smile :ohmy: After all that $$ pouring into the PS coiffers I doubt I'd be buying them champagne either, though it is a thoroughly thoughtful and sweet gesture. I remember you said you were doing a round two after the first set heals completely, but I don't remember which procedures you will have next? I never, ever thought about a thigh lift, but after seeing your wonderful results I'm really noticing how badly my thighs hang.... and I have another 40-50 pounds to lose! So, bottom line, thank you ladies and prayers to you both for continued recovery.

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