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LAP-BAND Patients
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About BroomHilda

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/21/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    Hoping to have surgery
  • City
    Moreno Valley
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  1. Happy 31st Birthday BroomHilda!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday BroomHilda!

  3. Yes, there is always a choice. As you go through the program all you will hear about is Gastric Bypass because that is the favorite and considered the gold standard. However when you elect to see a kasier surgeon it is there he will discuss all the different wls options including VSG, Gastric Bypass RnY, DS and Adjustable Gastric Banding Lap Band. Take Care, Jessica
  4. If you think about it everyone who is overweight has felt discriminated at some point by either others or themselves they just have to stop to think about it. Consider this if there was no weight discrimination then there wouldn't be so many words to describe weight. I always hate looking at the BMI because I work so hard to loose weight and I feel isn't it bad enough that I am overweight I mean why do they have to add all these degrees of fatness. I mean overweight, obese, extremely obese, morbidly obese and now new bariatric journals are adding a new category called super obese. I have losted 100 pounds and are still considered morbidly obese how is that for motivation. Jessica
  5. Hi there I am a pre opty that is looking for advice from people who have had the lap band for more than 3 years. I would like to hear about your experiences the good the bad and the ugly. I would like to pick your brain about things to expect etc... Right now there are a lot of people trying to influence me away from the lap band with repeated horror stories. So I want to find the real deal. People who have stood the test of time with the lap band and are able to chat about it. I am coming up into the final weeks of my program where my decision making is more and more final. Please don't get me wrong I am not looking for only mere horror stories. I am looking for long term stories. I would like to hear from people who have past that "HONEYMOON" stage of 1 or so years and can provide much needed insight about their experiences. I know that evil lurks behind every corner and all you need to do is look. Thanks 4 your help & support Jessica
  6. Hi there I am a pre opty that is looking for advice from people who have had the lap band for more than 3 years. I would like to hear about your experiences the good the bad and the ugly. I would like to pick your brain about things to expect etc... Right now there are a lot of people trying to influence me away from the lap band with repeated horror stories. So I want to find the real deal. People who have stood the test of time with the lap band and are able to chat about it. I am coming up into the final weeks of my program where my decision making is more and more final. Please don't get me wrong I am not looking for only mere horror stories. I am looking for long term stories. I would like to hear from people who have past that "HONEYMOON" stage of 1 or so years and can provide much needed insight about their experiences. I know that evil lurks behind every corner and all you need to do is look. Thanks 4 your help & support Jessica
  7. Vicki J I am a Kaiser gal too about to go to my consultation appointment I would love to ask you questions about your process. Please PM me or post. Take Care, Jessica
  8. :tongue2:Hello Hello I am currently going through the process of Kaiser requirements in Southern Cali. First off you need to get a referral from your PCP to the baraitric dept/ preventive medicine branch. Next you attend their orientation where they discuss all Kaiser's porgrams, Optifast, Fastslim and Options Classes. Kaiser requires all WLS candidates to complete a 24 week 6 mth mandatory course called the Options program and there is no way around it. I am friends with a lady who is in the process of appealing this requirement based on the fact that she is a previous WLS patient in need of a revision (NOT LAPBAND) however she has been waiting for over 3months. :embaressed_smile: So good luck personally the classes were a pain but I think a rewarding one. I learned a lot about my inner demons, triggers and nutrition:crying:. During the course you are required to keep weekly food records and be weighed each week with the proposed goal of loosing 10% of your starting weight by the end of your classes and prior to surgery. After and only after you successfully complete all 24 weeks you are instructed to have a ton of lab work done. Once your lab work is complete then you will be reffered to a surgeon to be evaluated for a lap band and/or gastric bypass. Kaiser does all lap bands in house but does refer out to preselected surgeons for RNY: Pacific Bariatric & Crown Bariatric (FOR BYPASS ONLY) :angry:Just a heads up Kaiser is so anti lap band they are heavy pushers of the RNY gastric bypass. If you can make it through the 6mths of brain washing then you get to be where I am days away from my consultation appointment to be evaluated for a lap band. I am truly crawling out of my skin waiting for March 24th. I hope this helps. feel free to PM for more details Take Care, Jessica
  9. Hi there I just finished jumping through all the hoops from my insurance and have a consultation with Dr. Zane at Kaiser Harbor City. I would like to hear from people who have Kaiser and got lap band surgery or know anything about Dr. Zane. thanks for your help and support Jessica:thumbup:
  10. Hi there my name is Jessica and I have a referral to meet with Dr. Zane @ Kaiser of Harbor City I would like to ask you some questions about your experience to see what I can expect

  11. Certainly. In fact I am hoping to keep my WLS a secret from some family members who are unsupportive and judgemental. I feel it is your business and your business alone. You should not have to feel olbligated to share any information you don't want to. Also for work it is completely none of their business and against the law to ask you about what type of surgery you are having. I am a teacher and I work in a team of all women and talk about catty and conniving. I have made the decision that I am not going to share my surgery with anyone. To protect against this or set the stage I guess you can say. I have been working on my weightloss with eating healthy and being active for some time now but I made sure to just add the little whisper about me working out at the gym, meeting with my doctor and nutritionist to make healthy eating plans so that way when I get cornered aboout my WL and believe me it always happens. I can say "Thank you for noticing I have been working out really hard and are meeting with a nutritionist" Case closed.... Because the one thing I can't stand to hear is someone saying about someone who has had WLS "Oh you took the easy way huh" There is nothing easy about it. You have to work just that hard or harder to make sure you keep yourself healthy and balanced... Chin Up Take Care, Jessica
  12. Hi there my name is Jessica. I am new to your site. I have been hanging out on the Obesity Help site forever so I thought that I would give you guys a shot. Well I am hoping to have surgery. I had to jump through some hoops with my insurance however I am now finally going for my consultation appointment on March 24th. I have been trying to loose weight on my own and researching the different WLS since January 2005. I have lost 100 pounds but I am still a heffer on the BMI so I am looking for a tool to assist me for the rest of my journey. I love to hear about your experiences. Take Care, Jessica

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