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Everything posted by Layma

  1. Layma

    Poop problems

    Be prepared ahead of time. Don't wait for it until the urge to go is irresistible and then it's too late to take anything to soften things up. I used to take benefiber and all that but the important thing with that is that if you don't take the right amount of Water or you don't void it on time, it will make you more constipated. If i haven't gone in two days, I take milk of magnesia. If I wait for the third day, things have migrated downstairs and nothing helps. No enema, no pills and no milk of magnesia.
  2. Layma

    Ice cream

    That's probably because you didn't have it for such a long time and your stomach didn't recognize it or the level of sugars in it, not necessarily because it was ice cream. My stomach does that with avocados and that's because I used to hate avocados and they are rich in healthy fats.
  3. Layma

    Ice cream

    I get the jitters when I have artificial sugar.
  4. I was 5'2 and 173 pounds. Some may think that's not a lot but for me, it has created a problem worth going for the surgery for. I developed periodontal disease, was pre diabetic and the pcos had caused for the period to go missing for over two years. But when I tell people that my bmi was only 31, they think I am crazy for getting the surgery done because I was not big enough and only in my 20s. I did not want to become Middle aged and 300 pounds before finally making this decision. I needed to get healthy and hiring a personal trainer did not do it for me. Went for surgery despite a lot of negative criticism from everyone around me and with only the support of my teenaged sister. It took me 11 months of dieting with 10000 steps a day to lose 44 pounds. I am 4 pounds away from my goal weight and I have never been more proud of myself for going through with my decision. I am not super strict with myself but I eat healthy. If I want ice cream, I have ice cream but in moderation. I am careful not to stretch my new tummy and life is good. I have not consumed any protein shakes in the last 4 weeks and instead of gaining, I lost 4 pounds.
  5. Layma

    Why Did You Gain Weight?

    Pcos. Then it got to the point where I would eat because there was nothing else to do.
  6. Layma

    Easter epic fail...

    You weighed yourself after eating?? That can be water and food. I weigh myself first thing in the morning after I have eliminated. Weighing at any other time of the day or night does not count.
  7. Layma

    Leak test

    They give you a tiny cup of horribly bitter tasting liquid that you have to drink up. This is after two or three days of having nothing but ice chips so you are not going to want to have anything to do with it. When you drink it, they make you wait about five minutes (or not, I don't remember) and then they stand you in front of an X-ray like machine and see if that liquid is leaking out of your new stomach. You are going to be nauseated as hell and disgusted with the taste of that thing for the next two hours or so. Drinking that much liquid for the first time after surgery is also going to hurt. (It's equivalent to three sips for a person who has not had the surgery).
  8. Layma

    Cranky pants is cranky.

    I giggle whenever I remember myself from my preop days. I am a very social person so when I got in the cab on my way to the hospital and the cab driver wanted to talk and my not So social sister just sat there without filling the void, I nearly burst in tears. How could she!? I couldn't be bothered with small talk. I was that hungry and cranky just then. All you need to know is that it will pass. Just focus on yourself and remember your reasons for doing this.
  9. I am like that with smells and tastes. I am fine the first two days but on the third day it will make me physically sick. I have jars and jars of protein that I can't consume and are too expensive to throw away. I hate the taste and the dough like thickness of it. Premier protein saved my life. It's not thick and it doesn't taste too sweet or some weird version of chocolate. It's just perfect.
  10. Layma

    Ice cream

    Yes. Two table spoons and it was delicious. Just know when to stop. If you deprive yourself, you will lose control and eat more than you want.
  11. That's unreasonable for a person who is on a wheelchair.. you could injure yourself. See if you can talk to someone about changing her. [emoji4]
  12. I have a step counting application that counts if for me daily and I reach 10000 steps daily. Maybe your job is different than mine but have you tried counting your steps?? I am Sure you can easily reach 5000 steps. It may seem like a lot but it's not. After the surgery, I honestly stopped going to the gym because my life got super busy. I lost the weight within one year with 10000 steps and a proper diet. On the days I was behind on my steps, I would read while walking back and fort or put on some nice music and jump around to it. It's very very easy and fun.
  13. Layma

    Not a patient

    Try living on apple sauce or Gatorade for two weeks and tell me how excited you are about going on walks. We won't even get on about losing 80 percent of the body organ..
  14. I also forgot to mention that prior to the surgery, I have gone without a period for over a year at times. I am in my 20s. Best decision, EVER.
  15. Layma

    Sore Tailbone!

    I just came from Asia and had to sit through a 15 hour plane ride. In the last couple of months, I have noticed this dilemma and have reached the conclusion that all the fat gone has exposed the bones to whatever surface we are gracing with our butts. Getting used to it is going to take time, I suppose.
  16. I have had a period for every cycle since the surgery which was 11 months ago. I recently came back from a vacation in a third world country where I had no access to meat, protein shakes or a scale and I have lost 5 pounds instead of gaining which I was afraid was going to be the result of it. I am 5 pounds away from my goal weight.
  17. Isle seat?? I flew there for mine and I didn't really need much during flight. I expected the seat belt to hurt or be uncomfortable on my way back which it was not. Wear a loose top and comfortable pants on your way back.

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